Page 90 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 90
FEBRUARY8, 2007 - Page 12 COMMENTARY Troop surge a bad decision by George Bush nation, just to name a couple. nation." for this war, one has to won- is so willing to.spend money SARAH BLACK r think Bush is so far in over Our intentions started off der why this money wasn't we don't have, why not spend COMMENTARY EDITOR his head that if he were to good, but it now appears as if used for practical and appro- it on something in the U.S.? OK, I admit it. I voted for recant his latest proclamations we're just there to impose a priate objectives. Something that would actual- Bush! I did. But I also admit he would probably appear democratic society and to Say for example, Hurricane ly benefit THIS country? that if given the chance to vote foolish and perhaps even look keep the peace. New flash: we Katrina victims that our My point is we need a pres- for his impeachment, I would like a coward-but it would are NOT the peace keepers of President just happened to ident who actually cares more without hesitation say yes. I be the right thing to do. the world! overlook? (Yes, OK, money about this country-you first believed in this blubber- He's taking advantage of Riding high on his power was sent to help them, but it know, the country he's presid- ing dimwit from Texas, his power and is misleading trip, Bush is so willing to send pales in comparison to this ing over? Rather than sticking despite his faults (mainly his the people. Ihave to wonder if even more innocent, exempla- war's budget.) Why not use his head where it doesn't inability to get through more Condoleezza Rice and others ry lives to their death. Would the money to improve various belong, we need a president than two sentences without in Bush's office really believe his philosophy on this war schools across the nation? who is concerned with his fumbling over his words or in this war or if they are stand- change (or would this war The main questions I'm ask- own country. making up one of his own). ing behind him because of have escalated this far) if his ing here is: if our government How do I loathe thee? Let their political obligations. precious daughters were me count the ways ... Not only Westarted this war with the among the infantry? It is so has he sent thousands of Ll.S. intent of finding Hussein and easy to say yes to war when troops to their death (and into bin Laden. We've found and your family is not directly a country we don't belong, no killed the former and I think involved, when your family less), but he has also put this it's evident we wont find the isn't on the front lines, cavalar country into an enormous latter. We are making a mess vests strapped on, guns debt; a debt some politicians in Iraq and half of the Iraqis aimed. and statisticians say will take don't even want us over Senior Terre Thomas this country at least four gen- there-why do you think they explained her feelings toward erations to recover from. keep planting mortars for our the war: Our government has spent vehicles to run over? "I'm not pro-war," she said. billions of now wasted money Senior Ryan Lillis finds "I'm not convinced of the rea- on a pointless war that has. Bush's course of action lack- sons why it's necessary to been costly to our country in Ing proof of success. spend billions overseas with- numerous devastating ways, "It is hard to agree with out concrete reasoning." such as the lack of support for Bush's actions when it cannot When we think of the the Katrina victims and lack of be confirmed that efforts in money our government has education funding across the Iraq are benefiting either been so willing to throwaway Enough is enough- impeach the president He can't even get his troop outright because of human ing none. EDITORIAL How many Iraqis, both mil- surge plan pushed through-- greed. Any economist will How can we say it is most itary and civilian, have died isn't he supposed to be the admit this. Do you not realize moral to live in a SOciety Haven't you heard? He's since the U.S.-led invasion of commander in chief of the that every time you buy some- where we measure someone's done. As of Friday, February 2, Iraq in 2003? 700,000+. Hmrn. military? It's obvious he's thing you are stepping on worth by the money he has in George W. Bush is no longer That sounds reasonable. ineffective as an executive. someone else? You choose his bank account? Is Bill Gates the President of the United Thank God for the execution - So who's running America. where your money goes, and better than the homeless peo- States of America. Or was it of Saddam, a war criminal now? Why haven't we ousted in' paying Barnes & Noble ple we drive by everyday on November 7, 2006. Maybe he beyond rehabilitation. It's this guy years ago? $400 for books, you are Main Street? And if you was finished August 28, 2005. obvious he's the one who America sits in front ofTVs, depriving someone else of the answer yes, how does your Or was it the "Axis of Evil" posed the biggest threat to the blindly following its orders- same opportunity to earn that response in any way resemble speech on January 29, 2002. It Iraqi nation's safety. If you consume, reproduce, keep $400. the doctrine of the christian certainly should have been believe that, you are lost. quiet. All we have done is You may say that this is a faith? In allowing Bill Gates to over from the start in We will not wait around for trade feudal lords for CEOs. false choice--we all have to collect our money, we are pub- November of 2000. congress to take the steps to Everyone is conscripted by the spend our resources to sur- licly justifying his relative He's done folks. George impeach Bush. The six-billion system, never being able to vtve. This may be true, but goodness. Let m,etell you this- Bush is over. Everyone knows people of this world (Joe escape the everyday grind of 9 simply because it is true now -he wins the contest. he's not legitimately running Lieberman, Rupert Murdoch, to 5. Our lives are meaning- does not mean that there is no Days go by and we haven't this country anymore. Why Osame Bin Laden not includ- less, hopelessly lost in a mech- better way of life to be real- made a change. When we haven't we impeached him ed) will do it ourselves. They anism of desires controlled 'by ized! impeach Bush, this will be a yet? Let's skip the formalities can't stop us all, those in power-proponents of America is the nation where first step. Everyone deserves a please. What with Bush's illegal laizzes-faire economics. everything is peachy because voice. America's definition of He should have been gone wiretapping, his censorship of There is no time for reflec- we all have an opportunity to civil society is not the end-all- after even proposing to lead the media, his silencing of tion, for the digestion of phi- be great. be-all of the human condition. our brothers and sisters to bloggers through bribes, his losophy. We have no concep- Youcan take that statement, How can we let Bush, this their deaths in Iraq. How disregard for human rights in tion of what "the good" really spray paint it on a flag, and tyrant, get away with his many of America's youth have Guantanamo, his mismanage- is. Life can be better, but the wrap yourself up in it. I will myraid crimes? This man is a we lost now? Hmm, I believe ment of the Iraq war, his tax system 'ties down the middle not be crucified on golden criminal, and if our laws still it's 3,079. Yes,it's true. cuts for the rich, and his ram- class in such a way that we arches. I will not slave from 9 have relevance to anyone, But those numbers only tell pant use of executive power to cannot act, cannot free our- to 5 so that someone else can they are certainly relevant to the a small part. Saddam silence political dissenters? It selves from the liberal-demo- get rich. those who purport at enforce Hussein, the late hated, evil, should be a piece of cake to crattc myth. I'm focusing my energy not them. tyrannical dictator of Iraq impeach the guy. And we are told that life is on how to get ahead of my col- But Bush is already from 1979 to 2003, killed Bush is no longer our pres- as good as it gets. leagues so I can live the good impeached, haven't you "many hundreds of thousands ident. We don't listen to him. Communism won't work. life.I'm searching for answers. heard? of people ...the vast majority of He's done. His policies are because people are greedy and I'm searching for elite them Muslims," says white- flaccid, as are his social values. selfish. Capitalism also fails accountablity-and I'm find- It's a new semester, and you know what that means-it's lime f()~V'()Iume 70t the McDaniel Free Press. Come out to meetings each Monday at 7:30 PM in the Writing Center. There, you 'Willmeet the I{}Velyand lively F ree P ress sta ff . if you • . . like photography, we want you. If you like to write, we want you. ify<>uhave story ideas . I we want you. "Join the few, the proud, the fearless, the McDaniel Free Press." Remember, Monday 7:30 PM in the Writing Center in Hill Hall.
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