Page 106 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 106
FEBRUARY 23, 2007 _Page 12 COMMENTARY Glar lacking friendly selection of workers the like. Some barely even with 'a lot of people, lots of workers resent us college stu- senior voiced her own dis- SARAH BLACK look at you. girls," one student claimed. dents in some way. Maybe COMMENTARY EDITOR pleasure with the guys of A bewildered junior said "She flirts with the guys, usu- because they think we're in Glar: ''It's creepy when the Oh Glar. I've had some that "with some of the people ally gives them bigger por- better situations or that we guys stare. It's reminiscent of good times in the dining hall, you have to try hard to get hans of food." I myself have have more opportunities; I walking through downtown but I think I've had an equal them to lighten up or to crack been a victim of this girls-get- don't know. If it's resentment Westminster." share of unpleasant times in a smile. 1 feel getting the less-food crime. or just a complete lack of man- I always enjoy my time in there as well. And more often women to smile is easier I can only think of one Glar ners, neither is necessary. Glar much more when I see a than not, those bad times do because I'm a guy." employee (female) who offers Another bone I would like friendly face. Like that of the not have to do with the food, Some workers barely say a "How are you today?" or a to pick has to do with Someof tattooed guy, who can memo- but rather with the Glar work- anything to anybody, besides "What can Iget for you?" And the male workers in Glar. rize exactly what 1want in my ers. "What do you want?" Others she is actually genuine! Some gawk, some stare, and wrap after just one visit. (And In my opinion things start- will just look at you until you Another Clar worker that stu- others are just creepy. If I real- he manages a little smirk.) Or ed going downhill for Clar as finally make an order. Even if dents are a fan of is Cecilia, the Iy wanted to be gawked and the nice lady who usually soon as Sandy disappeared Isay "How are you today?" or cheerful, whistling and stared at, Orhave my boobs or makes the sandwiches. So the from the wrap station and "Thank you," I rarely get a singing lady that greets every- ass stared at I would strut bottom line is.... if we're going then after disappearing com- response, but if Ido, it's a life- one as they enter Glar. One around the college campus in to improve Glar, it should pietely, never to be seen again. less "you're welcome," as the student said he thinks that an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yel- start with Some of the work- But looking on the present, I worker turns away. There is a "the nicest worker they have low-polka dot bikini-but I ers. And then maybe we'll talk would say that the overall female employee who doesn't is Cecilia." don't. So....the male workers about the food. politeness and friendliness of exactly rub every student the It's hard not to make gener- shouldn't stare (or at least not the Clar staff has dramatically right way-at least not the alizarions, but by their lack of make is so obvious). I'm not a decreased. Less workers smile females. "There's this one politeness and friendliness, big fan of the licking and at you, say "how are you" and worker; she's got a bad rap it's hard not to think that the smacking of the lips either. A The confessions of a Monologues moaner die of a U.S. history seminar, time. But honestly, it's not like could band together the way $5,358.07 for Carroll County CHRd~~~~~o~MAN in the ba~eat o.fa car, and in that at. all. Yes, sometimes it we did, we would certainly Family and ~hild Service~, a hotel in Venice over Jan. feels like a chore to trudge make a difference. nearly doubling last year s Rule ttl: Don't let your dad term. across campus in the rain to My second year was bitter- contribution. Thank you to see you do it. Surprisingly, it's not that fake orgasms when you have sweet. A week before the those of you who came, who November 2,2006, 7:43 PM: embarrassing. It's just like a twenty page paper due the show, a close friend of mine laughed with us, who cried During our first post-casting any other party trick. You do next morning. And occasion- told me that she had been with us, and who are n~w rehearsal, I discover that I it a few times, people stop ally,yOlljust get sick of having raped. An hour before open- fighting against violence WIth have been cast as a lesbian noticing. "Hey Mom, how are people criticize something ing night, I was quietly sob- dominatrix in this year's pro- you? No, don't worry about it you've been working on for bing in the balcony of the the- I want to leave vou now duction of The Vagina - it's just Christine practicing weeks. But as cliche as it ater. I felt broken and torn with some parting words of Monologues. I am astonished, her part again." sounds, in the end, it's all and betrayed. wisdom: excited, and nervous all at the But once you get past the worth it. Iguess Ihad assumed that 1. Fight for what you same time. moaning, past the shock My first year in the produc- violence against women believe in:'you can make a dif- 9:00 PM: Rehearsal ends. value, and into the motives tion was an eye-opening expe- would stop with everyone ference. 9:03 PM: I have uninvited behfnd The Vagina rience for me. I went into around me joining together to 2. Respect women. After my father from the show. He Monologues, you realize how rehearsals with childish ideal- fight it. As I took the stage all we make up 51 percent of agrees to send money instead. meaningful this production ism; I assumed that by helping that night, I realized that the the world's population, and in A tumultuous rollercoaster really is. This is my third year in this one production, I was only way we really could stop this world, majority rules. of events led me from that in the production and you'd going to completely change this violence was to keep 3. Always hydrate before night on November 2 to fak- think that after two years I'd the world. And that weekend Hgbrlng, to keep talking, and you attempt multiple ing an orgasm onstage in front be sick of it. I mean, it's essen- came and went, and the world to keep shocking people into orgasms, even if you're faking of my mother on opening tially the same show, which didn't tremble, but I knew that hearing our message. We had it. If not, you feel quite faint. night. [practiced everywhere, means I've spent over a hun- T had made a difference. to speak for those who were I can't wait for next year's much to the amusement of my dred hours in the past three Being onstage surrounded silenced. show. I bet my dad can't roommates (and hopefully the years listening to the same by thirty other girls fighting This year, w!! continued to either. guys in the apartment rehearsal, not to mention the for such a worthy cause was raise awareness about vio- upstairs). I moaned in the time I've spent preparing out- the proudest moment of my lence against women. Our fishbowl in side of scheduled . life. Ibelieved that if everyone _group of It's a new semester, and you know what that means-it's time for Volume 7 of the McDaniel Free Press. Come out to meetings each Monday at 7:30 PM in the Writing Center, There, you win meet the lovely and lively Free P ress statt. ff If you .t like photography we want you. l.f you like to wrr e, wewantyou.l(youhavestory ideas ,. .. . ... . , we want you. "Join the few, the proud, the fearless, the McDaniel Free Press." Remember, Monday 7:30 PM in the Writing Center in Hill Hall.
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