Page 109 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 109
COMMENTARY MARCH 9, 2006 -Page9 Frigid Torino 'Goodbye' to Michelle Kwan was bumped out of the top replacement," when the such a wrongful act. I grew up SARAH BLACK three skaters and was no reports should refer to watching her skate and I COtv11\.1ENTARY EDITOR longer set to go to the Winter Hughes as "the American know that a lot of people, Now that the Olympics Games. After taking over a rightly taking back her spot." including myself, wanted to are over and all the buzz has spot that wasn't hers to take Junior Matt see her win a gold medal in died down a little bit, T and making Hughes miss par- Strawsburg feels differently past years, but this year was thought it was time to talk ticipating in the opening cere- however. "I was upset not to different. Despite her past about one event that stuck out monies, Kwan announced to see her represent us in the years of success and glory, this in my mind: Michelle Kwan the press "1 wont be skating Olympics; she's a perennial year Kwan did not EARN her withdrawing from the figure because 1 hurt myself again" power for the U.S.A.," he said. spot. skating competition. I was so (obviously not her exact Despite the controversy of That is what the Olympics happy to hear that she was no words, but you get the gist of how Kwan got into the is all about: proving to every- longer competing in the it). I don't understand why Olympics, Strawsburg said one that you have what it Olympics-she didn't deserve compete in any ~hampj- she bothered going in the first "She is a really good skater takes, that you are the best in to be there in the first place. onships leading up to this place. She did not deserve to regardless of that, and I'm still your sport, and that you To be an Olympian year's Winter Games. As a go to the Olympics, yet, know- upset she wasn't there repre- deserve to represent your means you've competed result, the three best American ing this, she still somehow senting us." country. Everyone BUT her against others and you have figure skaters set to go to cheated her way in, and as a While she is a beauti- competed for his or her spots. proven to be one of the best in Torino were Sasha Cohen, result, she almost cost her ful skater and has a long histo- She did not prove that she was your sport and deserve to rep- Kimmie Meissner and Emily DESERVING teammate a ry of championship-level skat- among the best, so how can resent your country. Kwen Hughes. Then Michelle real- chance at the Olympics-I tng, for Kwan to abuse her anyone honestly say that hadn't done any of these ized that she wanted to go the caIU10tthink of a more selfish celebrity status to manipulate Michelle Kwan deserved to go things; she never proved her- Olympics and then she some- act. her situation is inexcusable, to Torino and skate with the self worthy of representing the how managed to weasel her It now angers me that no matter what kind of history best figure skaters in the United States (in 2006). Due to way in. Emily Hughes is referred to in she has. 1 just cannot believe world? LIfe S~ithoii'imij ihesomFeac'ebwC;~k?T;tIIb era tin decidedtoboldlygowhere "KatieYoung,whyaren't you casm aboutFacebook,ithas desperately wantThisS.y KATHRYN YOUNG apparently no onehasgone ... 1 my friend anymore!" Yes,that been difficult to live without be a stretch; was 1 the only STAFF WRITER deactivated my "Facebook" is correct, by deactivating my it. It is nice to see your high person like that? No more friend requests. account! And I must admit I Facebook account I have school friends and how they And now that I have No more tagging of photos. feel extremely free. decided to "de-friend" about are doing in college. But I deactivated all that I once No more wall entries. How However, in my liber- 200 people on campus. have to wonder if Facebook is knew, I can never go back. will Iever survive? ation, I stiU seem to get the No, silly kids. really necessary. There have been people call- Two weeks ago I horrified reaction, Actually like many, and prob- If you are really mg me their "hero," but really ably worse, I would compul- friends with someone and 1am just an obsessive internet FREE PRESS STAFF sively change and check my need to keep in touch with child who needs to get her them, don't you think that you "real" life accomplished. Facebook everyday. It was an addiction. I spent too many would have their phone num- If only I could get rid wasted hours "stalking" and ber or some other means to of AIM .. Editor-in-Chief Writers "updating." contacting them? .Ileth Ms!.?ne '.QZ John~'\l.'Q2. But in an attempt to Facebook such a Katie Hickey '06 break loose, apparently I necessity? Art Director ErikHott '06 decided to "divorce" my Not having Chanan Delivuk '08 LaWann Nelson '06 friend and disappoint many Facebook isn't Features Editor Courtney Jordan '06 others. My friend from Elon "social suicide." I Alyse Hollomon '08 Lindsay Graham '07 University still hasn't grasped feel that many peo- News Editor Djerdj Matkovik '07 my decision. We were one of pie have become Jill Stone '06 Joey Morningstar '07 those goofy friends who too obsessed with Commentary Editor Rob Goeke '07 decided to link a "fake" mar- how many friends Sarah Black '07 Ryan Chell '09 nage on Facebook. Well when and groups one Sports Editor Clayton Rosa '09 I clicked "deactivate account," "appears" to have Mike Habegger '08 Tom Michaels '06 I really meant, "Things will on Facebook. Not Page Design ToddKnepper '06 never be the same with my to even mention, Kathryn Young'OB Kristin Lamb '09 childhood friend." the number of David P. Greisman '(JJ MJ Alexander '09 Through all of my sar- tagged pictures you Beth Mclane '07 Franz E. Schneider '(JJ Sarah Black '07 Kathryn Young '08 Amalie Shaffer '07 DanieUe Azoulay '09 In Defense of French Maids and More Emily Biondo '09 Shelly Hom '06 Photography/Illustrations Emily Biondo '09 ful the fantasy is, it's not a thing guy says nothing about . Patrick Bonaduce '08 Andrew Wu '06 ANDYWU reality and we know it. J know his character or the effective- Indira Gonzales '07 Can Simpson '08 STAFF WRITER Advertising Managers Meredith Adams '07 it's hard to accept, but watch- ness of the show. and ing a couple of sweet, round I bet if a shirtless Emily Funk '07 Ryan Chell '09 Browsing through the last fannies shaking around on TV aroused Brad Pitt showed up Rachel Bryant '06 Taylor Hebden '08 Free Press Issue, it was diffi- doesn't change our opinions at her door she wouldn't be Copy Chief Melanie Chupein '09 cult to overlook an unintend- on women as a whole. thinking about his emotional [enni Evans Jane Libert '08 We've wanted women to Copy Editor Laura Hutton '09 ed theme. be sexual objects long before stability or how much respect she has for him as a man. Admittedly, I have next to 'Ierl Hamer [en Harrington '07 no knowledge on the Vagina rap, TV, or music. I guess my main point is Kelsey Lindholm '09 Monologues. But apparently, We also know that women that we aren't eunuchs. We The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent ~ose of The they sparked an uncontrol- have the same fantasies about like boobs, butts, and legs and McDaniel Free Press staff,the faculty,or the administrators of lable flow of femi-nazi period- us. There's nothing wrong we will not apologize for that! McDanielCollege. icals. with it as long as they remain To deny our boners is to deny The paper welcomes free-lancesent the fieepresS@mcdanjeledu. The From a discussion on the fantasies and don't become what makes us human. editors reserve the right to edit for clarity.length, and libel and to degradation in rap videos to the basis for sexism. publish..asspace permits. Please include a name and phone number one reporter's disgust at the So before you all get your for vaifieation. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the phrase "man she's hot," the Just like we should .recog- panties up in a bunch about Editors-in-Chief. nize that women are more the raw deal your sex has, take The MtDaniel FreePress does not discriminate based on age, race. issue looked much like a femi- than walking vaginas, women down those pictures of shirt- religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of nistjoumaL should know that men are less guys that you cut out of handicap, or marital status. I consider it my duty to more than brainless, 6-foot Cosmo and realize that attrac- Mail to: respond. wieners waiting to penetrate tion is inevitable. The McDanielFree Press The rap video column something. Stop worrying and whin- McDanielCollege,2 College Hill claimed that men view Another writer con- ing about it and go make out WestmitlSter,MD 21157 (410)751-8600 FAX: (410)857-2729 women as sexual objects in demned a Vagina Monologues with someone hot.. I bet boner-inducing outfits. I'm attendee for uttering the you're still thinking about those 6-foot wieners. partial to the French maid. phrase "man, she's hot." Such As enticing and wonder- a comment from a 20 some-
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