Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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COMMENTARY FEBRUARY 8, 2007 - Page 11 One fan's memories of coach Bob Flynn of the McDaniel Green Terror tion to McDaniel. Men's Mike DiPiero hit the game one's name. Not only did he MARCELLUS CLEMENT Men's Basketball team, until Basketball. T-shirts were sold winning shot from half court want to know all the names to CONTRIBUTOR all around campus for fans to as time expired. What did his fellow co-workers, he this past January when he wanted to know the name of I can remember it like it was unfortunately passed away. wear to the game with the Coach Flynn do? He shook yesterday. There is this tall However, in those two years, famous line of "Flynn's the hand of every fan and said each student on campus. thank you for your support. Even though Coach Flynn guy standing in the middle of not only has he turned a strug- Friends" on the front, and That sums up what Coach won't be able to complete his Glar's walkway, a guy around gling Men's Basketball pro- "Don't Call It A Comeback" mission, there is one thing he 6'5", wearing a green terror gram around, he sparked a on the back. Flynn was about. He was a did complete. He has set a jacket and khaki pants, hold- fresh atmosphere to the In the first home game, man about building relation- legacy in McDaniel College ing his hand out and asking McDaniel community. along with the recruitment of ships. Gregg Nibbelink, Head Athletic Trainer at McDaniel the question" Are you coming In the 2005 - 2006 basketball fans by Coach Flynn, Flynn's commented on what and showed the true pride in a to be means what it to the game tonight? Game season, the group, "Flynn's Friends showcased their College, McDaniel Green Terror. a wonderful man Coach Flynn starts at 7pm. Be there at Friends" was started. This cheers and support when was to his prevention and care Coach Flynn will be missed, 6:30pm!" This incredible guy group was a collection of stu- McDaniel faced #6, Ursinus because he was truly a was Bob Flynn. dents who showed confidence College. The game was a bat- of athletic injuries class. He McDaniel Man. Coach Flynn was only in his and trust in Coach Flynn tle back and forth, but stated. that Coach Flynn made second season as head coach bringing back a winning tradi- McDaniel took the win when it a mission to know every- About an editor - tales from the newsroom ment of Rouzer in the beloved decision that would change 2:00 a.rn. Ultimately, the decisions I KATHRYN YOUNG "Newsroom." . 2006 for me was The Free One of the toughest deci- made as co-editor helped me FEATIJRES EDITOR sions that Mike and l had to realize that any decisions In 2005, I watched Beth Press. Maybe it was the unbear- Mcl.ane, then editor of the It was fairly important that overcome was whether or not linked to a newspaper cannot able heat, or the continuous Free Press, go through wars Mike Habegger (still co-edi- eleven students' names be made casually. Most deci- sions have legal implications; "sweet tunes" from COONSY, with Macs and mice just to get tor) with his "Yo's" didn't should be printed in The Free every decision has to be or possibly even the leftover the paper finished by 10:00 make it into the paper or that Press once those names weighed with the newspaper tea-cup in the corner over- a.m. on Monday. So I am at a Emily Biondo's artwork for appeared in westminster City flowing with ... well, I'm not loss as to why I even signed the center spread actually Police records. Truthfully, I staff and the college commu- nity in mind. even sure. All I know is that my name to be co-editor of the printed, but only at 4:00 a.m. I was shortsighted about the No doubt - I jumped into every other Sunday of Fall paper for the following year. could have cared less. But I crazy and endless impact that the editorship a little naively, Semester 2006, I spent most of But to this day I believe that wanted to be there to support the decision to print the my precious time in the base- the only reason I made this The Free Press that I know names would have had. All I but I'm less so now and I'm now as my family, not just as a thought of was how hard we more convinced that it was the FREE PRESS STAFF paper that comes cut biweek- had all worked, and how it best decision I've made in a long time. The Free Press is would have been completely Iy. Together, staff members and unfair to my staff not to do definitely a family - some- editors made easy as well as what I considered my journal- times a harmonious family, some tough decisions about istic duty. sometimes not. And it's great Staff every issue distributed on That saga proved to be a bit to be part of a staff - a family Djerdj Markovic '07 Terre Martin campus. Some easy decisions ofa bumpy journey, but noth- - that puts out a good paper. Mike Habegger '08 Kayla Franklin ing more than a diet coke Rachel Brownlee '10 included what tunes to crank could solve, right Mike? up or what food to order Art Director Dawn Aldrich '10 at Emily Biondo '09 Geoff Peckham '08 Ten Harrington '07 The Vagina Cast Features Editor Lindsay Graham '07 Kathryn Young '08 Heather Gorsuch On Fdday and Saturday night, over forty lovely ladies here Cod Simpson '08 Brian Englar '08 Kristin Lamb '09 at McDaniel raised about five thousand dollars in their News Editor Rob Goeke '07 Melanie Chupein '09 Becky Snider '09 production of Eva Enslers The Vagina Monlogues. The Christine Boy ton '08 money raised is going to the Family and Children Services Commentary Editor Stacey Eyler '10 Mario Valone Kristen Bender and Trauma Survivors. The show was acclaimed by audi- Sarah Black '07 Leslie Shirk '08 ence members to be one of the best since its first produc- Rigcberto Ctoguertrntru '07 Sports Editor Chris Ferrick-Manley '09 tion here at McDaniel. The cast and directors would like to Ryan CheU '09 Jerome De Frances '07 Laura Hutton '09 Greg Pfeiffer '09 thank everyone for coming out and cheering them on as Emily Sweeney '09 they poured out their hearts in devotion to peace and vagi- Page Design Christina Hinkle '09 Emily Biondo '09 Katelynn McGinley '10 nas! ~ Christy Searing Mike Habegger '08 :MJ Alexander '09 Advertising Managers Emily Funk '07 Photography David P. Crelsman '07 Evan Ticknor '10 Mike Habegger '08 Copy Editor Pat O'Toole '07 Web Editor Beth McLane '07 e opinions expresse 0 not necessan y represe~t ~ ose 0 le McDaniel Free Press staff, the faculty, or the admlOlstrators of McDaniel College. The paper welcomes free-lancesent the frecpres..®mcdanje!.edu. The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space permits. Please include a name and p~one .num- ber for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. The McDanielFree Pressdoes not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Mail to: The McDanielFree Press McDaniel College,2 College Hill Westminster,MD 2t157 (410)751-8600 FAX:(410)857-2729
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