Page 104 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 104
FEBRUARY23, 200~ - Page 10 FEATURES George Bush deserves praise not bashing A letter to the editor Speech. Freedom of the Press. comes to ~dvanced economic against capitalism'), Minor the Oval Office, or the benefits Iraqis don't need those things. considerations, but from the details aside, the author has of capitalism. But no not in CHELSEA PHILLIPS Only bitter Americans need first three weeks of my Intra to had access to formal educe- the McDaniel Free Press. You READER those rights, so that they can Political Economy class with tton, which is more than what won't find conservative opin- Thank goodness we live in flip-flop in their opini~n of the Dr. 01sh here at McDaniel many can say. Like those girls ions there. America-Where we have the President-from vonng for College, I can guarantee you in the days of Saddam One final nail in the right to say whatever we him one day, to flippantly call- not ALL economists believe Hussein controlled Iraq.. coffin...apparently abstinence want! ing him a foolish coward the that capitalism is a failure or But back to the thesis (the ONLY completely effec- There's no liberal next. Without any fear of that all people are intrinsically of the article ... we should tive way to prevent unwanted media bias. There's No Liberal repercussion for their criti- selfish. Unless of course, the impeach President Bush-so pregnancy and the spread of Media Bias.THERE'S NO LIB- cism, of course. editorial writer wants to chal- that we can abolish the capi- 5TDs) is bad! Who knew?! ERAL MEDIA BIAS! Thank goodness we lenge Dr. Olsh's credential as talist market-economy? Or at ...or at least that's ... right. And if you'll live in America-where we an economist... least that impeaching Bush what the liberals want you to buy that.. have the right to say whatever The author mentions would be a "first step" toward believe. So, Ipicked up a copy we want. Now don't you go choice, and choosing to spend this implied, ultimate goal? of the McDaniel Free Press taking that right for granted. our money and time certain There must be a missing link If you wo d like to today and began flipping Not everyone's as lucky as us. ways. Well, that's what eco- somewhere! Maybe that's just write a response or through the pages, skimming And maybe if the current nomic theory ultimately boils me. commentary on the headlines. Front page: Coach American leadership were just down to. People choose. Our Anyway, going back above 'letter to the edi- Flynn is missed-definitely; a little more selfish, even resources are limited, and we to MY original thesis, the tor: drop it on us hot. he was a great guy and asset fewer people would share make decisions that we hope McDaniel Free Press may not ireepres$ to the basketball program. those rights. Maybe if we just will help us maximize our be completely liberal in College textbooks are expen- returned to the days of isola- benefits and minimize our nature, but it most definitely sive-no student denies that tionism, where we only cared costs. If, as the editorial writer has a bias (and don't for one We will publish it. reality. McDaniel dorm bath- about us. That's it. Let's turn a implies, (s)he is unwilling to moment think it's censer- rooms need soap-I lived in blind eye to the suffering out- work (to "slave from 9 to 5 so vatism!) McDaniel Hall sophomore side of American that someone else can get Feminism. Anti-Iraq year, so I'd have to agree with coasts ... maybe that'll solve rich"), that's a choice (s)he is War. Impeach the president. Correction:Last week's that. the problems of our global free to make. But don't come Marx is the man. Good artt- article, "Ellough is enough.. So far, so good. The sociery.. looking for a hand-out from c1es-perhaps-if they were was written by "The Author" front page seems pretty PC But going back to the me. My protestant work ethic intermingled with articles and does not neccessarily reflect and non-politically biased. President's latest decision to realizes success requires hard applauding traditional values, the opinion of the McDaniel But keep flipping. The step up troop involvement in work. the maintenance of a strong Free Press. Free Press staff has a lot more Iraq, why don't we just agree One final note on cap~ national defense, respect for to say. to disagree for a moment. italism's "laissez-faire" Page 11; a news blip Because the Free Press has big- NOT "laizzes-faire." The Mcfianiel Free Press IS published biweekly and cast photo of Eve Ensler's ger concerns to address. Apparently using spell-check FREE PRESS STAFF Vagina Monologues, recently And that would be requires our author to expend performed on campus. So the impeachment of the too much energy. Let's not for- much for combating gender President (again, note the cor- get, (s)he doesn't want to Co-Editors-in-Chief Staff inequality. Looks like today's rect capitalization). Well, that work too hard! Djerdj Matkovic '07 Terre Martin co\\ege ""orrH~nare content editorial brings us right hack But I digress. Mike H-abegget '08 Kayle Franklin trivla1izmg their self-worth to to the Iraq war issue! This What is' this talk of mere intimate anatomy time, let's look at it from a dif- meaningless lives? This lack of Art Director Rachel Brownlee '10 Dawn Aldrich '10 (instead of celebrating their ferent angle. Let's compare a "conception of what 'the Emily Biondo '09 Geoff Peckham '08 true assets, like, oh I don't leadership styles. good' really is." Speak for jen Harrington '07 know, creativity, energy, intel- Saddam Hussein, yourself! My life is not mean- Features Editor led, or spirit, perhaps?) Also, Iraqi dictator, brutal!y mur- ingless. And Iknow the differ- Kathryn Young '08 Lindsay Graham '07 Heather Gorsuch apparently social deviancy, dered hundreds of thousands ence between "good and sexual perversion, and male- of his own citizens. George bad" ...or maybe you'd prefer Con Simpson '08 Brian Engler '08 bashing is fair game in the the- Bush, American President, the terms "good and evil," Kristin Lamb '09 ater. Try turning the plot sent brave members of our because yes, evil DOES exist. News Editor Rob Goeke '07 around. Would we allow men armed forces (who freely But back on topic, "life can be Melanie Chupein '09 Becky Snider '09 to attack women the way the chose to enlist in the military, better," sure. If we didn't Commentary Editor Christine Boyton '08 Monologues attacks men? Of mind youl) to fulfill their cern- believe in the possibility of Stacey Eyler 'OS . course not. That would be missions by fighting for Iraqi improving living conditions Mario Valone Kristen Bender offensively sexist. Yeah, about freedom. Yep.Isee the similar- we wouldn't be in Iraq, and Sarah Black '07 Leslie Shirk '08 that equality thing ... Feminists ities. Completely understand then maybe there would be no Rigoberto Cloguerimiru '07 of the world, unite! why the editorial writer chose need for this editorial. ..hmm. Sports Editor Chris Perrtck-Manley '09 But anyway, to refer to both national lead- In a perfect world, life Ryan Chell '09 Jerome De Frances J07 McDaniel hosted V-Day 2007, ers as tyrants. Got it. could be better. But if you stop Laura Hutton '09 Greg Pfeiffer '09 and the Free Press covered it. Next, the whole and consider the alternatives Emily Sweeney '09 Page Design Fine. That's just one leftist impeachment thing-now for just a minute, you have to Emily Biondo '09 Christina Hinkle '09 event. But moving on.. there's a messy issue. Do we admit-life in America is pret- Mike Ha.begger '08 Kate1ynn McGinley '10 Ok, page 12. What is really have to go through all ty darn good, at least the life this? Top half of the page-an "the formalities"? Can't we of this editorial writer must MJ Alexander '09 Advertising Managers article condemning George just declare Bush's presidency be. Emily Funk '07 Bush's decision to send addi- over because some of us Now you're probably Photography DaVid P. Greisman '07 tional (neededf) troops to Iraq. "don't listen to him" or like wondering, how I can claim to Evan Ticknor '10 Bottom half of the page-an his policies? Yeah,let's just say know that, when I don't even Mil« Rabegger '08 Copy Editor article calling for the he's been impeached and know who wrote the editorial! Web Editor Pat O'Toole '07 President's impeachment (and move on. Who needs those Two considerations. First, the yes, that's President with. a democratic rights after all.. writer had time to write the .Beth Mclane '07 capitol 'P'. don't like the guy, And then the editorial arttcle-cwhich leads me to fine. But some respect for the writer goes on to specifically believe that {s)he had luxury' Theopinionsexpre$Seddo not n . Office of the President, condemn capitalism. Since time to expend on a non- McDaniel FreePrl"SSstaff th feces5anlyrepresentthoseof The please). President Bush runs our mar- income related task. Let's face M' ~ acuity,or the administratorsof Alright-additional ket economy, he should be it-some people have to work The paper welComesme-~~~:~College. Theeditorsreservetheright to edi nithe~pres.cdanie! edu. troops. The author clearly impeached ...I totally see the to survive. They don't have to publishas spat::epermits PI t. or danty, length,and libeland time to waste writing opinion labels that another dumb deci- connection there! ber forverification.Names~ilt~seI~clude a nameand phone nUOl- sion by our President, that "Communism won't pieces. Second, the writer has the Edito ~Ithhe.ld onlyby the discretion of "blubbering dimwit from work because people are obviously received some edu- TheMcDaniel FreePressdoes n::--C~le~. Texas." What is Bush think- greedy and selfish." And cation, since they were able to religion,gender,sexualorient ti 1SCri~te based on age,race, ing, spending money to sup- "capitalism also fails outright write a piece that was pub- handicap,o~~~~~tis~:~s~rjgin,conditionof port those people far away in because of human greed." The lished in a college newspaper Mailto: Iraq whose human rights have author goes on to insist that, (even if the editorial's premise TheMcDanielFreePress been violated for the past 25 "any economist" would vali- 'that we have already MCD~ielC.ollege,2ColJegeHill years? They don't need the date the aforementioned impeached Bush,' was less (410)751.::lnster, MD21157 freedoms that come from claims. I have to admit, I'm than convincipgly proven E.Maii' FAX:(410)857-2n9 _d~mpcrac.Y.: Fr!€dp?:l...__pf. q_u.lte the ~o~ice .~hen. it through tht: ay.thor's 'rant ~ ._",:::e::p:::"":S:@m='d:an~i'~I.:ed~u _j
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