Page 98 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 98
FEBRUARY23, 2007- Page 4 NEWS But let us forget the ice Snow days not only for grade school anymore KATELYNN MCGlNELY tapered off into light flurries on campus since Monday, STAFF WRITER on Wednesday evening. forced to sleep on the floor in a The result of the weather- friend's room. College undeniably brings men's accurate predictions "At first it was just that the advantages that YOll lacked in were the cancellation of class- roads were too bad to drive your time spent at grade es on- Tuesday, February 14 on," said Piper, "but now the school; more freedom, a more (kind of a campus wide roads are cleared. It's just that relaxed learning atmosphere, Valentine's Day gift - much I haven't been able to get my better parties - the list goes better than chocolate, if you car out of the parking lot." on and on. Unfortunately, ask me), and Wednesday, the Since classes have resumed, with all these advantages, 15. Some students took edvan- the snow has changed from a comes one small price; your tage of the newly slick campus welcome change in our sched- chances of 'snow days' ere and, forgoing the steps, took ules, to a nuisance. However, pretty much null and void. to the hills in makeshift sleds at the risk of sounding a little After ail, when aU of your of laundry baskets and lunch sappy, if nothing else, the classes are just a two-minute trays. One lesson learned - snow does make you appreci- walk from your dorm, it's you are never too old to ate the sense of community kind of difficult to have a attempt to think of more ere- that exists on campus. snow day. In fact, McDaniel ative ways to fall down a hill Freshmen Nikki Delulus and College hasn't had an official and face plant directly into the Aile Davis spent much of their snow day since 2004. Wednesday snow day helping So when the rumors of a However the weather did- other people free their cars snowstorm started circulating n't create such a feeling of from the snow around campus and the lines childhood nostalgia for every- "We didn't even know most at Safeway became progres- one on campus. Many stu- of the people we were help- sively longer, many srudenrs dents' cars are still stuck in the ing," said Davis with a shrug. were less than hopeful After parking lots, pathways are "But we're all in the same situ- ali, despite the numerous cleared only sporadically, and ation here. Lots of people were promises of the weathermen, there are still many sets of doing the same thing as us. this winter has been severely steps that are virtually unus- Everyone was just trying to lacking a decent snowstorm. able - unless you feel like tak- help each other out." However, despite the collec- ing your chances and sliding Whatever your snow day tive skepticism of a student down them, since they are lit- experience was - take heart, body, it did in fact snow. A lot. tle more than diagonal sheets McDaniel. If you put much The snow began on Monday of ice. Commuters especially stock in what the weather night, and continued until haven't had it easy. Sammie reports are indicating, we Tuesday, when the snow Piper, a commuter who lives might be in for a rough turned to sleet, and then in Thurmont, has been stuck February.
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