Page 103 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 103
----------------------____",---------~ '1''' " FEBRUARY 23, 2007 - Page 8 CENTERSPREAD CENTERSPREAD FEBRUARY 23, 2007 - Page 9 .'1 If [/1/1 tJ ,) (' (Fd II t (I( (' (q( ~~N".r /: 'O(I'!I!( £],.[/;I.d/'('.1. _U 1/,/ Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority r In the movie Mean Girls, the characters placed tl- .ir Alph ; "'Iu Omega Sorority high school social strata on an obvious ~d unfriendly map, Me. Laero • c " t ,$ leaving the McDaniel Free Press wondering. what happens Bates when Mean Girls meets McDaniel? DUs Members ot both plu Slgma SISJlIa and /\lphn!'iu After talking to several students, we found that in Glar, PbiAlphs Omega de .cnbcd sitllng In their spets as "tJ'SdltoOR ~ "people watcbing" is more popular than the food. Most stu- dents agreed that not only was there a clear breakdown of ;g;:;;Orn~:Ph~ ~~ whicb students sat where. "Once Imixed it up a little and sat in a section where ) ~~~ don't normally sit. Idefinitely felt like Iwas intruding on the Phi Delta (Back comer against the wall) 'We like to see everyone "all; in." groups that sat there," co!"mented juni~.r Christine Hechmer. "Center Stage - closest to the food. " Swim Team Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity (Ii rst table on' Junior Christine Frieman agrees: My freshmen year, 1 socializing. [and) there's a 360 ,'IC", Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity left hand side). The Pbi Kap. say tile) have sat at someone else's table. IlJ)dthey told me t needed to Track Team: For as long 3S he has been on the "always sat here." Theo Sebekos _ Williams leave. I' Baseball Team Track Team Sophomore Kevin Bowman says they said, "1 like 10 call Glar the I,SA Network _ Most groups (particularly athletes and members of Sigma Phi Epsilon have occupiod this section of Glar. It's "tradition." because all characters are welcome." The Greek life) didn't have a clear c911lJ)ation for where they sat ROTC "The Ladies:" "Otherwise known as 'The greatest Phi Kaps agree thaI .\ pically with th other than "tradition." But "tradition" bolds strong, and those people you 'U ever meet, ")ok~ss~n!0r Amy Hol- Greeks and jocks. [you) know where they who have set tables tend to eat there, with or without their Iand, referencing Mean ~~rls.: We SII here because SII." friends. we love to people watch! Mens Soccer Team Baaed on student opinions, we tried as best as we could ~~~ Womcn's Basketball Team to piece togctber our owo social map of Glar. Descriptions of Floaters' the following jl!'oups come completely from the ltudenta' "Quieter, more secluded, prellYvicw t)r the Intervarsity Christian FeJlowshi~ perspective, elth~ from the groups themselves or other eampus"--"If you come 10 Glar by ),oUtself,you sit Music MajOrs Theatre Students on the porch" atudeDt', obHrvltlou.
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