Page 91 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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NEWS FEBRUARY 24 2006- -Page 3 Egg Donation Has Both Support and Opposition (from "Egg Donations,' page 1) selling your ~ggs;it's like ~ell- Egg Donation Process Despite ~~.obvious mter~st l~ mg Y~llrf ch~dren~ :er~J ~ In~er~ted i~ egg donation? Below is a summary of ',he donation process through ruc: egg donation. the practic~ IS potentia. or ere 0 a .e. • After being interviewed by FBC regarding social and medical history, as well as egg donation proce- also controversial for ethical, while FBe does provide dures, the donor candidate's profile is shown to the recipients (all identifying information is blacked out). moral, and religious reasons. its donors with a fee for their • Once a candidate and recipient are matched; the candidate undergoes psychological and medical screen- "I think it's unethical," services usually between ings ,toensure thatthedecisiontodonateeggsis appropri~tefor her.These screeningsincludea clinical said a female senior, who ~6,OOO ~n~ $6,SO? per d~na- interview witha socialworker ora PsychOI;:;'.i::;:::haY:;i~~.alevaluationby therecipient'sinvitroIertil- chose to remain anonymous. tion, FBC s website describes • Afte~thedonorhas beenapproved,she is readyto beginthe"ovarianstimulationcycle."Thisprocedure "My point of view is if Gdd its donors as women who are couldvaryamong tactltnee. AtFBC,thefirststepis to synchronize the menstrualcyclesof thedonorand had wanted Someone to have "motivated to help infertile . rccipient,us\laUythroughtheuseoforalconttaceptives. children, He would have htle earni fee for • Thesecond step,which occurs afterthemenstrual cyclesareinsyn~\llVol~esthe donorself-administer- given her the necessary equip- ;~~e~;;v~c::~:mn.fna other i~~edi~j~~~:~:e~~:~tif~~~:os~:e.t~~n~Vt~:~i::~~u~;i~~?~!'~l:~ll~l~ (:~~ ~~:~n:~et~~~' ment to have them." , words, the money is not the pare heruterusforembryoimplantation Rozencwaig said that she primary ~otiva.~o~ tOhd~n.ate • The size, q;:;~~:~: ~~v::I::;:::~;,f~~~~~n~~i;n~~~~i:o:l~t::v~t;!:J~~~ cjtrescncg- ~;~tr~::~;y e~~:~~;~~, ~7t :~~~~e~a w~~a~ ::ali:e p~:~ ·=~h~ed:;;~~~ :d:a:~rh:u~~~ails~~:~e:~:~ ~';;:~~~sn~re~o~~~~I:~a:~~~=~~I~i~: et~ she is aware of the practice's dream of motherhood. followingday. delicate nature. Bodnar agreed with this • Once egg l1.ltrie,:,alis complete,the donorhasfulfilledher commitmentand will receiveherfee .• Two "I know that there are id "It Id b dded weeks after the retrieval procedure,thedonorschedulesan appointmentwiththephysicianfora check-up. e 'oenau's[thewloeuel,bu ,I~~daoit to InformationwasretrievedfromtheFamilyBuildingCenter,, http://www.familybuild_com. issues. Some people may call b this not really donating, but help someone else. If you the recipient, who, according eggs and a male partner's ral.' rather, people are selling their want to have children and you to FBC's website, "is capable sperm or donated sperm. This Clearly, egg donation has eggs," she said. can't - that's a hard thing to of carrying a pregnancy to is then followed by the trans- its supporters and its detrac- Evidence of this side of the deal with." term but she does not have fer of embryos to the recipi- tors, and members of the controversy can be found in Another common debate viable oocytes (eggs)." The ent's womb, in hopes of result- McDaniel College student our student body. The anony- over egg donation is the artifi- donated eggs are then used ing in a pregnancy. population are among them. mous female student, who cial nature of the conception. for in vitro fertilization, which "I also don't agree with the Please see related sidebar for was interviewed separately, At FBC, the donor's eggs involves the creation of science of it," said the anony- information on the egg dona- said: "I don't like the idea of go directly to another woman, embryos via mixing of the mous student. "It's not natu- tion procedure. "Fear Takes You To the Edge" at CF Event theme became that of the or hinder you. makes it a success to me," Growing up, I admired CLAYTON ROSA caped crusader in black - Jenna Layman, a senior, As the campus communi- Wolverine, who had the abili- STAFF WRITER Batman. An average man whose graceful voice rippled ty begun to enter into the ty to heal instantaneously, and Are you afraid of the (with the exception of his cap- through ears at the Gospel Forum, the aroma of Chic-Fil- I remember today, that what- dark? Of spiders? Heights? ital and heavy bankroll) Bruce choir concert, grew up afraid A lingered about; freshmen, ever pain I experience now is Death? Snakes? Or even Wayne is like any other man, of being criticized (and of her sophomores, juniors, and sen- only temporary because all clowns? who through intensive train- fear of spiders; but then again, iors alike gathered to hear a pain heals. What superhero do Fear usually takes you to ing and rigorous hardships who hasn't!"). message - a message of fear, of you admire? What fears have the edge, and in this case _ lit- transformed himself into the She comments on The adversity, and of triumph. hindered you? Now, what do erally legend we all know as Edge's success as being an Josh Foster explained that you plan to do about it? A Christian Fellowship Batman. emphasis to fellowship: "1 he looked up to Bruce Wayne Christian FeUowship is organized event, .. The J;dge, "To br¢g fear to those judge lour success} not by (aka Batman) because he con- holding a Winter Conference -.Qff.e.te4 whg prey go the £earful " ~ ~ but rather quered his fears and used retreat frQm IrlillJ.e.D~ 24 to ty dlffe ....nt perspecti .........that the event's adage. if even one person was inter- them for justice; leona February 26, to bring together emphasized specific themes. Foster clearly expressed ested in learning more about Layman admired She-Ra, the the faith of nearby schools and On February 8, 2006, the that we are all fearful of some- Jesus. That happened, and so princess of power, and tries to organizations. To find out theme was fear. thing. Whether your fear it was all worth it! Plus, r apply the courage that she more about til is event, yOll Can Josh Foster, a Christian stems from critters under your know r got to meet a whole uses in living a life after col- contact Jenna Layman at and superhero fanatic, was the bed or nostalgia, heights or bunch of new people, and that lege. x8381. speaker of the day and while bathtubs, fear is a human the general theme revolved emotion that, depending on around fear, the content of the how you use it, can either help Eat 'em anyway you Endowment Rise like lem in our favorite (jrom"Elldowmellt," Page 1) Coley. "The college's endow- income for the college, which ment is lower than we would signature sauces/ is utilized in a number of dif- like." ferent ways. In addition to "We have acquired the funds alllwal eamings, the endow" primarily through good ment grows through the gen- hmdraising, through good erosity of alumnae and others money management, and who make gitts t"othe endow- through bequests to the col- ment. lege," said Coley. "One of the Dr. Ethan SeideL Vice major goals of the upcoming President of Administration campaign is to add to the and Finance, elaborates, endowment. We're certainly "Every year, we withdraw not done with this goa!." funds from the endowment to Coley puts all the numbers aid in operating the College. and dollar amounts into plain Over time, the earnings on the language and hits home. "We ::~t:;d~::';;dhat~:c:i~~: ~E!~c~~i:~l~~;~::!:~~ plus the gifts to have immediate needs that we investments drawals for spending. Thus, and renovation." ::~uee,~dowmen' grows in -=W=':"M=-EN-EA-R-N-S-60-0-0-'\-N-D-U-P When President Joan Coley 11 BE AN took office, her 'op goal was to EGG DONOR ~~~:~eI:~:ac~:~~;;':~:: fOR ,IN/NF!RflLI COUPLE term but is quick to recognize continued dedication and the need for fuhlre gain and I improvement. {f. FamIly B~U~~~:~~%':!.~ M "Yes, I have succeeded, (~) MHM,;--""_t though I always wish we 3tL1l4.UIO'·~dlI,~ - COuld have more," stated I "_tJ~::!--~""!!"~T_~:::""'~_-----,
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