Page 110 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 110
Vol. 7No.1 FEBRUARY 23, 2007, Page 16 Coach's wife sends Baseball eager to succeed heartfelt thanks Dear McDaniel Community; CHRIS FERRICK-MANLEY he said. Specifically he was ior and senior years to accu- unsure about his starting first, STAFF REPORTER mulate experience to be suc- second, and third basemen as cessful. He thinks it is very I wanted to thank each and every one of you for the love/ sup- McDaniel's young baseball well as pitching staff. Wenrich possible for some of the soph- port and kindness you have shown my children and 1since the team is looking to build on would most likely an outfield omores to emerge as leaders passing of my husband, Bob. last year's experience (9-23, spot and be the closer, Pelta and to erase any of the cliquey Caitlin, Michael, Ryan end.I were overwhelmed by the la,r~ 4-14 in Centennial the catcher, and Zimmerman atmospheres that may have number of people from theM<:Daniel College comnuU1it)l who Conference play) and make it the shortstop. held the team back in the past. attended the viewings and funeral and who have sent us into the playoffs. The team has some signifi- Bobby Coleman, a sopho- numerous expressions of sympathy . Head Coach David Seibert cant injury concerns heading more P !TNF, was more pes- My husband LOVED this school. He proudly talkedabout will be the first to admit that into the season. Erich Wolf simistic about the season. He every sports program. the fantesnc faculty and staff and the his team is short on upper- and Chase Wolf are both com- believes his coach's expecta- tremendous student body. 1 very rarely. saw my husband classmen. The Green Terror ing off injuries, as well as tions might be a little too high speechless, but when "Flynn's Friends" was Created, his silence only return two seniors, cap- transfer student Andrew given the youthful nature of spoke volumes. What a wonderful tribute to him that was! tain P I OF Tom Wenrich, and Worm. A P !INF who played the team. He is also worried Despite the 50 minute drive (that he swore only took ebcut 35) C Adam Pelta. In addition, significantly last season, about what could happen if a he never complained once about his daily commute ... although only one junior, P Erich Wolf, Shawn Yohe, will miss the sea- losing attitude breaks out, and he was lobbying me pretty hard to make: amove. back to is on the roster. Rounding son due to knee surgery. the team does not feel like it Westminster. when Caitlin received her letter of acceptance out the roster are 21 sopho- "We should have good can win. He referenced peo- from McDaniel, Bob could not have been prouder or happier. mores and 9 freshmen. Many team chemistry, these guys are ple who quit the team. He was so excited for her to experience the McDaniel College he of the sophomores played hungry to win", said Seibert, "I don't feel the team is bad, had come to know and love. extensively last year however "you can win with sopho- but I don't know what will We believed he would spend many happy years as the including INF Jon mores." happen if people. don't get McDaniel Men's Basketball Coach. Zimmerman, P Chase Wolf, Matt Teter, a sophomore along or don't take things seri- As I have already told the basketball players, he loved you aU and CJustin Reitz. middle infielder, is hungry ously" said Coleman. like'~lJif[')ยท"".d ~~"'-~ "We' ~e. hoping expe~ience jUst. to get, on the field and Teter on the other hand baUand for life will be kept alive through each of you. from last year pays off", said play. He believes this team does not think the team need- Bob's death has left a tremendous void fOr my children end Seibert, "We have experience has the talent and ability to ed the players who quit. "If me. However; what-also has become apparent is the impact Bob at every position but we are win a lot of games. someone is going to quit, there had on most everyone he met We on1y hope that his tremen- still very young." "We want to prove our- is no reason for them' to be dous spirit will live on in those whose lives he impacted Seibert was unwilling to selves as a team", said Teter, here." Thank you all again for your love and support. McDaniel name either his starting "there is an attitude that we'll The Green Terror begins will always hold a special place in our hearts. pitching rotation or his start- be good down the road, why their season at home against ing batting lineup. The not be good now?" Villa Julie on Thursday, March Sincerely. majority of the positions Teter believes there is no 1 st at 3:00. Ln::'"::a:.:FIy:.;:_nn::.:._ ~~~~__' were "open for competition" reason to wait until your jun- Women's lacrosse wanns up in cold weather lacrosse programs, Bliss is ter what team the play, "Game year's 5-4 in con- LAURA HUTI"ON now able to devote all of her Day is my favorite day of the SPORTS EDITOR ference record. time to lacrosse and states that week," notes Bliss. Their team "This is a very hard work- it has "given me the opportu- It is not about the team they bond along with ing dedicated team and we are nity to work with the girls in are playing, it is about being their talent makes outside playing when it is the fall and focus on recruiting dedicated and thriving off the them below zero degrees, literally. for future years. It has also drive of fellow players. It is pelling force. Ask the guy's team where helped me to prepare for pre more than just a game and the They are ready to they play when it is minus season and competition more people are more than just your start playing zero degrees," Amalie Shaffer thoroughly." teammates. "They become games on a quick- cleverly observes. This extra preparation with your family because we are ly approaching Shaffer is a senior member their coach is not the only together constantly, even March 1 and look of McDaniel College's thing propelling the team to when we're not on the field," forward to their women's lacrosse team, who do well; they also have the Oliver explains. sp_ring training spends their practices in the powerful lead from their cap- When each player shows trip. cold, working up a fire on the tains, seniors Emily Funk, such amazing dedication to "Every game is inside while they freeze on the Michelle Mullen, and Connie their sport on and off the field exciting to me," outside. It is this fire and Wuenschel. it becomes clear that, as senior notes Oliver, "but strength that defines a dedi- "We couldn't ask for a bet- Megan Kingston notes, as with every cated team. ter group of leaders .. they "everyone has come out this team there are The team is "very focused lead us in a non-conventional year in shape and ready to those unspoken and driven. They are practic- way but they all complement play." Due to this love of the rivalries. I can't ing very well as a team and each other. Aside from a great sport, "we haven't had a bad wait to get n:venge LEE OLIVER trying to be the best team out amount of talent they all pos- practice yet!" on Montclair this there, not individuals. They sess they are driven, motivat- Chemistry is what keeps year while in are extremely coachable and ed, and determined. All of the team going. If it did not ~i;.~~a for our Spring Break. ence with a lot of good compe- have the opportunity to do them lead in the classroom as exist the players would not be tition but as long as we work hard and believe we can do it wonderful things, both in con- well; if any of them had below compelled to play harder and Though they look ahead ference and out of confer- a 3.8 I would be surprised," harder each day in freezing strive to beat Montclair, and we will accomplish anything," ence," states Coach Muffie adds junior Lee Oliver. conditions. The team looks go to playoffs, they remain concludes Schaffer. Bliss. The team is getting pumped forward to their games and focused on the task at hand The women's lacrosse team Formerly the head coach of up and prepared for their first strives to make conference and "play one game at a time. plays their first game of the both the field hockey and games of the season. No mat- playoffs and improve last We play in a very hard confer- season at home on March 1 at 4:00 pm.
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