Page 114 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 114
MARCH 8, 2007 - Page 4 NEWS MacLea housekeeper leaves lasting impression a warm presence and a gen- Every year changes the chtl- position while walking [the] usuaUy very quick to do her MELANIE CHUPElN uine interest in those who pass dren and Iwant to meet every- DMC stairs," said Whelan. job so she doesn't get in peo- NEWS EDITOR her. Her dedication to her body." "She assured me that she was- pIe's way." She arrives at work by 6 work and her interactions According to her boss, Mel n't afraid of bats." Sophomore Kim Staub, who a.m. She's the only one who with students make her an Whelan, building services Students in DMC agree that recently moved back to DMC, cleans Peterson Hall. She unsung hero. coordinator, Galarza is well Galarza is a.wonderful house- remembers Galarza for "say- always has a smile on her face. Galarza was born in Peru liked and has an impact on keeper. In fact, this past ing hello while cleaning the Who is this woman who toils and came to the United States other people's lives. Christmas many of the resi- stairs." away at a thankless job five in 1986. She's been at "I get aU kinds of compll- dents contributed money to "One day I was reading in days a week? McDaniel since 2003 and the ments about her from faculty, buy her a gift in appreciation DMC lounge and she wanted Clotilde Galarza, or Lori as two areas she's been assigned staff, and students," Whelan for aU her hard work. to make sure her cleaning in she likes to be called, is a toareDMCandPetersonHall, said. "They just think she's However, many DMC rest- the hallway didn't disturb housekeeper in Daniel the art building. She's married marvelous." dents still aren't aware of me" Staub said "It was really MacLea who rarely fails to to Santos Galarza. Together Whelan says he knows Galarza's name despite con- kind of her to ask, even strike up a friendly conversa- they have two boys, Manuel, Galarza just like he knows the versing with her almost on a though she wasn't bothering tion while sweeping the steps. 16, and Dave, 13 and reside in other 35 members of his daily basis. me at all." Any reference to her immedi- Westminster. After work staff-very well. He describes Desilyn Coverley a sopho- For now, Galarza is happy ately sparks a smile. Galarza Galarza says, "I want to see her as a "very loyal, dedicat- more who has lived in DMC with her job and she humbly deans DMC every day, a job my dog," a poodle named ed, caring individual." for one and a half years, said, shakes off the idea of being an that is often overlooked, with Kenny. She also cooks, deans Galarza is a reliable employee "She's very nice and friendly. unsung hero. She loves work- her house, runs errands and who "will go the extra mile to She says hello and talks to me ing here and said, visits her sister and brother in help you in any way she can" every time I see her." "Everybody's beautiful over New York. and "she is a fantastic mother Coverley admits that she here." In addition to her family at and wife." doesn't show Galarza appreci- Galarza is an amicable home, Galarza refers to the Whelan recalls one unfor- ation for doing her job. member of the McDaniel com- students here as another part gettable incident involving a "I don't really thank her in munity who diligently does of her family. bat. person," Coverley said. "1 her job while eagerly interact- "First year I come over here "I remember Lori in a panic think it's because I take for ing with students, faculty, and a lot of children say good while informing me that a bat granted that she is keeping staff. morning," Galarza said. "I was in one of the stairwells in DMC nice and tidy." "She's tops. She's enthusi- love it. It's like my family." DMC. Someone left the stair- Freshman Alex Vazzano astic. She's thorough." said Galarza enjoys working in well window open and sure and his suitemates perceive Whelan. "There isn't anything DMC and seeing all of the enough, there was a bat in Galarza as "very friendly." that she doesn't do on her "happy children," she says. Lori's stairwell For the "I always say hi to her when own." "Children in MacLea 1want to longest time Lori would carry I pass her and she always see [them] hard working. her cleaning broom in the club smiles," Vazzano said. "She is 'the Hill' like his home (from "Brenton," page 1) with, he is .......;::;;....,.,...,..,- ....... 1~~li~then-Western that's the way it is." night, the response to the always willing to D Maryland. He The couple now relishes the power outage exemplified the listen to the prob- had been opportunity to work for the need for Brenton's position, lems and ideas active with the school they have been one that actually remained that we have," Young Alumni attached to for so many years. vacant for a period of 13 years said Philip Boob, Committee Prior to interviewing for his prior to his arrival in the fall of director of and volun- position, Brenton was work- 2005. The position is a supple- grounds and spe- teered at ing for a building services ment to each of the directors cial events. "I feel 100.............. provider in southern of Physical Plant's three main that he is looking .:... ..... ...;. ........ _"""" ~~smni ev~~~: Pennsylvania. He ended up sections, who are capable of to improve the department as "There really wasn't any- Robin Adams Brenton, associ. leaving that job after a dis- operating independently. well as the overall facilities of ;:s~~! ~~~~~a:u th:: a:~ ate vice president of alumni agreement with his employer Prior to Brenton's arrival, they the college." how to do it, go through that :i~~~~r:~~a:nUal giving, is over wage gouging of the reported to Dr. Ethan Seidel, Brenton, a jack-of-all-trades staff, but the experience he vice president of administra- who is happy to be hands-on, process and implement it," Jestingly called the "first gained there prepared him for tion and finance. is humble about his success. ~~t!:~~~·:~:~s ~el~\~~:~~ couple of McDaniel" by the job he now holds. What "He's increased the respon- "The fact that I'm here now be done down the road, and friends, the pair truly are seemed like a confusing peri- siveness of the Physical helps them continue to do the wants to go ahead and do it." model alumni. They were od in his life suddenly makes Plant." Seidel said. "I think he good job they've always Some of the improvements :~~~:!~d~:~r,~~~!:!~ sense in the grand scheme, he brings more attention and done," Brenton said. "I'm the notes. focus to the issues that need liaison between the campus Brenton is instituting include Lounge, and have surrounded "Really, truly, this is his it.... He understands the stu- and these guys. When a need ~!a~~a~ ~~:U::~:themselves with McDaniel dream job," Robin said. "It dent body's needs and how to comes up, [ can be there to do for the temperatures in each College regalia in their horne. was always his dream job, but • meet them, which is a nice the evaluation of what the building to be remotely regu- For Brenton, a Navy brat who he didn't know it until he got moved from place to place for added dimension." project might entail and .. lated, a change that anyone most of his childhood, the col- into it." In speaking with members come up with a way that we Listening to Brenton talk, it of the administration and can all work together to make who has ever had to open a lege has truly become his is apparent that the past year home. window in the winter will staff, it becomes apparent that the situation better." has been rewarding for rum. Brenton's experience with the Elizabeth Towle, associate appreoF·oa~·B_"ton his newly "I had my formative years "It's hard work. but I love campus as an alum, his diplo- dean of Student Affairs, • .=, ... here, and we spent so much it," he said. "I'm taking care of matic abilities, and his appreciates Brenton's focus on :d~irer!c!~s~~~h~s~~~t~: time here it's ingrained in the place, and I love this place. patience have all been signifi- instituting some of the techno- has had with the college since me," he said. "We've got two It used to be a hobby before, cars: a green car and a gold cant assets to the school. logical advancements the his 1985 graduation from car. It's kind of sappy, but but now it's a profession, too." "George is easy to work school has been in need of.
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