Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 89
AN ALUMNI FINDS SUCCESSIN DOWNTOWN WESTMINSTER Westminster, MD 5"'4+@'.' Vol. 5 No.2 Facebook 12 Becomes Rap in Rap Music, Students 1,,1 2 Hazardous, Commentary SpeakOu~3 Page 10 Page 9 About Media INSIDE Minimum Wage Rolls Up At McDaniel tured its pay scale. As a result, 95-cent raise. paid monthly, making the DAVID P. GREISMAN a majority of students in the "Who wouldn't like getting raises effective from Feb. 1 STAFF WRITER campus employment and col- more money?" Cartagena allows the change to be done This March, hundreds of lege work-study programs said. more easily by the college, student workers at McDaniel will have extra cash in their The law, enacted by the while creating an additional College will open up their wallets and bank accounts. General Assembly in January, perk for employees, said Dr. paychecks and see a larger Junior Alex Cartagena went into effect on Feb. 17, but Ethan Seidel, vice president number on the bottom line. works as a game room atten- student workers will see their for administration and Thanks to a new state law dant in Decker College Center. raises put into effect retroac- finance. boosting Maryland's mini- Previously, he was being paid tively to the beginning of the Approximately 82 percent mum wage up $1 to $6.15 an $5.25 an hour, but under the month. of students on the college pay hour, the college has restruc- new pay scale he will receive a Since student workers are (see "Minimum Wage" on page 2 ) 10 Reasons to Tune Egg Donors Sought Into the Olympics, they might not otherwise Page 11 KATIE HICKEY have," Clare Bodnar, a junior, STAFF WRITER noted: A Maryland-based FBC specializes in egg child placement agency called donation, and offers a variety Family Building Center, Inc. of other reproductive alterna- (FBC), recruits many of its egg tives to women and couples donors by placing classified who have been unsuccessful ads in publications at colleges at conceiving or carrying a and universities in pregnancy to term in the past. Pennsylvania, Washington Their interest in McDaniel D.C., and Marylanti. CoUege stems m -rherr The agency's advertisement search for mature, responsible, hit The McDaniel Free Press stable women between the this issue, and the interest in ages of 20 and 29 to become Swimm ng college-age women as poten- egg donors, according to Carol the Executive Rozencwaig, tial egg donors has sparked Competes at the both controversy and enthusi- Director of FBC. Centennial asm for the egg donation prac- "We have a pool of 40 to 50 Conferences. See the ttce. "If you've already had egg donors at any given time," said Rozencwaig, adding that Results On Page 12 kids, or if you're not planning she has been involved in help- to have kids, then you'd be ing infertile couples build giving another couple the families for over 20 years. chance to have children that (see" Egg Donor" on page 3 ) :~~re ~~~~I~~:~~:~~~I~~~O~~~~~~i~g) ~mbrace after a I McDaniel Endowment Soars In 2005 Association of College and institution. What is SHELLY HORN University Business Officers. The market value of endowment? STAFF WRITER However, trends and numbers McDaniel's endowment President Joan Coley McDaniel's endowment vary with reporting agencies. reached just over $72 million explains, "An endowment is grew 11.2% over the last fiscal College endowments and at the end of the fiscal year like a huge savings account year, surpassing the national fund-raising levels have been that ended June 30, 2005, a $7 for the college. The college There's No Place average and avoiding the in flat in recent years, as the million increase from the pre- uses only some of the interest on this account each year for stock market and potential vious year. Over the last ten recent trend of stagnation Like Home. Read college endowments. donors recover from the reces- years, McDaniel's endowment its operating budget." Why on the The national average sion (David L. Warren, has shown an average dollar The funds, which are invested National primarily in stocks Centerspread, endowment growth, 9.3%, President, of Independent increase of $4.8 million. and bonds, yield interest Endowments are vital to the Association in a was released last month Pages 6 and 7 report by the National Colleges and Universities per economic health of a college (see "Enaounnent" all page 3) 'Elimination' Leads to Some Strange Behavior Katelyn Kernan, is like that of and that person is the winner. Sophomore Scott out of Sight from anyone. KATHRYN YOUNG many other? who have partie- For the past month, Gelman played Elimination in Once you have gotten your STAFF WRITER i ated in Elimination, the lat- students have been sitting in high school as a fundraiser target alone, you whisper to ~t game craze on campus GLAR talking about how they and thought it would be fun to them, "You are eliminated." for abo:~h~:a:u~e~;u:: :hich included 100 McDaniel were going to eliminate their try it out on The Hill. No one If one does not elimi- students from all classes. ta~g~t, who had already been can deny that the. game has nate their person within three Without my knowledge, and Elimination officially eliminated, and how they had brought much excitement to days, they themselves are then things made a drastic began at 12:01 a.m. on almost been eliminated. those who are playing it. automatically out of the game. turn for the worst...I was left Monday February 6. The Once Kernan heard Gelman assigned "Elimination was overall a fun alone in front of the Pub, and oal: eliminate your target she was e"liminated she knew everyone a randomly selected game," said Rachael Darkow. suddenly there was a hand on g After eliminating she was out of the game .. .I number from 1-100. Here Darkow, a sopho- :~ :~:~d:d. a,;o~~:::~~ :::;~u must then eliminate headed back to my dorm sm~- comes the tricky. part ~ you more, admitted to being nated.'" their target person and so on. Ing. I was ~ally abl~ to agam must be .alone With your tar- extremely paranoid while This account of junior, Eventually one person is left walk alone m peace. get. This means completely (see "Elimination" 011 page 2)
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