Page 116 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 116
MARCH8, 2007- Page 6 FEATURES If you could go anywhere in the world for spring break, where would it be? "I would gQ to Fiji "I would travel the "I would gQ tQ "I would go to New because they have world in a private jet Australia because Zealand because the "I would gQ to Fort awesome beaches cuz I would be able to they have awesome Lord of the Ring movies Meyers, Florida to and great spas." gQ anywhere I want- beaches for surfing" were filmed there and hang 'Out with my ed." . because it is Supposed to boyfriend and meet be gorgeous." his family." Glar suggestions- paper napkin democran~1:ey on a napkin, tack it to ~e co~- ~OUI_" IT"), and a gram- ~ous, ~ we sh~uld all Hall could menh~ed that the' KATE,I;~~~lNLEY ment boards, located in plain matically incorrect, but very Just shut up and drink our are slightly worr~IYgoing to There are serious problems view in both Englar Dining effusive thank-you to the pub Gatorade. "The food isn't bad. building is-pOSSI th y sleep to contend with in this world. Hall and at the pub, and voila staff for their 'husele' [sic}.The I don't understand why so collapse on them as. e fres - h People are angry, they are - instantly, yo~ ~re taking a latter of which prompted many. ,students complain (ok, yes, I am, a ,hltt: tog). hurting, and they want their stand on what IS unportant to another student to leave a about It.' But, the employee is man girl. but I rn J~st if yOll voicesheard. you. And apparently, cookies, comment wondering how the quick to add that "the com- The bottom 11l1e~h the Well,fret not, McDanielstu- and the status of the soft serve pub-thanking student had ment boards are a nice idea. have a p,roblem Wlt'f au dents, because you finally ice cream machine are very managed to get accepted here. Wehave fun looking at them." Glar/Pub food, staff,or lYe have a medium through important to you, the stu- One thing that the napkin While it's nice that every- just want to thank someond which to express those con- dents. commentators all seem to one cares about how often the for giving you extra scallope_ cerns that undoubtedly keep Someof the other eloquent agree on (otherthan, seriously, r~ch dressing containers get potatoes, you have been ;:. you up at nights. comments and concerns, in :,\at.happened .t? the cook- re?lled, ~hat I'm saying is videdwiththemean sto d _any • Got a beef? Got a beef addition to everyone's curios- les.) IS ~hat Cecilia, the lady ~s; why IS.the campus only However, be warned ill be about the lack of beef (or beef ity as to whether or not the who swipes our meal cards mterested m our opinions misspellings you make W . _ about Glar? What if there was cookie maker from last semes- and calls us all "baby,"is basi- mocked freely arid enthUSlas like substances) in Glar? Are ter was fired/murdered/relo- cally an awesome pers.on,and a comment board for every tically. you, like everyone else in the cated to the wrap line, are one that she deserves a raise, and division of campus life? world, wondering why the student's melodramatic plea possibly a hug. Maybe a comment board cookies have stopped being for the return of 2% milk One Clar employee, who devoted to dorm life, where soft? Simple solution - write it ("seriously, I WILL DIE preferred to remain anony- the residents of Whiteford ""'10(1 e !lIte'\ St.,! "'h~A3l.'U..+. "''1 ~oes' H""k. (liKI! Slte.3 ~ f"(c\ \.,N('" t.l\.~~ ......y." e. \,,"'(\0"-"0(10.,..)' eucros ev EYAN'f'ICKNO"I
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