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FEBRUARY8, 2007 - Page 14 NEWS I SPORTS White House funds abstinence education only education is that it does increase not only the risk of cies end in abortion. KATHRYN YOUNG delay the average age at unintended pregnancy, but This is an extremely high nancies by telling people to FEATURES EDITOR stop? The people who practice which teens have sexual inter- also AIDS and STDs. number for a nation where abstinence seem to be doing Extra! Extra! Read all about course ... the bad news is that "AIDS can be fataL.the contraception is abundant. fine without their govern- it... Well maybe a little less teens educated under this sys- tradeoff, therefore, does not Many have fought hard for ment's help. 'extra' and a little more tem are far more likely to have seem worth it. Contraception the woman's right to control Hood exclaims, "Money 'reduce-your- hom-dog-ways' unprotected sex when they do is vital information for all peo- her own fertility-why is this spent on abstinence will only and start the New Year off decide to have intercourse." ple, regardless of whether control still so out of reach? increase the pregnancy and . right. Abstinence Education, they are planning to have sex However, what happened abortion rates ...The govern- The U.S. govemment is thought to reduce the number while still in high school or to sex education being frank ment has a right to have a say expected to spend close to $50 of unwanted pregnancies, is wait until they are in their and clear? Senior Katlyn Hood on the sexual activity of it's million in 2007 on state-run not going to include mention twenties." says, "People will have sex, people, because it is what is abstinence-only "birth con- of birth-control devices but A whopping 49 percent of that is a given. The question is creating the future Americans, trol" programs. These pro- will rather preach abstinence. all pregnancies in the United whether we as a nation will but also with that right it has grams are aimed at people as No sex is safe sex and people States are 'unintended' (that's take responsibility in teaching the responsibility to teach old as 29. should not have sex before 3.1 million a year). This per- them how to do it responsibly Americans how to prevent Associate Professor, Dr. marriage. centage has risen 30 percent and carefully." against unwanted pregnancy." Rebecca Carpenter says, "The As Carpenter later points within the last decade, and Are you going to reduce the good news about abstinence- out, unprotected sex can almost half of these pregnan- number of unwanted preg- College offers cash for community service be used for community serv- few minutes away from cam- good program because it gets soon as possible. In order to A~~ ~~FER ice programs. There are cur- pus, is o~e ~f th~ sites for the .stud~nts lPv~lved in the com- get started, Williams reCOID- rently about twelve students community service program. muruty and off campus for a mends going to the website, Are you a student who qual- involved in the program and A list of the other sites is avail- little while. Williams admitted contacting her, or contacting ifies for Federal Work-Study? the financial aid office is look- able on the McDaniel College that she thought it sounded the employer directly. Do you like to work with ing for more people to get Financial Aid website under fun. For more information or kids? Would you like to get off involved. the "Federal work-study" sec- "It's a different environ- suggestions of other possible campus? Well Patty williams, Many of the positions avail- tion. ment from working in the sites for the program, contact the Director of Financial Aid, able include working with Although the program is a library or an office," said Patty Williams in the Financial has an opportunity for you. children and offering home- community service program, Williams. Aid office at extension 2234 or Every year the government work help as well other acfivi- students do get paid mini- She encourages students by email at pwilliams requires that 7% of the money ties. William Winchester mum wage. that might be interested in the ® that is given to schools must Elementary, which is only a Williams believes it is a program to get involved as Terrorwinning streak continues indefinitely not afford to underestimate or not on the streak, but on get- LINDSEY GRAHAM overlook any opponent." ting to the playoffs and win- STAFF WRITER Powell is one player who ning the conference champi- December 7th is an impor- has stepped up in the past 13 onship. tant day in United States his- games. She leads the team in "We are putting all our tory, but the date also serves total points and points-per- energy into getting better and Significance to the 2006-2007 game. "She is a senior that reaching the goal we set at the Green Terror women's basket- realizes 'this is their [the sen- beginning of the season [win- ball team. iors] year," women's Head ning the conference champi- It was on this date, Coach Becky Martin tells the onship]," says Powell. December 7, 2006, that the Free Press. This is the Green Terror's Lady Terror began their 14- During their run the Terror fifth consecutive year of hav- game winning streak with a have utilized their bench ing a winning streak of eight dramatic come-from-behind effectively, having six players or more games in the middle win against conference foe with over 10 points in a game of season. In the past years Gettysburg. But don't tell the at least once. The bench has they have had two eight game team that; they do not look also performed well coming winning streaks (2002-2003 past anyone team. out after half-time, able to and 2005-2006), a 13 game "We really just need to keep up their up-tempo pace, winning streak (2003-2004) focus on one game at a time," according to Martin. and a 15 game winning streak says Terror guard' and Captain This current streak is an (2004-2005). (Data from Katy Powell. "Our league is achievement but if you ask the very competitive and we can Terror women, their focus is Heather Thompson drives to the hoop. She leads the team in rebounding u~@~~~@J&wDD(ill@~ Layout is a very hard thing to do. It takes creativity and eve Job & Internship Fair imagination and lots of luck. This space where you are read- ing is a product of a little bad Eisenhower Hotels, luck.. Fortunately we have our Conference Center & Resort Bring Resumes! creativity and imagination and Gettysburg, PA Dress Professionally! that is why we are writing this. It's called a space or page filler, For more information: and it's really useful. I mean, would you rather be looking at ® a blank space or reading this? Thank you. Please read on. Questions??? Contact your Career Center! http://www.mcdarJel.ed1J/5402.hlm 410-871-3305; career@mcdanieLedu by Djerdj :~) Enter to win 6 wardrobe Scholarships of $150+
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