Page 15 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 15
INTERNATIONAL PAGE Budapest Welcomes Students ESTAFANIA LURASCHI semester. and Dr. Attila Horvath, MESSENGER EDITOR The president expressed her Managing Director of College pleasure at being able to International. A colorful array of flags, attend the convocation here in Following the Opening brought in by a procession of Budapest. She gave the stu- Convocation, students, profes- representative students of dents a reflective question to sors and guests were taken by McDaniel College Budapest, ask themselves: what should bus to a boat on the river decorated the table placed at the college do for them? She Danube, where together with the dais of the college's audi- underlined that being a part of dinner and refreshments, they torium. This sunny Monday, McDaniel Budapest was going enjoyed a fine evening view- September fourth, welcomed to be a "life-transforming ing the two sides of the city. students from overseas as well experience" for everyone. Dr Semester abroad students as Budapest's own after the Coley encouraged the stu- had this to say about their first summer break, at this campus' dents to take advantage of the impressions of Budapest. 12th Opening Convocation. international environment "It's historical, beautiful, Speeches given by Dr and mingle in order get to and one of a kind," said Laszlo Frenyo, Dean of know as many new people George House, who added McDaniel College Budapest; from as many different cul- that he wanted to learn some Dr [can Develin Coley, tures as possible. Hungarian while he is here. President of McDaniel Ambassador Foley stressed Asked whether he would COllege; and April Foley, the the Internationality of the col- travel in Europe, he said, "I recently appointed lege, also alluding to students want to go see everything!" Ambassador of the United that they would later assume Kate Becker said "It's beau- States in Hungary, revolved special roles in a globalized tiful, I love it!" "I haven't around the special nature of society, in which intercultural been in Europe before, I'm this institution, as its student communication and under- very excited about being body reflects so many differ- standing can be enhanced. here," she said. ent nationalities and cultures. Also seated on the dais Dave Wentz finds it "so The Dean briefly described were Mr. Ferenc Somogyi, for- easy to get anywhere. Youjust the McDaniel system, its mer Minister of Foreign get up and go." Liberal Arts philosophy, and Affairs; Mr. Thomas Vagi, welcomed everyone to a new Head of International Studies The Messenger Delivers News to McDaniel DJERD) MATKOVIC The Messenger. At long last, better inside look at McDaniel rest of The Messenger. The help to the paper. The paper is INT'L PAGE EDITOR The Free Press and The College life on both sides of editorials and commentaries printed on A4 size paper in Messenger are joining efforts the globe. are mainly concerned with the basement of the college McDaniel College to share the news. The Messenger first came student related affairs such as building, mainly due to the Budapest, like the campus The Free Press has an all- out in the Fall of 2002, and transferring to the US and cul- fact that the paper's budget is here, has its own paper called new International Page where since then it has regularly and tural diversity. Estefania zero dollars and zero cents. pictures, news consistently been in print and Luraschi, a senior and the cur- Despite its troubles, the and articles is published at least four times rent editor of the paper says paper continues to inform, from Budapest a semester. "The students want to connect bond and entertain the college will be fea- The Messenger and The and be informed about things community. Sven Pomykalo, tured. The Free Press are fairly similar in on campus because there is so the layout designer and dis- International content. The first few pages much diversity, people want tributor of the paper says, Page will also cover news and events on and to get to know each other, and "The paper covers all the deal with sometimes off campus, since the paper helps them do just important events here, like the other interna- the city is such an integral part that." Dinner International, Picnic in tional related of the college. This is usually Like our campus paper, The the Parking Lot, basketball happenings. followed by a short answer Messenger is voluntary and is tournament, Winter Party, and The Messenger interview section connected to made up and run by students, tells students. what they are will also fea- the news part. Since the col- with one faculty advisor. and when they're happening. hue news and lege is such a small communi- Since its founding, the paper I like working for the paper pictures from ty (approx. 100 students, from has faced severe writer short- because its fun and I get (aca- the 'mother' 20 countriesl), people like hav- ages, but fortunately many demic) credit for it." campus. We ing their faces and quotes in students are willing to con- hope this will the paper for everyone to see. tribute, including study The Eastern Railway Station is one of the better known give readers on Columns, commentaries abroad students who have landmarks in Budapest and only three blocks from both sides a and editorials make up the been supportive and a great McDaniel Campus Students from Westminster email their parents in the popular and overcrowded computer lab. The College International Building houses the McDaniel program as well as an international math. pre-moo, and pre-english programs
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