Page 117 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 117
COMMENTARY MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 7 Student's points 'misguided, misleading' Greetings, Editor, what make the play more than education/ health class that companies, and being gy for follow-through, did not protect and Governor of the only city in deals with reproductive sensitive sites like Wow. Where to begin? just a Lifetime network after- I suppose I'll start by saying school special about what to sexual health education states America in recent years to power stations, ammunition "Thank you" for publishing do when your boyfriend hits in some way or another that unthrone L.A. for "worst air caches, and museums housing some of the oldest civilized pollution" as utilizing chemi- abstinence is the ONLY 100% the letter by Chelsea Phillips, you. again. I was not able to cal and biological warfare artifacts in the world, and her attempt (George Bush attend this year's perform- effective safe-sex practice, as it opened the way for a sectarian deserves praise, not bashing, ance, but last year's was is, indeed, the only truly safe against his own citizens), nor 23 Feb 07) to provide a count- somewhat disappointing, but sex (if it can be said that "no has he unprovokedly attacked conflict and internal struggle er-argument to the anony- I wouldn't chalk up a poor sex" is "safe sex"). The prob- his direct neighbors (this last which has murdered or dis- mous letter from the previous perfonnance on a terrifically lem comes when the "educa- one's about it. We haven't placed millions of innocent issue, entitled Enough is wet and snowy night to the tion" ends there. When kids invaded Mexico or Canada). Iraqi citizens and thousands of Enough. I did not read the play itself being bad. As for move beyond a cloistered, "But, going back to the brave men and women who previous article, but I am sure the question of, "[w]ould we abstinence-only educational President's latest decision to swore to protect the constttu- I understand the gist of it, allow men to attack women environment and are unfamil- step up troop involvement in tion and obey their orders. They have done so admirably based on her comments. the way Monologues attacks iar with the proper use of con- Iraq, why don't we just agree That said, many of her men? Of course not," but the ception- and disease-control to disagree for a moment." and valiantly and should be points were awkward, mis- fact remains that such attacks mechanisms within an uncon- WHAT?lH - celebrated. They deserve guided, misleading, or redun- are rampant and infused into trolled, sexual environment, NO, we can't "just agree to praise. dant, and I would like to the very fabric of the societies they endanger themselves and disagree!" When it comes to The petulant and tnappro- address them. of the world. According to A others. THAT is why the lib- sending 120,000 American priate abuse of the truth that 1) The existence of a "liber- Natural History of Rape: bio- erals want comprehensive military men and women, led to this war in Iraq simply al bias" in the media has been logical bases of sexual soer- sex-education and not "absti- plus unknown numbers of to upstage his father and known for centuries (well cion, there is not a single soci- nence-only" sex-lectures. State Department employees allow his cronies to follow before the New World, there ety on record without some 5) Regarding the economic for the PRTs, there is no "agree through on their masturbatory was old-world yellow journal- incidence of rape. The two discussion, 1 agree with Ms. to disagree." Please note that fantasies of completing what ism), so her argument show- that had been believed to have Phillips in that "not ALL econ- sending roughly 21,000 com- they left under President ing the existence of a liberal been free of incidents of rape omists believe that capitalism bat troops requires nearly George H. W. Bush after bias in an element of the were later found to have been is a failure or that all people 100,000 more support staff, Desert Storm has happened media, namely the McDaniel covered up by the society in are intrinsically selfish." specialists, officers, and enlist- for those reasons and for the Free Press, is unnecessary. one case, and a social modifi- However, much as we have ed men and the Provincial immature belief that we The only non-left leaning out- cation of the facts in the other. never seen a truly communist Reconstruction Teams will would reap the benefits of a lets tend to be strongly right- The Monologues raises nation-state, neither have we each require scores of individ- sympathetic partner in the leaning outlets, most notably awareness of this problem and seen a truly capitalist nation- uals from the Foreign Service. Middle-East, not for any actu- among them, Fox News and related acts of violence against state, even "the great Satan" Either we send them, or we al threat. Rush Limbaugh. By this age, women and exercises one as Khomeini called us. don't. As such, there are even one would hope we'd have attempt to work toward a According to the Manifesto of His decision to use "cow- greater atrocities occurring learned to check our sources solution. "Feminists of the the Communist Party, Marx boy diplomacy" or as one around the globe, which we and use multiple outlets for world, unite!" indeed. and Engels would describe pundit called it "coercive are no longer prepared to our information. I am appar- 3) Richard Reich defines U.s.s.R., Cuba, China, and the diplomacy. without the diplo- attend, due to our thin-worn ently a hypocrite in this the left/ right, liberal/ conser- other socialist states as that: macy" is flawed to its core and military. respect, as my news comes in vative dichotomy as the bal- socialist, or as some other der- represents a refusal to truly Additionally, by "over- the form of the New York ance and fight between ivation besides communist. take into account alternative reaching our boundaries" and ".nes daily e:rnaiJ, NPR .neD1- change and preservation (con- At the same time, America viewpoints. attempting to dictate the ber stations on my 45+ minute servatives wish to "conserve" and "The West" do not prac- The overwhelming majori- actions of the international commute to and from school, the status quo). tice true capitalism, either. ty of non-yes-men have said, community, we have worn and CNN when Iam at home. Conserving the status quo Whereas pure communism time and again, that this esca- thin our welcome, abused our Though these are close to cen- in this case means endorsing depends upon every single lation ("Surge" would imply it friendships, destroyed our ter, they still can be said to be th3e pay divide, glass ceiling, member of the commune would happen quickly) is an credibility in the international the forum, and left-leaning. Regardless, I rec- and institutionalized objectifi- working toward the good of improper tactic that goes enflamed ognize the presence of bias cation of women. In that case, the commune, everyone on against the opinion of the angry passions of countless and try to account for it in the let the liberal media reign. the same footing, pure capital- majority of tacticians. The more individuals who now reports Iread and hear. The reason the media tends to ism depends upon everyone only supporters of escalation wish us harm. 2) Plenty of feminists and be left leaning is that the con- working to ensure the pros- are either consistent, unflap- desires The arrogant and selfish of a megalomaniac mascultsts have complained servatives tend to be happy perity of his/ her neighbors, ping followers of Mr. Bush or who usurped the Oval Office about Eve Enslers Vagina with the state of things and so that money will feed back the minority of tacticians, and has abused his position to Monologues, but her play is wish to keep things as they to promote prosperity for the Senator McCain among them, expand his personal power, important, as it and the VDay are- the only thing they have individual. In other words, in who believe 21,000 is not often against the law or con- foundation raise awareness to speak out against is change. order for me to make as much enough, and would like to see not however, and funds in support of the Historically, this has meant money as possible, even more troops sent in. science, the praise do of any deserve I need to make sure you There has long been a pat- fight against violence against "fat, balding, middle-aged, make as much money as pos- tern in this administration of American. white men telling us what to women. The core of the play do with our bodies" (Sonya sible, so you'll then give your ignoring the opinion of the Do I believe he should be is the unifying factor among money to me. opposition- which is what led impeached? If it can be all women, which has also Renee Taylor). Essentially, And, at last, I address the us in to this quagmire to proven that he has broken the been the unifying factor they would like to continue 6) title and core of Ms. Phillips's begin. Certainly, Mr. Hussein law, then yes; otherwise, no. among the sources of violence the conditions that allowed article: President George W. was a dictator and by no But, President George W. Bush against women, namely the them to has become wealthy, Bush. means a good man (I choose has disgraced the concept of typically meant which presence (presumed or real) of underselling some minority or I agree that Mr. Bush and not to say "bad," as the traditional values through his a vagina. Mr. Hussein are two signifi- Scrabble dictionary defines disturbing over-reaching of Superficially, the play.can another with policies that ben- cantly different individuals. "bad" as "Not at all good," power into the homes of be seen as trivializing the fight efit the wealthy upper-class at Mr. Bush has not ordered the and while I don't agree with Americans, has threatened the expense of the lower-and down to anatomy, but the marginalized-classes. To killing of thousands of his his tactics, he did manage to our national defense with his impact of the play is intended quote Chris August, "Change own citizens (unless one were mostly modernize the infra- "cowboy diplomacy" dese- to be much deeper and happens when one asshole to extrapolate the unprovoked structure of his country dur- crated the Oval Office with his expands the connections can't keep his mouth shut." war in Iraq, which has led to own disrespect for the bound- among women to the things Those initiators of Change 3157 American deaths ing his time in power), but Mr. aries of the institution, and Bush's cattle herd intentional- that make a woman a PER- tend to be individuals "on the ( ly fabricated and / or misrep- has evidenced a vibrant mis- left" who wish for things to SON' The choice of what Ms. ,improve. under his orders against the resented information to sup- understanding of the benefits better judgment of the world of capitalism with his tax and port the case for war in Iraq- Phillips calls, ff~cial devian: 4) On the point of "liberals" as Mr. Bush ordering the and still failed to garner inter- social policies which support sexual perversion, and m and what "the liberals want killing of thousands of his national support for invasion the wealthy and increase the bashing:' are only parts of the you to believe," I know of not own citizens.], has not utilized from the UN Security Council hardships on the poor. play, interpreted in an antago- a single respected individual chemical and biological war- or General Assembly. As a THAT does not deserve my nistic fashion, and are, regard- advocating that "[sexual] fare against his own citizens result, we overwhelmed the praise or the praise of anyone, less of perspective, parts of abstinence. is bad." That is a (unless one were to extrapo- vastly inferior Iraqi military like myself, proud to be an our society and rooted in the ridiculous, hyperbolic state- late Mr. Bush's roll-back of and overthrew the tyrant in a American. vast number of interviews and ment which few outside of a environmental protections, matter of weeks, true. Yaws, body of research performed in hypersexual cult would pro- provision of tax shelters for But we did so with a horrif- David Schein II preparation for the play. fess to support. Every sexual environmentally irresponsible ically underdeveloped strate- These elements of tntth are
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