Page 91 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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COMMENTARY FEBRUARY8, 2007 - Page 13 Lots of love through 'Locks of Love' I made an appointment one she had an illness that KRIS BREEDEN afternoon and went alone, in caused her to lose 75% CONTRIBUTOR spite of the fact that I was very of her hair and how Almost everyone knows the nervous and probably could grateful she was for tale about Rapunzel, the have used a support group. people like me. young girl who had extremely My hairdresser, Nancy, sham- Every doubt that had long, golden locks of hair. I pooed and conditioned my been running through too, until recently, had long, hair and then placed it in two my mind disappeared. golden locks of hair that even pigtails. As she left in Irealized that even if reached down to my chest. search of a ruler, I looked at I didn't like having a I had been growing my hair myself in the mirror and short haircut, my hair out in order to donate it to the couldn't imagine myself with would always grow organization called Locks of short hair. back. Some people Love. This group accepts hair I was too afraid; I told don't have that option. donations, which they use to myself I simply couldn't go Nancy returned with make wigs for financially dis- through with it. But then, as I a ruler, and she asked if advantaged children who was panicking in my head, I was ready. I smiled, have lost their hair due to ill- this older woman sitting next gave a quick nod and ness. You need at least 10 inch- to me, shampooed and wait- then watched her cut off es worth of hair to donate, and ing for her own hairdresser, my 10 and a half inches in the week before this semes- told me I was very brave. of blonde hair. Once the ter began, mine was long Her voice snapped me out pigtails were gone, Nancy stared and the more I beautiful than that? enough to do so. of my inner turmoil and I styled and dried my new hair- thought about it, the happier I If you want to know more r had planned on letting it looked over at her._rnd smiled cut. felt about what Ihad done. about Locks of Love or are grow out a little bit more so politely. I looked in the mirror and Idon't need Rapunzellocks interested in learning how to that the difference in style She continued to talk to me, hated it. I didn't feel pretty. I to feel beautiful. U giving up donate, please visit their web- wouldn't be so drastic, but J saying how proud she was of went home and looked in the my hair allows a little girl to site for more information: decided I couldn't wait any what I was doing. She mirror again, feeling a twinge see herself as a pretty princess longer. described how at one point of regret. But the longer r again, what could be more Glar is obstacle to prospective students keeping the campus clean and the college's quality education The students of McDaniel Freshman should be required BRYAN COLLINS beautiful; they notice how and the stunning campus. College pay a large sum of to have some sort of meal CONTRIBUTOR plan, but it should not all be nature is part of the campus, The McDaniel College din- money for their education, The slice was in the shape and the architectural sound- ing hall does not provide which is acceptable for the limited to the grotesque din- of piece of pie, but that's' ness of the campus adds to its enough healthy options. fine liberal arts education they ing hall. Part of the meal plan where the similarities ended. beauty. Visitors also recognize Athletes are forced to eat fatty receive. But the food quality is should be able to be spent in "Broccoli and cheese casse- the friendliness of the alumni, foods or select from the minis- not even remotely on par with other places, like the Coffee role" read the sign. But all I the thrill of learning that flows cule options of healthy food the education. 'Few people shop, Grille, and around the saw was a green and yellow through our halls, and the offered every day. When I eat actually like eating jhe food at town of Westminster. Fourth block oozing with grease. The teachers who are true experts in the dining hall, J w-ant to eat McDaniel. However, many meal tickets, offered beyond slline slid down the side of the in their areas. But eventually healthy. I sw-im tw-enty plus students are forced to because the maximum of thirty meals, block like the blood spewing prospective students will have hours a week and I need to of the freshman requirement are not the best option. from an open wound. Flakes to enter the dining hall. At absorb about 5,000 calories a of a meal plan and limited Simply changing the meal covered the top of the hunk first, the view from the bal- day. But these calories need to options of other places to eat. plan is not the solution to our like the dandruff of a sixty cony may appeal to them. have potential and not be cov- The meal plan forces student's problem. Either dramatic year old man. Its odor reeked Then a whirlwind of smells ered in grease. and fat. The only convenient option for changes to the entire food through the air warning of the attacks the visitors causing a only healthy food options are food to be the dining hall. company needs to be made, or mess that was on this plate. strong discomfort. They real- the limited and not very fresh Some freshmen have literally a new company needs to be The food at McDaniel College ize it's the trays of muck salad bar, the small sandwich changed their diets dramati- hired. Universities with thou- is completely unacceptable under categories such as Tuna selection, or the repetitive cally. They can't continue to sands more students than and needs to be changed Casserole or Turkey Delight. wraps. The dining hall could eat in the dining hall so they McDaniel College like the immediately. They would prefer not to even easily provide a healthy selec- do not eat, or they eat signifi- University of Virginia, the The first impression of a try the food, but they have tion of pasta dishes rather cantly fewer meals. Instead of University of Maryland, and school is a huge deciding fac- walked all over campus all than chicken fingers. They gaining the freshmen fifteen, Tow-son University have tor in choosing the right one. day and they are starving. The could easily provide chicken they are losing fifteen pounds. exceptional food. Bad college At orientation and school food at McDaniel College that is not fried and covered in Not only does this hurt stu- food is a thing of the past and tours, visitors walk in awe of completely destroys any bread. They could also pro- dents physically, but it is hurt- McDaniel COllege needs to the beauty of the McDaniel respect a first time 'visitor may vide low fat and lean entrees, ing their academics. Without catch up. COllege campus. They notice have after his tour. It casts a without investing unreason- fuel for your brain and body, r-------------~--------.--- .-----------------------------~ function. one not able sums of money. shadow over the prestige of the pride McDaniel has in COMINGSOON T. Rowe Price M&TBank Frtd.ay~ February 16th Friday, On Campus February 23rd Interviews for On Campus Interviews Investment Operations for Associate Sales Development & Program Investment Operations lntem
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