Page 111 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 111
Vol. 7 No.3 Why does the Old Get ready for St. 60 Seconds: Where Main bell ring? Patrick's Day would you go on Page 2 Page 10 spring break? Page 6 Rouzer residents warned and fined INSIDE damages in areas common to '10. point out who is responsible MIKE HABEGGER all floors. Associate Dean of Student for the damages so the blame CO-EDITOR Previous Free Press stories .Affairs Elizabeth Towle, and bills can be passed to In an attempt to curb prob- exposed some of these dam- Student Affairs VP Beth Gerl, individuals instead of the res- lems linked to Rouzer dorm, ages, reporting that students and Residence Life idents as a whole. college administrators met urinated on toilet seats, vomit- Coordinator Emerald The email echoed Towle's with residents on February 20, ed in the shower, emptied fire Christopher held the informa- sentiments, stating "McDaniel and outlined measures that extinguishers, and punched tiona I meeting in Decker College knows that the major- such restrictions as fines and out ceiling tiles. Auditorium to accommodate ity of men living in Rouzer additional campus safety Housekeeping staff members all of the residents of Rouzer. Hall are not responsible for patrols. have complained to their The purpose of the meeting the listed damages. It is According-to an email dis- supervisors and newspaper was to explain to residents imperative that you share any tributed to Rouzer residents, staff, indicating that they are what exactly is occurring in information that you may 1st floor residents will be "ready to walk out." Rouzer Hall with damage have regarding any incidents required to pay $1,042.73 in Some residents contend issues. of vandalism with the Office floor damages; 2nd floor resi- that they have been unfairly According to Towle, the of Residence Life." dents will pay $3,594.40; 3rd charged for damages other auditorium was nearly full, Towle added that the floor residents will pay residents have done. meaning that more than half behavior and damages to $2,645.25; and 4th floor resi- "I don't understand why of all residents attended. Rouzer is "the worst it's been" dents will pay $1,859.65. my floor would be punished "It just needs to stop," said since she has been at Additionally, $7,708.75 will be for something another floor Towle. Towle added that resi- McDaniel. chargfd to all residents for . did," said Chris Zimmerman on masturbation and male sex drives, along with more sen- ous pieces on stereotypes and On Thursday, March 8, identity issues. He sees the Cocktales debuted on Alumni show working in collabora- Hall's mainstage. Inspired by tion with the Vagina the Vagina Monologues, Monologues and not being a Cocktales features a series of reaction to it. The requested monologues written by five-dollar donation will go to McDaniel students to combat the same domestic violence stereotypes about men and shelter as the Vagina masculinity. Monologues. Dr. Gregory Saulgtt. who While the Vagina came up with the idea for the Monologues had an exclusive- show, believes that gender ly female cast, Cocktales will based stereotypes are difficult feature a mixed gender cast. to define. He believes that the Szulgit recruited the peer Support the troops whole concept of men being mentor, Ten Hamer, for his with silly string from Mars and women from first ye~r seminar, to partici- Venus "is crap." pate in the production. According to Szulgit, the Hamer, who was also in the Page 3 show will lean towards the group that brought the Vagina ________ ~ fun side. There will be pieces (see "Show" on page 3) George Brenton becomes jack- Plant, George Brenton plays thing in a building needs to be pus. . side specialist to fix it, and to the administra- PAT O'TOOLE an integral part in the We of repaired, whenever the slip- Perhaps at no other time reporting emergency response tion's CONTRIBUTOR every member of the pery sidewalk needs to be was the role Physical Plant team. Throughout the outage, McDaniel College community shoveled, whenever someone plays on our campus more He doesn't have any chil- and is a student advocate - decides to empty rolls of toilet noticeable than during the Brenton did all he could to dren of his own - but whenev- but you would not recognize paper across the bathroom, power outage that oc~ed ensure that students were er anyone asks, his reply is him if you saw rum. In a ran- Physical Plant is there to save on the Friday before finals comfortable and safe, a theme always, "At any given point, I dom poll of 15 students, not the day. . week. last fa~. There was a that echoes throughout talks have 1700." As the blaring one could even roughly Iden- Yet most of their work fault m the lin~ between the with him. siren of a fire engine passed lfy Benton's position on remains widely unnoticed due BG&E substation and the "In the priority list, stu- the window of his 192 ~ampu:. to the fact that they tend to main campus, ma~ngĀ· the dents come first," Brenton Pennsylvania Ave. office on a Brenton oversees the col- maintain things all along, and ~~~lem the c~pus s respon- said. "That's kind of the recent morning, his expression le e's three physical opera- we take it for granted. It is not sibility to repau. . . mantra. As a Physical Plant, was that of an anxious parent. ti~ns: grounds and special until something goes awry . Brenton an~ his st~ unme- nobody's here unless the stu- "As long as they leave earn- events, building operations that the 70 men and women in diat~ly ~ent mto. action, col- dents are here." pus, that's all I care about," he and maintenance, and build- uniform abruptly become the lecting inf~rm.aho~ on the Keeping him busy day and said. ing services. Whenever any- most desired people on cam- problem, bringing m an out- (see "Brenton" on page 4) As director of the Physical
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