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NEWS FEBRUARY 23, 2007 -Page 3 Construction a mess but worth the bother ally open in March. The lobby court and a media center. The at renovating both the interior The new North Village MARIO VALONE will most likely reopen in May fitness center will cost an esti- and exterior of the building. It apartments will be similar to CO!\1lYlENTARY EDITOR or June. The new fitness center mated $4 million. would remain closed during the current ones, but they will The Leroy Merit Fitness wilt be over 2.5 times larger Although plans aren't defi- the semester due to the addi- house 46 students rather than Center will be open this than the existing one, says nite, the Garden apartments tion of the new North Village 22. Due to the buildings' lay- semester, according to Ethan Seidel. The fitness center is are looking to be renovated, apartments explained Seidel. out, there will be an expanded Seidel, Vice President of expected to contain new possibly next semester. Work "After the Garden quad area. The cost of the new Administration and Finance. weight training and aerobic is projected to start in the fall Apartments are renovated, North Village will total an According to Seidel, the proj- exercise machines as well as a of 2007. The plans for the we'll have a nice net gain in estimated $7.5 million. ect was to be completed in variety of other fitness equip- Gardens aren't quite known the number of apartments February, but it seems as, rnent. The lobby wiJI be great- yet, according to Seidel. He available for students," said though the building will actu- Iy featuring a food stated that they were looking Seidel. Bomb evacuation by DOCS fairly effective (from "Bomb" 011 page 1) If and when the suspect is of a sudden the fire alarm When they said to move back reminders of the importance Security personnel along with caught, he or she will face went off and we didn't take it from the building is when I of being alert and aware at all the Director of Safety and severe consequences. too seriously because we started to really take it seri- times. When a fire alarm goes Security will determine "Charges would be filed thought it was just a drill. So I ously," said senior Caitlin off, it's crucial to follow prop- whether the building or area through the Carroll County left with my socks and my Cooney. "I think that campus er fire drill procedure to ~~;~~ too~e ~~cu~~~~~ :~~~~!~S~~ds~.?~~v!~ ~~t:'t~~o!::~f:.~ safety did a good job of evacu- ensure everyone's safety. _e don't a conununity "As "Evacuated occupants should Towle. "This type of offense if stood outside and saw cam- ~tt;a~~trtf:::::'r:: tolerate that type of stuff and be assembled in the estab- a student is found responsible pus safety and didn't even think HilJ Hall would be far that's why we'd Ukc to hear lished fire evacuation assem- would most likely result in know it was a bomb threat. We eno~gh to protect people." from somebody," said Towle. bly areas, but at least 500 feet expulsion." just thought somebody had First floor resident assistant Students who have any away in order to protect indi- Towle also noted that pulled the fire alarm." for Blanche, Denise Adams information that could lead to viduals should an explosion McDaniel is a community and Senior Meredith Adams agrees that campus safety the apprehension of the per- occur." All entrances to the that one person's actions have had a similar experience. acted appropriately. son responsible for the bomb evacuated building will be an impact on others. "I wasn't really scared. I fig- "I feel that given the cir- threat should contact Josh secured and "Reentry should "We talk about being a com- ured it was just a joke or some cumstances [campus safety] Bronson or Mike Webster in not occur until a thorough muniry especially students in drunk person being stupid. did a pretty good job. They the department of campus search of the premises has residence halls [where] their ~oultdIaW"adsuPniS:!~o~:~:~a~ took it seriously," said Adams, safety at extension 2202. "Given the serious nature of been conducted and a reason- actions don't happen in isola- ._._ "but they didn't take every the offense the College hopes able and safe amount of time tion. They have an impact on just wanted to sleep in my bed precaution. They didn't get members of the community has elapsed past the alleged their peers in very positive inswte~~:~fa~l~:r~~~ee~~~':t_ people far enough away." with information will come detonation time." and very negative ways," Adams thought it was a "The Division of Student Towle said. ed, residents were asked to good idea for campus safety forward and cooperate with our efforts to identify and Affairs has offered a reward of On the night of the bomb ~~::~ri:~ll ~~~ f::e~~s ~~ ~:s~~~~:~:~~:~: ~~~:e~: adjudicate those responsible," $200 for information identify- threat, Blanche re~dents ini- hours it took for campus safe- bomb threat. As for the perpe- Webster said. ing or leading to the prosecu- dally did not take e e~acur ty, the police, and a bomb. trator, Adams has a "lack of tion of the caller in this case," tion of the building serious y. sniffing dog to sweep the area respect." Additional reporting contriouted Liz Towle, associate dean of Few students, if any, ~e~ and check for a possible bomb. "It was pointless and it got by Amanda Klein. student affairs, said in refer- that a bomb scare a ence to the important security occurred. "T didn't take it seriously at a lot of people out of bed for notice that was emailed to the "I was in my room hanging first because of all the previ- no reason," Adams said. out with some friends and all ous fire drills we've had. incidents like this serve as entire campus. Some are happy with budget spending at the same time it has left oth- ing at McDaniel are optimistic set the price of tuition. At this point in time, the (from "Tuition" 011 page 1) ers wondering who is getting about the campus improve- "We like to set the tuition and administration's main focus is money for tuition, all I want to the bill for these develop- ments. the room and board before we renovating the existing resi- know if why our concerns ments. "I think that the new gym is go into the budget process, dence halls, specifically haven't been addressed," says "Things like the North going to be a really good says Seidel. "Then we have to Blanche Ward Hall and the Gargan. "Blanche is disgust- Village expansion and the fit- improvement," says junior build the budget around it." Garden Apartments. ing. there is nowhere to par~ ness center and construction Andrew Drechsler. "It's about By doing so, there is no Overall, the main goal of and the food in Glar is horn- on the Forum, they don't have time that thing got updated, temptation to increase tuition the administration is to give ble. Everything is geared much direct effect on tuition and it would be really nice to in order to satisfy all of the students the best experience towards getting people to because they're not paid for see the Garden Apartments college's financial needs. for the best price. come here, but not~ing is out of the operating budget," renovated too. I've been won- "In terms of our total budg- "Our strategy is to try to be done to keep the students says Seidel. "We borrow the dering for a while what our et, around 76 percent of our affordable," says Seidel. happy." money to do those".~e don't school spends money on and income is tuition, room, and On one hand, recent con- do those out of tuition rev- I'm finally starting to see." board," says Seidel. "We are struction and campus enue. . Prior to the preparation of basically an educational insti- improvements have given Students with time remam- the budget, Seidel attempts to tution." some students high hopes, yet
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