Page 112 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 112
MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 2 NEWS College bell tolls three times Rouzer meetin Office staff rang the bell. helping to bring it to the atten- EMILY SWEENEY STAFF WRITER "We felt that it would be a tion of the student population. wonderful tradition for the Student Alumni members When we come in, we ring members of the Student appreciate the ceremony. it. When we leave, we ring it. Alumni Council to take on," "It is so touching," said sen- The bell in Memorial Square is said Kristin Lister, assistant ior Maria Lathroum. "Maybe our very own punch clock. director of alumni relations. if attention towards this tradi- But the day students graduate The tradition in itself is not tion grows it'll be expanded isn't the last day the "bell tolls very old according to Dr. into even more of a student for thee." Lightner, the college historian event. Personally I'd suggest The bell, known by many as and board of trustees member. bringing back the plaque idea Old Main Bell, tolls a third The bell has only been ringing so that even if you don't hear time when alumni pass away. for the alumni for about half a the bell, you can still see On the first Tuesday of the century. In that short time the whose being remembered." month, members of the tradition has even changed a The Student Alumni meet- Student Alumni Council call little. ings are at 6 p.m. on the first out the names of their prede- At one point the names of Tuesday of the month. At the cessors and then their gradu- deceased alumni were noted close of the meeting, group ating year. With one ring, a on temporary plaques, accord-. members read names, ring the final ring, those predecessors ing to Lightner. bell and continue to build this who have died are honored. "Many folks (including promising tradition. Members of the Student alumni) don't know [about the Alumni Council are the tradition]," Lister explained. newest part of this tradition. Giving this tradition to the Before this month, Alumni Student Alumni Council is The lighter side of the campus safety blotter Sometimes, butts need comfy cushioning ROB GOEKE one that thinks this way. man as a freedom fighter, tak- car from the ice and stow in games." STAFF WRITER The night of February 26 ing an active stance against the Old Gravel Parking lot. Were people stretching? saw a young student sneaking the man in order to try to One of the many plow trucks Warming up? Gargling water (Editor's note: Rob Goeke's com- into Eaton and swiping a cozy obtain more comfortable seat- that covered campus after the or working on breathing or mentary highlights some of the and inviting chair to give his ing.After all, Ithink we can all storm (And did a good job, by chugging techniques? Testing inane calls to which campus safe- gluteus a respite from the understand why he tried to the way. I got about 30 hours the durability of ping pong ty responds.) splintered surface that he has steal the chair because the of sleep between that balls? Shuffling playing cards? Throughout my four years had to endure the whole year. more foam that's under your· Wednesday and Thursday. Inquiring minds need to here at McDaniel, my buttical Alas, the chair never fanny, the better. Thanks guys!) drove past and know. area has sat on its fair share of reached its new home. As the Also, the famed ice storm tried to help the student by Also, the citation was at 2:30 rickety, worn-in dorm room student in question wheeled hit everyone hard, as the blot- moving some snow out of the in the morning. When 99.9% chairs with Soviet-era foam the chair across Red Square, rer was peppered with reports car's way. of the campus is winding that is the width of a sheet of two Campus Safety officers of people slipping, fender ben- Of course, in the process of down, these hearty souls were paper. saw and followed him. On ders and the like. One high- doing so, the plow hit the car's only "preparing" to wind My rear is possibly the most approach, the student light: the Durango had trouble bumper. Sucks to be them. down. They shouldn't be valuable part of my body, so switched course and tried to parking and got dinged. There was also an interest- cited, they should be applaud- the old brown or burgundy talk the boys in green to let- But my personal favorite ing alcohol citation early on ed for their courage. seats that inhabit your typical ting him return it. Obviously, happened on the afternoon of the morning of February 18, as room are just not sufficient. that didn't fly. February 20. A poor student students were documented for Apparently, I am not the only I tend to think of this young was stuck trying to move their "preparing to play drinking Akoi1ol n'bl...J Viok'l\O.'""l ted, irWi hJ :ri'H
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