Page 94 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 94
CENTER SPREAD CENTER SPREAD FEBRUARY 24, 2006- Page 6 FEBRUARY 24, 2006 - Page 7 Name: Jared Luner Name: Ember Fleming Name: Connor Rasmussen Name: Luke Brandeberry Horne: Collinsville, Illinois (a suburb of St. Louis, Home: Duxbury, Massachusetts Home: Auburn, Maine ~ Name: Brian Kastner Home: Victor, Montana MA in 3 Words: Open-Minded, Busy, and Beautiful Home: Seattle, Washington MT in 3 Words: Wild, Big, and Free Name: Matt Lufkin MOl Ember describes Duxbury as being "very similar to the setting of the TV series ME in 3 Words: Moose, Wet, Tree-Laden When thinking about home, the first thing Brian Luke's comments on his hometown of less than 200 people are as fellows: Home: Overland Park, Kansas Describing home, Jared says that "51. Louis is Dawson's Creek. The town is small with its very own private beach. There is only one Connor says that "Auburn an are about the Same size but Auburn is going notes is that "in Seattle, it rains a lot more [than it does "Victor is not really even a spot on the map .... There is a liquor store and two KS in 3 Words: Simple, Conservative, a~d ~a~tiful similar to Baltimore. Parts of it aren't that nice, traffic light in the whole town and the only mainstream food chain i "My hometown is at the edge of 'civihzalLon. If one was to here]." He says the city offers many more activities and bars and a bank. No Grocery stores, since most people lake the 10 mile drive to travel any further south they would see only com fields and but it has a lot of fun neighborhoods and there's Massachusetts is unique, Ember explains, because of bad drivers things to do than westrntnster. Another noticeable differ- Hamilton or Stevensville 10 get their food." He says one of the biggest differ- if that same person were to go north they w~uld be heading a lot to see and do." Jared explains the biggest England dam chowder, and also because "it has just recently beco difference between McDaniel and home is the big ence Brian acknowledges is nature. In Washington people , ences between McDaniel and home is the wildlife. "I was fishing Lost Horse right into the city. I have seen the soy bean fIelds next to the states that has legalized gay marriage." When she is back at home, Ember loves taking McDaniel and home is the sout are much more focused on environmental issues and there Creek with a buddy once, heard a huge splash and thought he had fallen in. I city atmosphere of St. Louis, where he enjoys are so many things to do outdoors. Brian enjoys hiking on looked to my right and I was face-to-face with a giant bull moose about 10 it local grocery store turn into parking lots, and the cow fields going to Cardinal's baseball games. He adds trips to Boston with friends. She says that "Massachusetts - and N the scenic trails around Seattle. Washington, he says, is away." While Missoula, MT is around 30 miles away, Luke explains that "The next to my high school, divided and turn~d mto rows of new that, "51 Louis is a lot of fun! It may seem like eral - are great places to be. If given the chance to go there, do it! most famous for rain, and coffee [the Starbucks Coffee term 'traffic' has no meaning in Montana." And while he believes Montana is homes," Matt says. Describing t~e dlffe,~nces between we're in the middle of nowhere, but there is a lot the country with a lot of history and entertainment. .. There are mountai fields in the middle, and the coast on the east. Boston is a great city to visit and it has Company actually began in Seattle, as did Seattle's Best. Westminster and home, Matt explaIns that K~nsas ... has to do. Oh, and Panera Bread? We had it first and Maine because we have everything," says a great place, Luke acknowledges there arc some drawbacks to living there: "Its either long boring highways like US 70, or strait and narrow it's actually called 51. Louis Bread Company!" great concerts, food, theater, historical sites, and museums." Connor. Maine is famous for lob [Montana's] negatives come in the form of an October thru April winter." country roads with every manner of asphalt, dirt, or sand ... an ideal vacation spot. He also points out that Name: Siri Hiltz There is remarkably less diversity, and [few~r) people and "a lot of Stephen King movies are filmed here." Horne: Vashon Island, Washington cities. It seems that people are happier, friendlier, and in most In Portland, Maine, the biggest city of the state, WA in 3 Words: Green, Mountainous, and Wet cases in a better mood." Matt adds that currently Kansas is Name: [ason Stealy Connor suggests listening to the excellent Siri's hometown is "a small island in the Puget Sound in Washington. We're "most famous for all the creationism hcadlines in the news." Home: Culver, Indiana selection of live music or just enjoying the awe- about fifteen minutes from the mainland by ferry boat (there aren't any In closing, Matt would like McDaniel to know that "[You] all IN in 3 Words: Chill, Lake, Wakeboarding some city. bridges) so we can get to Seattle or Tacoma by boat as long as we check the should visit; there is a growing bicsciences in~ustry! Oh, and In comparison to Westminster, Jason says that Culver is "way better and boat schedules." As opposed to VVestminster, "there's always something I hate the whole 'Dorothy' and 'Oz' thing - seriously get =s- a little bigger - with a lake." The main activity Jason enjoys at home is interesting happening at home, whether It's an art show or performance, or a ina!." wakeboarding on the town lake which, is bordered with houses owned Name: Matt Laroche new building being put up, there's something to talk about." Siri says that the---l----1'--- by Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise [possibly where Tom has hidden the Home: Pawtucket, Rhode Island lifestyle in Vashon is very relaxed and laid back. For fun in Washington, the very pregnant Katie Holmes from the world?]. "Westminster is bigger," Matt says emphatically. He big city is the place to go. "I love just walking around Seattle. There are so If you ever find yourself wishing to visit Culver, Indiana, Jason enthusi- also comments that there are many more fast food many interesting people and events happening all the time. Ialso really enjoy astically points out his hometown's "benefit": "We are in the Middle East, chains and franchise stores in Westminster as the different landscapes we have. In the west there are forests and really near Saddam." opposed to Pawtucket. Rhode Island, according to green places, and when you move further east you can find rolling hills and Malt, "leads the country in Binge Drinking with vineyards and farms." In a final thought about home, Siri says "it's a great 5.31% of the population aged 18-25 binge drinking state with a lot of diversity." regularly. Rhode Island also tops the Cocaine Use category with 12.05% using cocaine regularly." Malt would also like to infonn the McDaniel stu- dent body that "RI is probably the best place in the world, and the universe." Name: Jenny Csupo Name: Kristin Lamb Horne: Trumbull, Connecticut Home: Lake Oswego, Oregon CT in 3 Words: SnObby, Fun, and Small OR in 3 Words: Green, Picturesque, Amazing According to Jenny, in Trumbull there is much more to do As an icebreaker during my first weeks at McDaniel, I was continually than in Westminster. There are "definitely a lot more trees in . asked that pressing question: 'Where are you from?" Connecticut than in Maryland, and people have an accent in When [ asked the question, I'd hear answers ranging from, -oh. I liv Maryland," Jenny notes, listing the differences between right up the road, about ten minutes away" to "Frederick County." McDaniel and home. And though she says people in her Now, for all of you Marylanders, both of these answers make perfect hometown. "are snobbier than in Maryland," Jenny encour- sense, but we foreigners become lost in the web of Carrolls an ages everybody to visit Connecticut anyway. Howards and Anne Arundets. Never before I migrated to Westminster had I met anyone who identified themselves by county. And, after sev- Name: Eric Fuller eral months of acclimating to Maryland-ness, I still find this practice Home: Cheshire, Connecticut somewhat odd CT in 3 Words: Small, Boring, and Cold When someone would ask me for the place [ call home, I'd answer not Cheshire, Eric contends, is "the bedding plant capital of the state' with "Clackamas County," but "Oregon." And directly following my answer bedding plant farms, green houses and nurseries. It's full of yuppies would come the response (or some very similar variation) of: '"Why did and professional people and a public school that has very successful you come all the way over here?" sports teams ... People from Maryland have a slight accent, in the way I wanted something new, something different -I'd respond. Now here they pronounce words like 'horne' and 'phone: Everything down here is something different, something new for you! is lot cheaper, especially gas and beer. One thing that sucks about food For the past eleven years my home has been Lake Oswego, Oregon. A around here is there isn't any good pizza. !live in the new haven area, suburb of Portland, Lake Oswego is a town of 40,000 people and is home to eleven Starbucks. And while I LOVE to enjoy a rainy afternoon read- which has some of best pizza in the country. We aren't obsessed with ing the day away sipping on a tall non-fat Caramel Macchlato wilh whip crab cakes." Eric believes Connecticut is most famous for housing the and two Splendas, my favorite thing to do is to drive the 10 minutes to hvo J..rge.t casmaoo in tI...... orlel, as ... cll as "that kid from Dawson's C .......k Uames Van Der Seek) and Brian leech (NHl hockey player)" downtown Portland and explore. There is an amazing music scene, tons who both grew upin Cheshire. Finally, Eric insists, "If you want to live of shopping - both high-end and BoHo cheap - amazing restaurants with in a really ni(e state close to New York City that is too expensive and all different genre's of good eats, and of course, more pine trees than you has terrible traffic, Connecticut is for you." could ever imagine. Portland is an amazing city with every possible outdoor activity avail- able from kayaking 10 rock climbing. And it is essentially the most won- derful place on earth - but maybe that's just my bias talking. Name: Chelsea Ferruzzi Home: Jenkintown, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) PA in 3 Words: Fun, Exciting. and Entertaining "Jenkintown is 1 square mile and five minutes away from Philadelphia," Chelsea says. At home she loves going into the city for "shopping and eating cheese steaks." Chelsea would like to tell McDaniel that "Pennsylvania is a pretty happening place.' Name: Jason Fratto Home: Taylorsville, Utah UT in 3 Words: Beautiful, Mountainous, and Conservative When describing the differences between McDaniel and Taylorsville, Jason says, "I live in suburbia, so when I came Name: Katie Lawson to Weshninster, it was kind of weird seeing rural areas and Home: Forked River, New [ersesy houses with actual backyards." Jason says Utah is most NJ in 3 Words: Underrated, Diverse, Interesting famous for the Sundance Film Festival, Mormons, and the "Forked River is about five minutes from the bay and 20 minutes from the ocean, which 2002 Olympics. "It's weird to see the Winter Olympics in means people have completely different hobbies than they do in a town like Torrino, Italy this year," Jason says. "The Winter Olympics Westminster. For example, instead of golfing, we fish," Katie explains. She continues on were in Salt Lake in 2002. The Olympics were one of the the differences between Maryland and New Jersey: "There are no hills in South Jersey. most unique experiences I've ever had. Downtown Salt .. the roads are different: we do not make Ll-Tums or left turns the same way [as we do Lake was packed with people, and it was very interesting to in Maryland). We do not stop for pedestrians." Katie is upset that Jersey is stereotypical- hear English, French, German, Italian, and many other lan- ly known to be "dirty," and so she rightfully defends her great state: "A lot of people guages being spoken all in the same place. It was cool to see have stereotypes about New Jersey that aren't true. The state has a lot more to offer than the diversity that the Olympics creates, yet at the same time people give it credit for. Parts of it may not look like an ideal place to live, but you have . there is still a sense of togetherness." to remember that those areas are crucial to the economy and the production of products Name: Elissa Weil Name: Autumn Nicole Hancock that we all use " Home: Parker, Colorado (20 miles south of Denver) Home; Sarasota, Florida FL in 3 Words: Sunny, Relaxing, Laid-Back CO in a Word: Cold Name: Christina Smith Aside from the sunny beaches, Autumn points out that Home: Rose Park, Utah "Parker was the ultimate suburban country town," Elissa "Sarasota is recognized as Florida's Cultural Coast and is and our main road UT in 3 Words: Sheltered, Religious, And Beautiful says. "We had a lot of open Iarrnland The home to a professional symphony, ballet an~ opera. In ad~i- that got you to everything was only 4 lanes wide ... "I left [home] thinking my neighborhood was small. Then I saw Westminster," Christina lion, more than 10 theaters and 30 art galleries are located In Name: Laurel Kenney says bluntly. "Rose Park is just 5 min. outside of Salt Lake City (10"l11in.or so by public closest mall and movie theater was at least 20 minutes Sarasota [including] The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Home: Charles Town, West Virginia transportation). It just amazes me sometimes how many people I know who have never away." Every summer, everyone in Parker gathers at the Art." Autumn says the biggest difference between here and WV in 3 Words: Mountainous, Musical, Boondocks left this, and other surrounding small towns to experience life just a few miles away in one country dub in town to swim, to play golf, and to play home is the lifestyle. "Everything is more [aid back; every- "Charles Town," describes Laurel, "is fairly similar to Westminster. It's on the tip of tennis. On activities at home, Elissa says that "the biggest Baltimore. For those of us living in any neighborhood surrounding SLC, we have no thing in Parker [isl school spirit and everyone anendls] all one seems to take life day-by-day down there. Much mo~ the Eastern panhandle of the state so it's practically in Maryland. It's the 'bedroom choice but to go into the city bl c that is where the stores, f~od, entertainment, et~. are." the football games on Friday nights ... everyone [comes] no time is spent enjoying leisure ... Some people. say we live m community' ofO.C. so there are a lot of commuters." She says that there arc "quite a A surprising difference between Utah and Westminster "l~ the fact that Utah IS more matter who you are. The games [are] pretty much the only 'beach time.' I just feel like less people take life for granted few 'rednecks" in Charles Town, as well as farms: "You can always find a cow" diverse than Westminster ... Westminster is just very .... Whlte." However, she says the down there. 1 guess it's hard to take anything for granted Laurel says West Virginia is most famous for, among other things, John Denver, being biggest difference is "the fact that there is v~ry little separation between church and stat~. entertainment around town." In the winter, everybody skis when you are always surrounded by such beauty. The sun- a fat state, and incest jokes. Despite certain negative connotations incest jokes may The one thing most people know Utah for IS the Mormon religion. Because of Its donu- and snow boards and Elissa explains that "in Colorado sets will take your breath away." Finally, A~tumn would impose on West Virginia, Laurel would like McDaniel to know that "it's absolutely nance, it controls a huge extent of property in the state ... Days that are important in the everyone spends a lot of time outdoors, playing football, like McDaniel to know that "Sarasota, Florida IS much m?re beautiful." Monnon faith have been given special status by the state." She closes in saying "You running, biking, hiking, canoeing, swimming, and anything than old-people, oranges, and people wh.o mess up voting else you can think of." Finally, Elissa insists that "the Rocky should take the time to visit. . There is a whole world of life, culture, and beauty out Mountains, which only take up half of the state ... are not during elections. It's a different perspechve on hfe, a per- there that you will never experience staying in city made of one main road - called Main the only thing in Colorado" spective of appreciation fo~ what you have, the beauty I Compiled and Designed by Kristin Lamb Street." around you, and the people m your life."
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