Page 94 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 94
Vol. 7No.1 FEBRUARY 8, 2007, Page 16 Men's basketball strong despite coach tragedy campus received the terrible left to play. And in the RYAN CHELL news that no one would have Dickinson game, Kizmahr SPORTS EDITOR expected. Grell hit a game-winning On January Tlth, the Green Coach Flynn, a for- jumper for the Red Devils Terror's men's basketball team mer coach and AD at to put them out on top. was 7N6, and 4-3 in Centennial Cardinal Gibbons and the The McDaniel men Conference play. The team East coach in the 2004 "brought it", as Coach was off to its best start since McDonalds All- Flynn wanted them to, ]987. The team had just American Game, died but things just did not go earned a victory against con- the next day of a massive their way. ference rival Muhlenberg, and heart attack at the age of Sophomore Ryan they were looking forward to 49. It came as a massive Brandenburg and junior playing in front of the home shock to the entire campus Brett Foelber continue to crowd who would be return- who realized that the man carry this team, as they are tng from winter break who rallied so many fans in the only players averaging The team was close to Clar to attend horne games more than ten points per eclipsing its win total from last and who wore his signature game. Brandenburg, who is Brandenburg leads the team in seer- season, and it seemed to be red towel on his shoulder on the season along with per- averaging 14.3 points per tng at 14.3 ppg, and in 3-point field making improvements with the sidelines would not be forming his duties as Student game, scored a career-high 29 goals with 53. Coach BobFlynn in his second with us anymore. Academic Support Services points in the year in the coaching chair. But Coach Flynn affected Director, was able to bring Haverford game and tragedy struck the next day, as and touched so many lives something good out of a trag- had 23 points in the the team and the rest of the during his life and coaching ic week for the McDaniel win against career, and the players on his Community. This would be Gettysburg team are a product of his atti- Selby's third stint as Interim January 20th. tude. When asked last year Head Coach, but the first time The Green what he was going to bring to he would be named coach Terror are going to this team, Coach Flynn stated, during the season. need these two, along "I want my players thinking The Green Terror have with the rest of the that they can win every played four games since the team, to continue game". And even though tragedy, and you may think playing at a high level their commanding officer is that the team has given up in order to salvage no longer with them, the men and that the news over the something out of a knew that they still had to past few weeks has taken a season where every- rally together and continue toll on team play. one has lost so much the fight throughout this You would be wrong. already. The team just tragedy. Two of those four needs to rally togeth- Assistant Coach games (vs. Haverford and er, take what Coach Kevin Selby was named Dickinson) were decided by Flynn taught them, Interim Head Coach for the less than four points, and both and realize that no Terror's game against included drama at the end of matter what happens, Gettysburg on January 20th, the game. In the Haverford they are making the which did end up in a Green game, the Green Terror fought campus, and their Joe Hunter minutes Terror victory. Selby,who will back strongly but ultimately coach, very proud. played and is second in a/to at 1.37. coach the team for the rest of lost with just fourteen seconds rpg, and ISsecond In sconng at tz 7 ppg Green Terror continue winning ways The Green Terror Women's intensive practices." Martin. Her system of play Heather Thompson con- CHRIS FERRlCK·MANLEY Basketball team extended In terms of opponents, the makes full use of the roster, STAFF WRITER tributed 11 points and 2 their winning streak to twelve Terror only faced three confer- giving experience to more assists. games with a 69-60 win over ence opponents before winter players and leaving them bet- Haverford on Saturday (the break, and all but two of their ter equipped to deal with 27th) during the Women's games during Jan Term were injuries. "The Freshman play Basketball Coaches versus in conference play. Martin a lot, they have upper-class Cancer Awareness Day. places a high amount of value experience", said Martin. The Jan Term was extreme- on conference wins because The Terror has three road ly successful for the Terror as they decide the playoff seed- games, at Dickinson, at they went undefeated and ing and whether the team will Swarthmore, and at Johns currently stand at 16-2 with a get home court advantage and Hopkins, before its next 12-] conference mark. "the best fans in the confer- scheduled home game Rebecca Martin, the head ence", according to Martin. February 10 th against coach, congratulated her team Injuries have been a con- Muhlenberg at 1:00. upon making it through Jan cern for the Terror during the The squad knocked off Term, which she considers to season. Senior Amy Watson be a tougher part of the sched- broke her collarbone in the .Dickinson on January 30th, 59- ule than fall semester. second game of the year and 53, all bu t clinching home "In the first semester, they only recently returned. Other court advantage for the Con- learn to play with academics starters have missed games as ference playoffs. The win and as a team," said Martin, well. extended their win-streak. to "during Jan Term its time to "So far the team has found a thirteen games. Katy Powell focus on basketball and more way to handle obstacles", said led McDaniel with 13 points;
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