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FEBRUARY 23, 2007 - Page 6 FEATURES Sex- learn before you leap three girls will be pregnant addressed what college stu- KATHRYN YOUNG before they have reached the dents would deem awkward FEATURES EDITOR age of twenty. at best. Lately I've noticed that, as With each experience come Madison explored the college students, questions more questions that often responsibilities, the emotional about sex were far from remain unanswered hazards and joys and even answered by the "birds and answered incorrectly. humor of sex at a college age. the bees" discussions offered Many sexually active stu- Eventually, she penned by parents or any "health dents are still very unaware of "Hooking Up: A Girl's AII- class" curriculum. how sexually transmitted dis- Out Guide to Sex and As a young girl in parochial eases spread. Sexuality." schools, Irelied heavily on my They don't realize, or per- Armed with Madison's parents' knowledge and sup- haps blinded by a hot moment book, information gleaned port - and they did a surpris- they forget, that many STDs from candid interviews with ingly good job. don't often show any symp- students on The Hili and However, a majority of my toms and so insisting that a advice from medical experts friends were on their own: guy wear a condom seems as needed, I'm launching "Sex there was a gap in accurate obscure, especially if he seems On The Hill." information, which let to "dean." Some of the topics in this naivete, if not ignorance. This College students need column 1 wish I had explored ignorance came with them to straightforward sex informa- and found the facts about "The Hill." tion that answers more than sooner; ll\any other topics are So many college students - the definition of Herpes. We linked to lessons that are life- too many college students - need somethirig that pertains long, continual. make discoveries and deci- to our encounters - our week- Ultimately, r hope that as sions based on "on the scene" ends. young adults we can be not training. Making wise sexual deci- only confident but also intelli- Without confidence, let sions isn't about knowing gent about sex and intimacy. alone the right information, how to do something, it is I find courage to write this students navigate such issues about the real-life dilemmas column because of one as how to you respond to a that will carry on throughout woman I can't name-d believe guy who doesn't want to wear our lifetime. she can and will conquer what a condom or how far do you Tufts graduate and sex- is a nightmare right now; and go during a hook-up. pert/ author Amber Madison as a result, many other stu- Could it be that this lack of recognized the need for an dents will learn from her jour- knowledge has led to the fact "all-out guide to sex and sexu- ney. that two-thirds of STDs occur ality." This column is dedicated to in adults under twenty-five? As an undergraduate, she her. Oh, and it is also comforting wrote an advice column for to know that one of every her coJlege newspaper that '"- J Parental advice- take it now or leave it behind he listens, and some of the they only suggest what they out about - especially your advice," Jon admited. CORl SIMPSON time, he wishes he would think is best for her. parents. Learning to accept their FEATURES EDITOR have. Although sometimes it is Essentially that advice advice from witnessing his Sometimes moms and dads Dave's parents recently effective to listen to advice translates to "Don't be a dumb older brother's consequences, seem like faucets of advice, advised him to use the word from both parents (especially ass," Shotcock explained. Jon takes what they say seri- whether your turn them on or "no" more often to prevent a if you want to hear your dad Actually, taking parents' ously, and respects the wise not. stressful schedule. This is one trash talk a former boyfriend), advice has led students like words of his parents. A lot of times, their words bit of advice he wishes he had it seems normal for sons to Robertson, Bodnar and What was the last bit of of wisdom get brushed away, paid more attention to. find it easier to talk to dad, Shotcock, along with fellow advice you're parents gave and you say to yourself, "T think I have more going while daughters are more like- student, Jon Schultz, down you? Did you take or leave it? "They don't understand," or, on this semester then ever ly to turn to mom. roads to success. How did the situation tum before ... 1 should have lis- "T usually go to my mom "For my high school grad- out? ;~r:~~"don't know what it's tened," he said. more often, because she's uation," said Schultz, "they (If it helped, don't forget to But luckily, for many, no "Through advice and guid- probably had the same experi- gave me the Dr. Seuss book say thank you!) matter how often we decline ance growing up, my parents ences as a girl growing up," entitled Oh, the Places You'll Maybe you're not con- politely or ignore, (or totally have instilled a sense of values Bodnar said. Go! They had everyone vinced, and you sti.Uthink it's shut down), their advice, par- that have developed into my Sophomore Ben Shotcock attending my graduation lame to listen to mommy and ents rarely stop trying. ability to make my own deci- said he is grateful for the les- party sign it'and give a piece daddy, but hang on to this How often have you said to sions," said junior Clare sons he's learned from his par- of advice or some encourage- article for a while. You may yourself, "Wow, I'm glad I lis- Bodnar. ents. ment. It's the most supportive want your kids to read it even- tened to him," or, "Man, this "I think my parents do give One of the most impres- gift I have every received and tuaUy. would never have happened good advice. Normally, the sionable things Ben learned has some of the best advice in if I had listened. her"? advice they are giving is based from his parents is to not do it that I'm sure I will ever Dave Robertson, junior, on personal experience," she anything that you'd be hear." admits that most of the time added, And Clare realizes ashamed of people finding "My parents give great
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