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Dmen TlJffjJr SPOR7S Vol. 5 No.1 FEBRUARY 10, 2006, Page 12 Women's Basketball: 'We Want to Improve' M~R~1g~~~ER are led by junior Meghan lot of scoring from a variety of on shows against Gettysburg expectations for the rest of the Courtney, who averages ]4.5 players. When one player (28, 21) and Lebanon Valley season are simple. Dickinson and Johns points and 8.7 rebounds. isn't having a good game, it (18), while Katy Powell was "... We want to continue to Hopkins. What do these The team wants to pre- doesn't hurt us too much the high scorer in four games, improve each and everyday, ...... teams have in common? Well, pare well, take care of the ball, because there are so many consistently scoring around 15 regardless of whether it is a practice or a game so that we points and dishing out a myr- other people that step up to and stay ahead from the get- defeated both they've McDaniel this season, but go. fill in," iad of assists. can defend our championship. have watched the same team "We have improved since Injuries hurt every team If they playoffs last year We want to become more win the Conference last playing them, and should- from time to time, yet for are any indication, the comfortable in our half-court Championship at their own n't make the same mistakes McDaniel, it seems like every McDaniel College Women's offense so we can maintain hands. Once again, these twice," said Hess. "It will be year there is a major injury to Basketball team will finish composure when teams take teams are the major players in difficult to go on the road to a key player. This year, According the Hess, away our running game." the Centennial Conference win this game because their Heather Thompson was out this season. If the Green gym is hard to play in, but we for over a month with a wrist Terror Women want to take are up to the challenge." injury. horne a third straight If McDaniel wants to get " ... We definitely missed Championship trophy, they past Muhlenberg's stifling her speed on the court [that know they have to go through defense (49.5 opponent ppg), gives] us the option to pitch those teams. they will have to put on a the ball up the court and get "I respect both Hopkins scare the scorekeepers. The out in front of the other team," and Dickinson as do I respect team leads the conference in said Hess. all other opponents," said jun- scoring at 71 points per game, Yet over the winter break, ior forward Theresa Hess. and has three players scoring the team ripped off 12 wins in "And of course I want to beat in double figures: Powell 13 games, defeating every them, more than any other (11.7), Costa (11.3), and Franz Centennial Conference rival team because they are our (10.7). except Muhlenberg, who biggest competition .. ." " ... We have moved Oil lot defeated the 'teo-or,65-64 While the team has not of players around this year on The Women had a record of been able to conquer' either the court, putting a lot more 16-5 (10-4 CC) heading into a Hopkins or Dickinson yet this height on the court and allow- contest at home against Johns season, they will have a ing us to have a more bal- Hopkins. The Terror defeated chance to prove their worth at anced in-out game," said Swarthmore on Saturday, 82- Muhlenberg on February 11th. Hess, who has been the bene- 70, led by Heather Thompson, The Mules, who are undefeat- factor of such moves, and is who was 2-3 from beyond the ed at home this season, fin- averaging 10 points over the arc with 13 points in 15 min- ished 11-14 last season, miss- last seven games. "We are a utes. ing the playoffs by a mile. selfless team and enjoy seeing During the impressive This season, they are second each other succeed, which winning streak during the place in the conference, and ultimately helps us to have a winter break, Kristy Costa put After Long Hiatus, Men's Bball Eyes Playoffs ~~ w~~~L ding me? Playoffs?" off spot. close in the first half. did not see his success till late Every football fan Bob Flynn has certain- Dickinson jumped to an early in the ballgame. He started Good Week for knows that is former Colts ly had an impact on this team. lead until Josh McKay and the out 0-9 from the field, but in McDaniel Brings Up Playoff coach Jim Mora responding to He has got them fighting back, Green Terror drove the ball to his stretch, he hit two threes Talk the media after a tough loss in especially in the second half. the basket to tie the game at 10 and went 6-8 at the FT line. He "Playoffs? Don't talk the 2001 season, However, and he dearly has them moti- with 13:07 left in the first half. was also essential to about playoffs. Are you kid- many are asking this same vated. This has been the most Even with bad shooting and McDaniel's success because question in con- wins for the boy's basketball turnovers on both sides, Josh McKay, the hero earlier in fusion about team since the 2000-2001 sea- McDaniel held the lead until the ballgame. fouled out with the boy's bas- son. The Flynn era is here and 2:19 left in the first. McDaniel three minutes left to play. He ketball season. it certainly has everyone, would go into the half shoot- certainly can be attributed to Well,itistrue. including the fans, excited. ing 36% from the field, 0-10 the success of the team in this It has been a The Green Terror, from 3pt range, and 40% at the ballgame. long time since coming off its 86-58 loss at line. Clearly, improvement McDaniel continued the words Haverford, returned home was needed in order to pull its home stand on Saturday "playoffs" and Wednesday to face the out with a win. against Swarthmore, getting "boy's basket- Dickinson Red Devils (5-15, 3- But, as you all know their 8th win of the season and ball" have been 10). This was the first game of this is a second half team! The keeping the playoff talk alive. in the same sen- a three-game home series for game would have four ties in McDaniel got great play from tence without the Terror; a good opportunity the first six minutes, but Devin Keeny (20 pts), Will the word "not" to pick up some wins in front McDaniel never looked back Talesnick (19 pts), and Josh in it. Even with of the home crowd. Many stu- from there. McDaniel scored McKay (12 pts, 12 rebounds). a 7-13 record (5- dents responded to Coach 35 points to Dickinson's 25, Keeny, making his second 8 Centennial Flynn's message about com- and McDaniel went on to win career start, added 18 of his 20 Conference), ing to root for the team, as the 61-53. The outstanding player points in the first half, but his Bob Flynn and student section behind the far of the half was Will Talesnick, shots at the end of the game the Green basket was full of fans wear- who scored 14 point over the kept Swartlunore out of reach. Terror are still ing the black, "Don't Call It a last 6:27 of the second half. McDaniel will host John in the hunt for a Comeback" shirts. Talesrnck, who took Hopkins on Wednesday. remaining play- The game was very on the personality of the team,
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