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FEATURES FEBRUARY23, 2007 - Page 7 Isaac offers outstanding career guidance Though Isaac does not look provide important updates for about students at home, Isaac dents put in to make her job JULIA SAUNDERS at herself as an unsung hero, students with deadlines. confesses that the one prob- "so easy." Isaac bashfully STAFF WRITER co-workers and students alike Though she is not in the lem with her job is, "there isn't admits she has received a few One of the most daunting would beg to differ. spotlight like many of her col- enough time in the day to do thank you cards here and tasks for college students is Leahanne Marino, a sopho- leagues, Isaac takes joy in her all that needs to be done." there. But others would argue beginning the hunt fer intern- more sodology-communica- job, passionately explaining, Even so, she doesn't let the that a few thank you cards are ships and jobs, but thanks to tions dual major, sought "I love watching individuals stress of her job get her down. not nearly enough. the unrelenting work of Isaac's expertise early this succeed." Pushing aside the Schneider says that Isaac is Though Marino is still wait- Amanda Isaac, McDaniel stu- semester to figure out what credit stemming from her someone she looks forward to ing for replies from many of dents can take a breather. sorts of jobs she could pursue. hard work with students' working with because of her the businesses she applied to With a year under her belt Marino said she was surprised resumes, and individualized "joyful attitude." for a summer internship, she working as the assistant direc- when she received job and care and advice, Isaac says, "It Even with the small amount says she recommended that tor of career services, Isaac has internship web sites long after is so rewarding when all of of credit she receives from her all of her friends to take a trip seen a wide range of students her visit that highlighted spe- [the students] hard work pays co-workers and students, down to Smith House and talk come in to seek her help. From cific jobs that would fit her off and they realize what Isaac is quick to highlight the to Isaac. the ambitious student with an field and personality. they've accomplished." work her colleagues and stu- exact plan, to the stressed out Asked what she does to go Even when she is unable to co-ed not knowing what a above and beyond to help stu- help a student, Isaac says, "If T cover letter is, she has guided dents, Isaac shifted the atten- encounter a situation, I try my them all. tion away from herself best ... and try to follow up After watching the profes- explaining that, "I don't look with the student." She joking- sionals Charged with assisting at things like that. [think Iy admits "I don't know students outside the class- everyone working in Student everything." room during her years at High Affairs goes above and Barbara Schneider, who has Point University, Isaac made beyond." worked closely with Isaac as the climb to her current posi- Stephany Seargeant, a sec- one of her secretaries for over tion at McDaniel. With prior retary who works alongside a year now, said it was hard to experience as a residence life Isaac in Career Services, says think of specific examples of coordinator and the support Isaac has made major Isaac's exemplary work of her adviser Liz Towle, she improvements to their office. because she goes out of her took on volunteer hours in Seargeant said Isaac took the way for students nearly every Career Services and eventual- time to revise the center's web day. ly received her position. site for easy accessibility and Finding herself worrying Postered Elderdice single refined and relaxed Hall, and upon first entrance, looked really cool, but it was If you happen to catch his love for the arts becomes is in the midst of writing a impossible to distinguish your Steven around campus, do not GREG PFEIFFER novel entitled "Free Winona," pieces from your opponent's." be surprised if you see him STAFF WRITER quite obvious. Scattered Little details such as these writing in the cafe or playing among the walls are works and interestingly, he has a Dorm room culture has an poster of the same name bring out Steven's humorous piano in Ensor Lounge. 1£ favorite artists, interesting dynamic; personal- from his DaH, van Gogh, among the others. This idea personality, and he seems to you're so inclined, ask him to including ities are defined by diffe~ent Escher and Monet. While has become thematic to him, be right at home within the playa game or two of chess. furniture schemes, orgaruz a - some of the pieces are normal showcasing the dedication he confines of his unique living Just make sure that all the tional habits, and the po~ters poster size, the wall above his puts into having his creative space. pieces have dried. that cover almost every Inch computer is filled with smaller side come to life on paper. Far ..................--- of available wall space. For prints, an idea that stemmed from one-dimensional, how- most of us, having a r.oom- from Steven's creative think- ever, Steven practices piano in mate potentially co~.p~lCates ing. his room and has recently the situation. The dJV1SIonof "1 had this idea that started started learning the guitar. He such a small area between two with a Salvador Dali calendar. calls the keys his primary individuals can make for At the end of the year I ripped instrument, but says proudly arguments over where exactly out the pictures and stuck that "it's [his] time to pick up that store-bought Futon can them on my wall. Now T get the guitar." go. Some students do not face art calendars all the time and To get an idea of Steven's this issue opting for the cre- use them instead of expensive unique personality, look no ative fre:dom as well as ~e prints. I get 12 great prints at a further than the blue and red peacefulness that comes with cheap pr-ice." chess pieces sitting atop his a single room. Steven ~ig:l, a While Steven enjoys admir- desk. When asked about them, junior here at McDaruel, IS a ing the artwork, he also fi~ds he says that they were origi- satisfaction in his own creative nally "translucent, which fines~:~::t~~ides in Elderdice
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