Page 93 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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FEATURES FEBRUARY 24, 2006- Page 5 Alum Finds Success in Downtown Westminster into Down Under and suffering such setbacks as a goal of being a small business infancy, by being centrally ERIKHOTT Johansson's fine dining crumbling foundation and owner, her response was to located in downtown STAFFWRlTER restaurant was unveiled, collapsed walls. "Be prepared to make the Westminster its Irish allure is For years, Johansson's Wendy was immersed in the Through sheer persever- commitment and put in the sure to attract McDaniel stu- Dining House has been a cen- reality of breathing sophisti- ance Wendy and David were hours." her focus dents, family, and alumni as Additionally, well as the general public. tral location for celebrations cated life into what was able to achieve their goals and was in reference to her rela- Wendy and David surrounding college life at known historically as a party open O'Lordana in November tionships with her staff. She Johansson are "very pleased '{he Johansson's McDaniel. With the opening bar. of 2005. added that if you treat your with the addition of chose to use an Irish theme of (j'Lordan's Irish Pub on the Wendy implemented the because of their love of old staff fairly they will be. more O'Lordan's in [their] business corner of Railroad Avenue and knowledge she gained from inclined to feel a part of the ventures and feel that both Green Street, it is hoped that her concentration in Art Irish pubs as well as Wendy'S "team that is there to get the restaurants are assets to the Irish heritage. In fact, Lordan new college traditions will be History at then Western is Wendy'S grandmother's job done together." community and especially the embarked upon. Maryland to research and maiden name. She was from Although restaurant downtown of Westminster." At the heart of that hope is detail the decoration and in Alumni Wendy Vanscoy- overall ambiance of County Cork. years O'Lordan's is still in its Wendy was able to spend Johansson. johansson's Fine Dining A 1990 graduate, Wendy Restaurant. The color time abroad in England and Russia during her time at Vanscoy-Johansson could not schemes, antiques and well- Western Maryland (she have known the allure down- chosen artwork bring elegance admits that since the college town Westminster would and charm to the near century name change it gets a bit con- have as she began her college old building. fusing when referring to it). studies. Finding work at With the experience of Champs (now Down Under transforming two restaurants Because this time was the Bar and Grille) as a waitress in under her belt, Wendy and most salient from her college years and has contributed so 1987, Wendy unknowingly husband David Johansson much to the current successes began her career as a restaura- focused their attention to teur and master caterer / event restoring the oldest building of her restaurants, she would planner. Working her way in Westminster (built - 1790- hope that more money and through college at Champs 1820). The plan was to cap- effort are placed in support of gave her an inside view as to ture the building's rich history studying abroad programs. When asked if she has any how well established restau- .through traditional Irish decor advice for current McDaniel rants operated. and design. This project was WendyVanscoy-Johanssonin the new Irish Pub in Westminster. As Champs transitioned several years in the making students working towards the Lose the Vulgarity: Cussing is So Old School the difference between "driv- The kid with the assigned seat spots ahead of me in line talk- And again, trust me. I TODD KNEPPER ing to the airport" and "driv- next to Donnie Detention was ing trash. guarantee some of you will srAFFWRITER ing to the f#@*ingairport"? If thinking to himself, "I can't Trust me, I'm not get halfway through this arti- We've all done it. Let one you are angry about the act of wait until I can cuss one day." attempting to speak from a de, glance back up at my slip. Or maybe let more than driving to the airport, I can tell Now, cussing throws you into pedestal, because Lord knows name, laugh to yourself, and one slip. In some cases, from the tone of your voice. the everyday crowd, the uno- 1 do it, and this isn't a lecture. say "F#@*you, Todd!" Good hurled out back-to-beck eight The f-word does little as an riginally and slightly humor- In a way it's a challenge, and job if that's you. That's letter combos. adjective. And by using ous mix. more or less just an honest extremely clever. Chances are mos~,iiobutirr!tio~,a·~d:n;*~~~~~,",,~ _eth~~t'S~I:~~~~ ~~~~·d:~n~.~:~!; ~~::d~:r:~u~~v~/~~: reasonable time. I walk have to further explain what admittedly, it is. That's has a comical impact some- undetectable addiction of around this campus and its the' certain "s#*t" is. Save because it's a rarity. A huge times, when used correctly. cussing. If that's not you, I surrounding community and yourself some time and be bla- reason why our generation is There are ways to cut back. thank you. You have a chance. so often hear conversations tantly honest. frowned upon by older gener- Don't curse in front of It's gone too far. I urge backboned by vulgarity. It has And it's not funny any- ations is because of our strangers; it makes a horrible you to be more aware of what become repulsive. Why has it more because every swear reliance on swearing. Frankly, lasting impression. Save it for comes out of your mouth. I seemingly become impossible word has been overplayed. were better than that. I'm fed your friends. Or better yet, be promise that you still have the to get our thoughts out with- It's way too easy and routine. up with being at the grocery creative. Be original when ability to form sentences, and out including cuss words, Back on the middle school bus store or wherever and feeling you are trying to let your make your friends laugh. most of which have no contex- it was the best because only embarrassed in front of adults buddy know what an e tual contributions? the toughest kid was saying it. because some gutter-mouthed "#**hole" they are for drink- D;ti~g;arWh~mep ;y~'Oth;OBaiii ?rinrg~a~lI~YO~U~'~KO~O~'-~A~id==========:;;n matter how you meet some- If You Feel Down, ALYSE HOLLOMON one, you have to play this FEATURES EDITOR stereotype person by person. Everyone feels their own way Pick This Up When on a date, who pays for the meal? Who about this stereotype and everyone reacts differently to drives to the restaurant? Who Even picks up whom? though it. "I guess I'm against What is one man's trash is On a date, or when it," said Ryan Quillen, a the guy may getting ready for one, these feel this way, the Business and Economics another man's treasure. are common questions that girl may not. Some women major. "I see it more of a one may have. The common feel that this stereotype is guideline - I offer to pay, but answer is: the guy! girls do too. I think it's just an In relationships, there unfair and unnecessary. old fashion stereotype from Christmas may be over but this "I don't believe that is a known stereotype about guys should necessarily pay the way things were. I follow quote doesn't just apply to material what the man is expected to for everything," said junior it sometimes, but often the girl do. Why does this stereotype Kristin Brennan, a Political wants to drive or pay so go for things. Have you ever thought that exist? Is it an old fashioned Science major. "Relationships it." love, peace and joy are treasures that tradition that we have picked should be a fifty-fifty deal and That's the best piece some people take for granted? up from our parents or is it that indtl'd'es Hnancially." of advice - go for it! If your something that men like to do In today's world, dat- date argues to pay then go for Therefore the next time you take to make their date feel special? ing is something totally diffe.r- it, otherwise a girl may advantage of a positive "I always pay," said ent from when our parents did assume the stereotypical role sophomore Ryan Barre, a it. However, we still learn and the guy will be forced to emotion ...remember that someone Communications major. "Not these gUidelines and stan- pay. In either case, in today's could use it! to say that she can't, or to dards from them. Dating world stereotypical roles are anything away from the gul, starts off in a gr.oup where being broken everyday and but 1 feel as though when I everyone pays indIvidually' or this is just one more that can - Torreka Jordan take a girl on a date, she it starts by someol1.e buying be broken. deserves to be treated like the someone else a drink. No princess she truly is."
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