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APRrL 6, 2006- Page 8 CENTER SPREAD CENTER SPREAD APRIL 6, 2006- Page 9 Going Greek Changed Everything NAME OF FRATERNITY /SORORITY: NAME OF FRATERNITY /SORORI- NAME OF NAME OF FRATERNITY /SORORITY: PhiMu TY:Gamma Sigma Sigma FRATERNITY /SORORITY: Alpha Alpha Nu Omega lege community and it may about' the family you make. SERVICE OR SOClAL ORGANIZATION: Social SERVICE OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: Service phi Omega ALYSE HOLLOMON help those students to net- After I went Greek J realized NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 37. We have 28 Current NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 56 SERVICE OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: Service SERVICE OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: social FEATURES EDITOR that the girls in my sorority NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 25 work and further their career Collegiate Sisters, 3 Abroad and 6 New Members (who we NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS, 29 NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 45 In the spring of my fresh- after college," said Allison are more than my friends, they count as sisters) PRESIDENT: Diana Burke NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS, 8 NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS3 PRESIDENT: Stephanie Capps man year I received some- Smith, a senior Art History are my sisters. They are my NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS,6 NEW lwIEMBER EDUCATOR(S): BethAnn Turner, PRESIDENT: Katie Saris NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S):Jessi Lepson, Beth Jones thing that would change and History major and mem- family and they are there for PRESIDENT: Betsy Beveridge and Alex Dejohn NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S), Sarah MASCOT: Panda Bear everything. I received an ber of Phi Mu. "Greek life has me through thick and thin. NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S); Kaelynn Miller MASCOT: Penguin Coppersmith and Jimmy Dell COLORS: Baby Blue and White unexpected bid from the sis- allowed me to become a more It's nice to have that support MASCOT; Lion; Sir Fidel COLORS: Maroon and White MASCOT: Golden Eagle "Sisters ters of Phi Sigma Sigma. I had well rounded individual." when college life or work gets COLORS: Rose and White OPEN MOlTO: Unity in Service COLORS: Royal Blue and Gold OPEN MOTTO: Sorores non sanguine sed amicitia: not by blood but by friendship" always thought about trying Being in a sorority has not stressful and busy. OPEN MOTTO: "Faithful Sisters" CORE VALUES:loyalty, friendship, equality and OPEN MOTIO: Be a Leader, Be a Friend, Be of CORE VALUES: Obviously our core value is sisterhood and to join a sorority, but when it only changed my social life, "These boys are my broth- CORE VALUES: Love, Honor, Truth service Service. friendship. Many people think that just because we are a came time to rush, Idecided to but it has helped me to ers, they're my family," said QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAY SHIRT Yellow, QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAY SHIRT CORE VALUES: Leadership, Friendship, and social sorority that we are just all about partying, but this is wait until the following fall. become a leader and become Andrew Drechsler, a sopho- Starburst wrapper on the front, Everyone knows the Pink Gamma Sig is not who you are's who you've Service (to the fraternity, campus, community, n.ot ~e case: We enjoy social events, but we also take great When Igot the bid Ididn't more involved in the commu- more Business major and Ones are the Best always been. and nation) know what to do. But a few of nity. I've always liked volun- member of Phi Delta Theta. MOST RECENT SERVlCE PROJECTS, Collected Spare MOST RECENT SERVlCE PROJECTS, Benefit QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAY pride III seTVmg the McDaniel College and Westminster com- munities through service projects. the sisters called me and told teering, but it's more fun now "That alone is a reason to go Change for the Children's Miracle Network and Food For a Concert for Conner's Way Foundation (over $1100 SHIRT: We do not have Bid Day shirts, but our QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAYsmsr. "If you were me that they were eager to get since I get to do it with 50 of Greek - for the family you Local Food Bank, we are gearing up for a HUGE Easter raised), cooking dinner at the Hope Lodge and most recent fraternity shirt says "BE THE out with an Omega last night, raise your hand. If you to know me better and they my sisters. become a part of." Basket Raffle to Support CMN Johns Hopkins Children House, Adopt A Highway CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE weren't. ..raise your standards." thought that I should accept "Greek life isn't just about I've had no regrets since OTHER BRIEF COMMENTS, WORLD" -Ghandi MOS~ RECENT SERVICE PROJECTS: Adopt-a-Highway, Safe the bid. So Idid it! the social life," said Ceorgena going Greek. If you want to We have "dry" housing and clubrooms. This does not MOST RECENT SER- Spring Br~ak Program, ~omestic Abuse Fair and Hygiene Since I was only a freshmen Kates, a sophomore Art get involved on campus and mean that we are a dry sorority, it just means that we don't VICE PROJECTS, toy product drive, and we will be participating in Relay for Life and I didn't play any sports, 1 History major and member of in the community I would have alcohol at Phi Mu related functions. drive, collecting later in the semester. didn't know that many peo- Phi Sigma Sigma. "Since I've suggest rushing in the fall to We are a fun and diverse group of women, we are supplies for OTHER BRIEF COMMENTS: We also sponsor the Mr. ple. That was another benefit been in, I've gotten so much see what Greek organization always looking to meet new and interesting young troops in Iraq, McDaniel Pageant every Spring Fling, and we are the only of going Greek - being social more involved with the com- best fits you. Hopefully, you women. cooking dinner at local sorority on campus. in the college community. munity through food drives, will feel the same way that I We truly value sisterhood, service, scholarship and the Johns Hopkins "I would suggest going attending soup kitchens, and feel when I proudly say I am social, they are the foundations upon which we • Children's House, planting Greek because it allows stu- raising money for the apart of the Greek community build every event. "'"-!' trees, helping at the MS Walk, co- - NAME OF FRATERN1TY/SORORITY: dents to become more social National Kidney Foundation." or when I wear my letters. sponsoring the Blood Drive, helping at the Boys Phi Sigma Sigma with other members of the col- Finally, going Greek is and Girls Club, Earth-Day Clean-up, Relay For SERVICE OR SOClALORGANIZATION: Social Life team, assisting with HYPE Carnival Greek Life is Not For Some NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS: 7 (recently initiated 6) NUMBER OF MEMBERS; 45+ 7 new members NAME: Phi Delta Theta PRESIDENT, Amanda Eason Lindholm, a freshman. culty with this article and the NUMBER OF MEMBERS; 23 NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S): Meredith Adams MJ ALEXANDER With five fraternities and matter of hazing in general is STAFF WRITER that no one wants to step for- NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS, 1 MASCOT Skunk three sororities one could PRESIDENT: R.J. Seabeck COLORS: Blue and Gold If you've ever been woken argue there are enough social ward. No one wants to put a NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR: Tyler Drake OPEN MOrrO: Diokete Hupsala (Aim High) up on a Tuesday night at 2:30 chapters on campus to accom- voice to their complaints. No MASCOT; Owl CORE VALUES: Lifelong Learning, Inclusiveness, a.m. by a pack of girls scream- modate everyone. "I don't like one will admit to illegal haz- COLORS; Azure and Argent Leadership Through Service ing a crude version of '1' m a the idea of being grouped, ing because they don't want to QUOTE: "We don't rush, we take our time" QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAY SHIRTS: "Raise Little Tea Pot" than you might being stereotyped by pledging upset friends or, even worse, MOST RECENT SERVICE: cleaned our Your Hand if You're a Phi Sig.H You're Not, Raise Your understand IT\y dislike a certain sorority," says Leah all entire Frat. Standards." road spOnsored towards pledging, and the Beck, a freshman. There are some cases OTHER COMMENTS: Involved in many MOST RECENT SERVICE PROJECTS: Soup Kitchen, whole Greek life organiza- Other students admit they where hazing actually benefits intramural sports, floor hockey champs, and Canned Food Drive, Clothes Drive (done last week) tion. are dissuaded from joining a everyone. The typical "No on our way to a softball title With such a small campus sorority or fraternity because Drinking Rule" during pledge pledge period is all the more of stereotypes placed on the period, or group studying in NAME OF FRATERNITY /SORORITY: Alpha Sigma Phi apparent during spring entire Greek system. Hoover every night are posi- semester. It is not out of the "I don't see myself as a tive forms of "group unifica- SERVICE OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: Social ordinary to see a group of girls frat-guy," says Samuel Snider- tion". The fact that there is the NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 38 all wearing the same bright Held. When asked how he chance there are people NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS, 13 pink shirt walking into Glar. could best describe a typical hurting others explains PRESIDENT: Pat O'Toole It's difficult for students who fraternity brother Snider-Held the pessimistic connota- NEW MEMBER EDUCATOR(S): Scott Morrow don't care for Greek Life to says "Now go back to the tions towards hazing MASCOT; Phoenix avoid. quad and resume your hackey and the Greek system as COLORS: Cardinal and Stone "I'm not against the idea sac tourney! I'm not gonna lay a whole. OPEN MOTrO; Causa latet; vis est notissima (The cause is hidden; the results well- of Greek Life; I just think they down for some frat boy bas- When I first agreed to known) should be less obnoxious to tard with his damn Teva san- write this article I had CORE VALUES: Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, and Patriotism the rest of campus," says dals and his Skoal Bandits and not realized just how Busting Major Myths about Greek Life Quote from Most Recent Bid Day Shirt: "These are the times when ordinary men are freshman girl sitting outside his Abercrombie and Fitch difficult it would be asked to do extraordinary things." Whiteford. Her window faces long sleeved, open stitched, to put my feelings MOST RECENT SERVICE PROJECT: Our Daily Bread soup kitchen, Harvest Ball at the the pavilion and she has been crew neck Henley smoking his towards the Greek • ter's membership; across the nation, the fra- other Greek organizations. Westminster Senior Center woken up by singing several sticky buds out of a soda can organization down KATlE HICKEY ternities and sororities that Greeks at McDaniel are involved in many OTHER BRIEKF COMMENTS: Winners of the Brant Cup, awarded to the best Greek times this semester. When while watching his favorite on paper. Getting students' STAFF WRITER choose to haze their pledges are in the other campus activities, such as athletics (in organization on campus, for the 2004-2005 academic year. asked why she doesn't place a downloaded Simpson's permission to quote them was People in fraternities and soror- ~. fact, there are Greeks on 12 different formal complaint to someone, episodes every night!" in imi- an equally challenging task ities "buy" their friends. Greek organizations are not founded on haz- McDaniel athletic teams), SGA, CAPBoard, NAME OF FRATERNITY /SOROR- GROUP: Phi Kappa Sigma she shrugs "I don't know." tation of Stewie Griffin from because we all know people Members of Greek organizations pay month- ing. They are found~d on the principles of the Honors Program, service groups, and the ITY: Sigma Phi Epsilon ACTIVE MEMBERS: 15 members The truth is Greek Life is the popular TV. show "Family involved in Greek Life. love, honor, friendship, service, scholarship, McDaniel Free Press. NEW MEMBERS: 4 new members better suited for larger univer- Guy". The truth is at this point ly dues (excluding the summer months) in and other ideals. Being Greek means being well rounded and SERVICE OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, Social PRESIDENT: Mike Pascucci "active," order to be considered and the sities. McDaniel's campus is On a more serious note, the in my life T can't see myself amounts vary among chapters. Hazing has not been proven to do anything diverse; getting involved with activities out- NUMBER OF MEMBERS, 17 COLORS: Black. and Gold small enough. "There aren't major stereotype that discour- pledging any sorority (and New members also generally pay "one time" but create diques and cause problems. side of your fraternity and sorority is the NUMBER OF NEW MEMBERS, 5 MOlTO; Equal to the Stars in Endurance that many students here; ages students is the matter of after publishing this article, fees before they can be initiated. More and more ch~pters are being shut only way to accomplish that! PRESIDENT: Chris DeRose CV: Honor, respect, trust, brotherhood MEMBER Robby EDUCATOR(S), McDaniel already has that hazing. I'm not too sure any would Dues are necessary, however, to allow the down because of hazmg; it is nill being toler- NEW MASCOT: What ever strikes our fancy Dodd knowledge, integrity, wisdom ' family atmosphere that state "It's the few bad sororities accept me). 1 see the benefits group to hold and sponsor events, provide ated. ~: Members of fraternities and SERVICE; Lineboro Haunted House COLORS: Purple and Red schools lack," says Emily that keep me from pledging that going Greek have to offer. resources for members, and purchase items sororities are all the same. OPEN MOrrO; Work hard, play hard Adopt a Highway, Boys and Girls CI~b Taylor. anyone group. They give the I know a number of people for new-member recruitment. MYJl:i.1t3: You JJlust drink alcohol if you If a Greek organization has many members CORE VALUES: Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Westminster Little League, Diversity We~k Some students complain whole system a bad reputa- who will be angry because of Organizations that are national must also are in a fraternity o~Sorority. that seem similar or are involved in a lot of OTHER COMMENTS; The Skulls are a there is no individuality with- tion," says Beck as the conver- this article and that's fine. pay monthly fees to their fraternity or soror- The social aspect is Just on~ function of fra- the same activities, it does D.Q! mean all the love group who believe brotherhood is more in a fraternity or sorority. The sation moves towards rumors Someone, however, needs to ity headquarters. These fees cover bills and ternities and sororities; it is not the focus. members are the same. QUOTE FROM MOST RECENT BID DAY SHIRT, than skin deep and recruit men who seek group mentality often deters of hazing. step up and voice the bad money for the local chapter, which pay for If a person joins just for the social aspect, he It is not uncommon for Greeks to recruit peo- 'We score between periods." to better themselves everyday both traits about Greek Life. RECENT Study PROJECTS, SERVICE MOST students from considering Hazing is illegal. Chapters Greek Life is for many peo- leadership opportunities, conferences, the or she does not grasp the full value of what ple from their extracurricular activities. Skills Class, Self Defense, Dodge Ball, Hurricane individually and campus wide. going Greek. "I like to be able have been revoked from organization's national magazine, etc. The it means to be in a ~reek organization. Fraternities and sororities want to attract Car Wash to do my own thing, not con- McDaniel because people ple, but not for me. money also helps to pay for manuals, leader- If alcohol consUJ1lpb o n becomes the reason a and have diverse members; a chapter con- stantly be committed to one have come forward about ship materials, and educational consultant fraternity or sorori~ ac~epts or rejects mem- sisting completely of music majors, for specific group," says Kelsey with cases of hazing. The diffi- visits. bers, then the orgaru:zation is heading down example, would tum off students who can- Watch for the Senior not sing or play an instrument. a dangerous path. Design by Emily Biondo MYl:J::l..lt1: You must be or will be hazed in ~: Greeks only associate with those Each member contributes something differ- Issue Coming Next! and ent to his or her Greek organization order to join a fraternity or sorority. Hazing is NOT a required part of any chap- students in their fraternity or sorority, or should be seen as an individual.
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