Page 113 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 113
NEWS MARCH 8, 2007 -Page 3 Silly string program launched for troops troops from her church. to supporting the troops. After American Legion Halls as well comes to supporting our mili- LINDSAY GRAHAM "We [currently] have her son-in-law was deployed as the McDaniel campus. tary overseas. The Alpha STAFF WRITER twelve cans from the college," for his second tour of duty in "[It} depends on the Lambda Delta first-years hon- You find it scattered on the said Hollingsworth. Iraq, she noticed that there demands," said Flores. "We ors society and the D.I.V.A.S bushes, grass, steps and walk- "Somebody asked to donate a were not a lot of support don't know what the needs have contributed in the past way in front of your house the check. We are hoping for more groups for families and are yet." year-and-a-half. morning after Halloween. You donations." friends in Carroll County. Flores and Hollingsworth, In December of 2005, the see athletes celebrating with it Money is also needed In November 2006, at this point, do not know the D.lV.A.S Affinity Group set after they have won a champi- because it covers the cost of Hollingsworth started work- people who will be attending up a table outside of the din- onship. Now a weapon in the shipping. It is hard to send ing with Jose Flores, an Army these group meetings. ning hall for people to write or War on Terror? cans of Silly String overseas soldier who served tours of Whether they are mostly hus- drop off cards or letters for the Yes that is right. The U.S. because the product is labeled duty for the U.S. military, on a bands, wives or parents of sol- troops. After collecting 150 military in Iraq is using Silly as "hazardous material" and support group for county resi- diers, children of soldiers or cards and letters they sent String to save lives. Before needs to be treated with cau- dents. The group will counsel friends of soldiers, will dictate them to a friend's brother's entering buildings soldiers tion. This means that it is and provide feedback for peo- where to hold the meetings platoon overseas. The first spray the plastic, stringy goo going to have an effect on the ple with brothers, friends, sis- and what people want to talk year honor society also wrote into the building to test the shipping fee to delivery the ters or a parent overseas. about. cards and letters to troops safety of the building. If the product. It is an easy and "It is a place where people The pilot program is set to overseas. string falls to the ground, sol- effective way of supporting can come and feel comfort- take off on April 1 and by then Hollingsworth wants diers know it is safe to enter the soldiers. able," Hollingsworth Flores and Hollingsworth will McDaniel students to know but if it hangs in the air, they According to a one explained about the support know what families and that they are encouraged to know trip wires are present. McDaniel student, Silly String group. friends are concerned about. support the troops by drop- Courtesy of Bobbi that is bought at a local Dollar The project is now in its The program will also provide ping off cans of Silly String or Hollingsworth in Human Store will be shipped to the final stages of development. resources to find out inforrna- cash donations to the Post Resources, McDaniel College troops by the store who will Flores and Hollingsworth are tion for families regarding Office or the Office of Human is getting involved. cover the cost of shipping. in the middle of finding sites their loved ones, says Flores. Resources, next to Campus Hollingsworth heard about But Hollingsworth is not to hold the meetings. In the past McDaniel stu- Safety. donating Silly String cans to stopping there when it comes Preliminary sites are VFW and dents are no strangers when it Cocktales addresses male stereotypes (from "Show" on page 1) a few of the men in the cast MO cast members who has can just sit around and talk when they leave, even if some Monologues to McDaniel four were hesitant to accept a had previous experience "in about their dicks but they of the subject material is "out years ago, is happy to be in woman into the show. theater, He became interested can't," Stinson said. in left field." another show that is raising "1 think they're all happy in Cockteles from Szulgit's Stinson is somewhat money for the domestic vio- with me now, Ihope anyway," posters. Stinson described worried that the subject lence safe house. She also Hamer said. how there were only four peo- matter of the show will believes that it is awesome She only had time to write pie at the first meeting; their offend people. that it is not"just one type of one piece for the show, and first goal was to recruit more However, he does not person who is participating in the subject is on the difference people. believe it is the fault of this production. According to between bad men such as He thinks the concept of the show if people get 11<" th~.J:uQ,j_thq;amut rapists and wife beaters, and Cocktales 'is profound and offended. froIn theater majors to football men in general. One of the original. Stinson believes that HaIller is worried that players. more serious pieces, she the .guys who are performing some people's political or "Everyone gets along really believes that it is bad men in Cocktales are breaking an reljgfous beliefs might prevent well despite being very differ- who deserve scorn, not men in unwritten social code of them from coming to see the ent," said Hamer. general. silence. show, but she does not think She also acknowledged that Patrick Stinson is one of the v'People assume that guys anyone will be offended Soul food unites past ideology with reality pokeweed. They flavored tional theater company that and they even arm wrestled a ened. Both realized if only TORI BUTLER their food with lard from the promotes the vast intellectual few times to demonstrate their they would have joined hands STAFFWRlTER 'slaughtered pigs and cracklln' accomplishments of Africans power- What brought these together sooner pushing in the As black history month from its skin. African slaves and African-Americans. The two civil rights leaders togeth- same direction the impact that comes to a' dose the Black also ate the scraps of meat play that the company per- er at the end was their chil- they would have had. Student Union chose to cele- from their master's table that formed was entitled "The dren. The setting of the play This play demonstrated if brate African-American her- included pig's feet, hog jowl, Meeting." was after the bombing of only those of us who believed itage and culture through the ham hocks, chitterlings, pig "The Meeting" asks the Malcolm's house. King in the same message, but dif- tradition of Soul Food. The ears and tripe, just to name a question what would have brought a gift from his daugh- ferent approaches joined Luther if Martin BSU held a Soul Food dinner few. occurred Jr. and Malcolm X ter, Yolanda (her favorite doll) together, the impression could person King, which Malcolm's for daughter one change in McDaniel Lounge on Mealtime to the African would have met in a hotel Ayatollah. After receiving the could eventually change the Tuesday, February 27th. The slaves was a time to have gift Malcolm's heart was soft- world. theme of the program was "good times." The "family" room preceding their tragic unity, which was evident in would join together and feed deaths? The actors of the prp- the diversity of the audience. not only their bodies but also duction incorporated a variety The program started with their souls after enduring a of quotations of the two, both an explanation of the evolu- hard day's work. The recipes challenging the view of the Malcolm asking the other. tion of soul food. The origins and the stories associated with of soul food can be traced to the food is part of an oral tra- question, "how has legislation before the slave trade where dition that has been passed prevented the murders of civil Africans had mostly a vege- down from generation to gen- rights workers or the four lit- tarian diet of grains, legumes, eration. tle girls in the basement of the Martin responding church?" yams, sorghum, watermelon, The name "soul food" is a that he was not just trying to pumpkin, okra, onion, garlic, product of the use of the word solve the problems of negroes cucumber and eggplant. As "soul" in the 1960s, as one can but solve the problems of Africans entered into slavery see the name stuck. America. in the United States their diet After a dinner of fried Malcolm did not believe in changed; the fresh vegetables chicken, string beans, corn non-violent action. He stated were replaced by throwaway bread, salad, macaroni and foods from the plantation cheese, cakes, and pies the that "aggression in the name of self defense is honor." But house. Their vegetables were asu used the time following King reminded him not to the tops of turnips, beets, and the dinner to feed the souls of confuse nonviolence for non- dandelions. African slaves the audience. action. For most of the play The asu sponsored a per- began to include new greens Malcolm and King were ver- in their diets such as collards, formance by the Pin Points bally at each other's throats kale, cress, mustard, and Theater Company, an educa-
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