Page 90 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 90
FEBRUARY24, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Elimination Creates Excitement and Terror (from "Elimination," Page 1) couldn't do that, I couldn't with anyone in private. "The Houser admitted to having gets had to carry around playing the game. Darkow trust anyone!" person who had me ended up met a lot of new people. bagels in order to show that was out of the game three Houser went about stalking me for days, she even "Even if YQuweren't meeting they were playing. Once you days after entering for not finding her targets on found me in a remote area of them - rather, stalking them - got .your bagel grabbed, you eliminating her person. "I Facebook and getting to know the library," Darkow said. it was still fun," Darkow said. were" Assassinated." wasn't taking the game very "who people are." She got Darkow didn't want Houser laughed, Willia~ Fitchko, a seriously until the first night I familiar with where they lived to get eliminated, and like "People would even hide in senior at George Mason, said was told who had to eliminate and hung out. "It's important many others made her friends my room of Ol!r suite .. .l met everyone. was so paranoid. me." to do research and make up escort her everywhere - "even so many people that I would "Some people when they had "You have to make an strategies," stated Houser. the bathroom!" Gelman have never known other- received the bagel from their aJliance...that is the only way For her first target, agreed with these reactions wise." target would hang them up to make it through this," stat- Houser made up a fake survey and said that no one wants to McDaniel is not the for how many kills they had." ed junior Amalie Shaffer. it and went to the Pub where her be alone. only school to tryout the Gelman approximat- was through forming an target hung out a lot. She "But there is this craze. Apparently George ed that the game should take alliance that Darkow was able asked to talk to rum in private, rush ... the rush after you elim- Mason a few years ago partic- about two or three weeks. The to find who had her as a tar- so he could take her survey. inate your target," Gelman ipated in what was known as end is coming but the winner get. BAM! YOU'RE ELIMINAT- said. But Gelman saw some- "Assassination" is still unknown. But after Sophomore Chelsie ED! thing else when he started Assassination followed pretty Spring Break, look forward to Houser disagrees: "A lot of This is how it works. Elimination. "A lot of people much the same rules as Gelman and junior Kate people helped each other and However, soon people became are making new friends." Elimination. Chapman conducting an formed alliances ... 1 felt like I anxious and knew not to be Both Darkow and At George Mason tar- "Elimination U!" Minimum Wage Rises: Student Workers Rejoice (from "Minimum "We will be able to absorb "When you're going into work mation desk in Decker, sees Burns said she will treat the Wage," Page 1) this, because we always budg- for a couple of hours, and you her raise as evening out the money from her paychecks roll will receive raises, with et conservatively," he said. know you're only getting prices of goods and services. the same way she always the cutoff line being those who Some students think posi- $5.25, you might as well stay "In some ways it's a good does. were earning $7 or less, Seidel tivelyabout this change, while home. But now I know I'm thing, because you're getting "I'm going to spend a little, said. others have mixed feelings. doing something with my more," Burns said. "But in and save some, although I Although the cost of "It's much better," said time that's useful." other ways, it doesn't make a should probably be saving employing students is rising, Nora Ibrahim, a junior who But senior LaRhonda difference, because of ... the more than Ido," she said. Seidel said the school will not works in the foreign language Burns, an attendant for both economy. Everything is get- be cutting jobs to compensate. lab in Baker Memorial Chapel. the game room and the infer- ting more expensive." College Democrats Revived and Ready To Go participation and awareness to vote. Green Party that will be sepa- person who has even a minute DJERDJ MATKOVIC for people on and off cam- Josh Russin, the vice-pres- rate and more liberal, and that inclination for politics," and STAFF WRITER could give students more added, "there is no reason pus." Cummings added that ident of the dub, and also a One of McDaniel "any students interested in political science major says, choice. why students on campus should be apathetic. There are College'S two political dubs, politics are welcome to join, "We will try to get members Cummings and Russin are many outlets for students to the College Democrats, has regardless of their major." involved in the congressional also members in the Maryland get their voices heard." been resurrected under new One way the eighteen and state elections, and will Student Legislature, a mock The College Democrats leadership this semester. The member club plans on raising also attempt to contact the student legislature that dis- meet every other Wednesday, club had "died out" since its political awareness is by hold- democratic national commit- cusses national and state polit- with the next meeting being former president and vice ing political forums for stu- tee." He added that "the club ical issues. They both encour- president left for a study dents, with guest speakers is likely to get involved with age people to join, saying March 15th, at 9pm on the abroad semester. With a new who have expertise in the local democratic contenders "students have an opportuni- third floor of Hill Hail. The and committed leadership the field. One planned guest participating in the local cam- ty to debate issues; you learn legislature meets at the same dub plans on expanding this speaker is Rep. Wade Kach, a paigns." Russin said that the how to draft legislation, and place and time on Thursdays. semester, and has several delegate in the state legisla- club also plans on opening you get a better understand- Contact Josh Russin at plans in store. ture. The dub also plans on dialogue with the other col- ing of parliamentary proce- for more The new president, Andy holding a voter registration lege political dub, the College dures and also earn 2 inde- information. Cummings, a political science drive for the students on cam- Republicans. pendent study credits!" major, says the club's new pus and the Westminster com- The dub also plans on Russin said the club and the goal is "to increase political munity in order to get. people helping to [umpstart a College legislature is "looking for any The Lighter Side: Fight Night, Round Two ANDYWU off their wounds to buddies and left a trail of blood leading ERtoo. unfortunately! STAFF WRITER and act like they're tough. to his room. More impressive The privileged dame, I've done it, so have Only God knows how however is the altercation on whose boyfriend tried to heat I've said it before, I'll say it you. Windows, mirrors, and Campus Safety managed to the 16th in Whiteford. A resi- up her roommate, should again. There aren't enough walls have become primary track him down. dent of the freshman girts' thank her lucky stars that she reckless and egomaniacal per- targets for an intoxicated and This total disregard dorm got into it with her A found the type of assertive, strong-willed man that every boyfriend. roommate's sonalities on college campus- irrationally angry youth. On for his own well-being shoving match ensued and no girl dreams of. es. Luckily, we have a couple Feb. 5th, a Rouzer-Ian impresses me. It probably You hold on to him, here. punched through a window impressed the doctors in the real punches were thrown - he's a keeper, a modern day When girls get drunk, they cry; when real men get Prince Charming. Rather than drunk, they destroy things. sweeping you off your feet, They mainly destroy things he'll knock you off them. that can cause injury to them- That's how Cinderella really selves so that they can show lost her slipper anyway. Occurred From Date R rtcdDatc Subcatc Type Outdoors Buildin r Neme TncidcntStatus reoon complete 215/06 1:45 a.m. 2/5/061:47 o.m. alcohol [possession under 21 2 Rouzer Hall 2/4/068:00 n.m. 2/5/062:30 .m vandalism vehicle Garden Ant. Lot inactive 2/8/0612:02 a.m. 2/8/063:02 a.rn. tom rin;with fi~uip. fire extiuguisher Levine Hall Lot inactive 2110/062:01 a.m. 21! 0/06 1:59 a.m. vandalism ropert Penn. Ave. Houses closed by poe Rouzer Hall inactive 2/9/069:00 a.rn. 2/10/062:35 o.m. vandalism structure Hoover Librarv 2lIV063:46D.1ll. 2111/063046 .m. rreseass endin cou.rt outcome 2/12/06 12:00 a.m. 2(12/0610:37 a.rn. ta~in ' with fireoouip. fire cxtin euisher Blanche Ward Flail inactive 21l2J06 12:30 a.m. 2/121068:150.m. vandalism Blanche Ward Hall inactive Rouzer Hall 2114/067:25 n.m. 2/14/067:25 o.m. tresnass other simple hands Whiteford open incomplete report 2Jl6!06 12:04 a.m 2/16/06 12:04 a.m. assault
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