Page 112 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 112
Vol. 5 No.3 MARCH 9, 2006, Page 12 S~!~Rm~c~e~ntiSt~v~~l?!t?n~~h· STAFFEDITOR trouble breathing, and has clear the pool for a thirty min- recently sought medical atten- utes. The meet began at 11:15 The Centennial tion from Student Health AM, but shortly after, officials Conference Swimming Services. One female swim- ordered everyone out of the Championships held at mer reported having trouble Aquatic Center, followed by Franklin & Marshall Colleges ascending stairs two days an intense period of limbo. on February 17-19 were sus- after the meet, and another Then, an officialstatement pended and later cancelled complained of a lack of was released saying that due to a lack of oxygen in the endurance while taking an "Despite the best efforts at Kunkel Aquatic Center. evening swim. Franklin & Marshall, College Several swimmers began Originally, the story broke officials have been unable to coughing uncontrollably when F&M officials reported get the appropriate officials to while in the pool, leading 'to ventilation problems in the test the air quality in the evacuations of the arena on Kunkel Center. But Saturday, Kunkel Aquatic Center." Saturday and an official sus- according to McDaniel swim- Most interpreted this CHRIS REED pension and cancellation of mers, was the worst day of all. statement as cancellation of Swarthmore. Molly Bolek Ulrich featured results from the meet. No medals won on Even the most conditioned of the meet, and two teams went edged F&M's Laura Selway the meet as they became avail- Sunday the 19th have been athletes had breathing prob- home: Gettysburg and by four hundredths of a sec- able, and also allowed for awarded, and no official team lems. Many complained of Dickinson. A period of sor- and to take home the gold comments to be made by fans results are recorded for 2006. severe discomfort in the eyes. row and outrage ensued, from medal in the 1000 yard of the Centennial Conference. McDaniel swimmers still com- "Your lungs got really the swimmers and parents freestyle. All posts were made anony- plain of chloramines in their tight when you were swim- respectively. Chris Reed also was a mously. lungs, some two weeks fol- ming," said senior swimmer The meet was officially winner in the 200 yard breast- Many harshly criticized lowing the meet. Brooke Bennett. moved to Swarthmore where stroke. But it will be difficult, Franklin & Marshall for not Nothing has officially "Everyone's breathing trials would be held and com- if not impossible, for Bolek addressing this problem earli- been confirmed, but swim- was heavy ... " said junior memorative ceremony would and Reed to garner medals for er. One blbgger---stated-th~t mers and coaches concur that swrmmer Greg Mihalek. be held--for senior swimmer~theU:.e#Od8, as tw:o..conference._qSchool officials] knew that It the air quality problems were "[The conditions] mentally "It was chaos and no one teams were not in competi- was a concem for weeks lead- due to a recent chlorine- took you out of it" knew what was going on," tion. There will be an asterisk ing up to conference and did shocking of the pool done the According to blogs and said Brooke Bennett. next to their names in the nothing.. This is a dis- evening of Thursday, sources close to the team, it Left with no other obvi- record books, an outcome that grace!!!" February 16th. Most aquatic has been rumored that offi- ous options, "Conference offi- coaches Kim Easterday and "They knew the problem, institutions restrict access to dais shocked the pool again cials [...] decided that no team Jeff Hiestand are fighting to and they didn't do anything the pool and poolside for 36 on Friday night in an effort to scoring will be done for the change. about it," said Mihalek. hours following a chlorine- fix the problem. remainder of the 2006 The Championships are Another stated that main- shocking, a process that kills The facility's ventilation Championships and no team the biggest event of the sea- tenance had been working on all bacteria in the water and system is designed to circulate champions will be declared." son, and seniors look forward the problem for two months produces optimal swimming air under normal conditions. Moved by their expert- to the meet all season. The prior to the meet, and told conditions. Although shock- With hundred of swimmers ence at F&M, parents took events two weeks ago were far F&M that the issue was ing a small pool at home may and parents on hand during control of the trials held at from a picture-perfect ending resolved. But events on not be all that dangerous, the proceedings, the system Swarthm~re. They did all the to a career. Saturday and Sunday provld- treating a pool the size of the was not able to compensate scoring and timing, and creat- "It was the last big meet, ed evidence suggesting other- one in the Kunkel Center for the increased chloramines ed an atmosphere conducive basically what you've been wise. requires a larger amount of in the air that resulted from to high caliber swimming and preparing for," said Mihalek. These sentiments were chlorine, which, in tum, ele- the chlorine-shock, and the positive feelings. "It was hard because of cir- manifested in complaints that ~::;:ase~eam~~~~~bi~i? chl~~ subsequ:nt consumption ~f But Bennett contended, cumstances not under your F&M had tried to "put on a ramin es In the air. oxygen y spectators and at - "Swarthmore was a joke." control, especially for seniors, fix," and Diplomat swimmers letes. Indeed, McDaniel did do even for non-seniors." were booed at Swarthmore in One male swimmer for On Sunday, the teams some of its best swimming at A web-log run by Steve competition Sunday Terror Fans: Baseball and Softball Previews Baseball Wants Solid Season JOEi~g.~c;.STAR Softball Expects Big Things Coach Dave Seibert is shaking Zimmerman and Matt Teter. The Entering his second year as Head Trainor. his head right now, wondering how pitching rotation will most likely be Coach of the McDaniel College soft- The team goals for this upcoming this season will turn out. With the help headed by Dahlgren, but freshmen ball team, Phil Smith will take his star season include its eleventh conference of veteran players and a roster flooded Chase Wolf, Shawn Yohe and Jimmy studded team and head into a season championship and its eleventh with twenty one talented freshmen, Isaminger will be competing for spots. filled with top twenty five contenders s.~aight season with twenty or more Coach Seibert may be able to take it The team is looking forward to a and a forty game schedule that will wms. They will also be the first easy at least until conference play good solid beginning to the season. So hopefull.y prove his team as a McDaniel softball team to playa forty begins. far the off-season has proven to be dif- Centennial Conference power house. game schedule. The McDaniel team is anchored by ficult, but hopefully it will all payoff in In order to get where they need t senior captains Jimmy Dahlgren, Drew the long run and so far it has. go they will rely on th~ leadership of Coach Smith's expectations far Mitchell, and Kevin Salamone. Their Wednesday night, the Green Terror all-conference seniors Abb e~cee~s past years. "I am expecting supporting cast consists of seniors Baseball team took home its first victo- ~a~nistraci and Megan Mitchell, and ~Ig things from this year's team. This IS no different than any other Green Justin Bilohlavek, and Steve Jordan, ry .of the season by winning a close 6-5 juruor Mary Abrams. These ladies will Terror softball team. The foundation and Juniors Adam Pelta and Tom victory over Villa Julie, a non-confer- lead a star-~tudded cast of newcomers for greatness has been built and the Wenrich. ence opponent. Hayley Gnst end Kelly Workmeister players are here to go to a whole new Filling gaps in the order will be the along with help from sophomore~ job of two young freshmen talents: Jon Karyn Curley, Tina Danner, and Emily le.v:1of achievement. As we say, rra- dition never graduates."
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