Page 115 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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NEWS APRIL 6, 2006 -Pege 3 . Professors' Compensation Among the Lowest (from "Salaries," page 1) Muhlenberg, Juniata and [and] one professor taught Colleges That Change Lives Association of University teams would move to the Moravian, [and] it's not as two January Terms." was a book written by Loren Professors would like to see Centennial Conference from high as Ursinus or Seidel agrees that much of Pope and published in 1996 all faculty salaries, not just the the Middle Atlantic Washington College," he said. the problem with the salaries and revised in 2000 that fea- average, at level one - which Conference beginning in fall Seidel, who also sits on the is with the newer faculty. tured the author's choices of the national group defines as 2007. Carroll County Economic "It's a challenge for someone the top liberal arts colleges at the 80th percentile and Out of the 13 schools in the Development Commission, who does not own a home to and universities, based off of above - in agreement with Centennial Conference, said the problem is sympto- acquire one on an entry-level his research and interaction McDaniel's faculty hand- McDaniel ranks 11th in matic of tendencies in the faculty salary," Seidel said. He with students and graduates. books. salaries for full and assistant entire Baltimore metropolitan thinks many of the faculty that McDaniel was one of 40 "J don't think professors in professors, as well as in com- area, where it is difficult for did not previously own homes schools' selected, and in 1998 general are paid what they are pensation for full, assistant salaries to keep up with the are also those generally new to the institutions formed a worth," said Mary Bendel- and the average of all profes- rate of growth. the profession. "We should be group of the same name in Simso. an associate professor sors. The school is also 12th in Since 1999, the median sold concerned as an institution. larder to collaborate on recruit- of English, as well as the treas- salaries for associate profes- price of real estate in Carroll think there is a recognition ing efforts. urer of the school's chapter of sors, 10th in the average County has gone up at an that we need to help people Of the 33 member schools the American Association of salaries of all professors and average rate of approximately who are new to the area make that report their endowments, University Professors. "I last in compensation for asso- 11.4 percent a year, rising from the transition to the point McDaniel ranks 26th in size, shudder to think what my elate professors. $160,000in 1999 to $274,900in where they can afford hous- Seidel said. But of the 38 salary would be were Ito com- "1 think most faculty believe 2004, a growth of nearly 72 ing." schools that report salaries, pute it as an hourly wage." that we need to raise salaries percent, according to figures Yetwith students supplying McDaniel ranks 11tho Nevertheless, Bendel-Simso to stay competitive with both provided by the Carroll a majority of McDaniel's rev- "If you compare our salaries and many of her fellow pro- our sister schools in the County Department of enue, the COllegemust look for Centennial Conference and Economic Development. alternative solutions, Seidel with other colleges nation- During the same time frame, said. While fund raising is a 2004ยท2005 Cempeusation" Rankings for wide, since the new faculty the McDaniel faculty salary continuous effort, there has FuUProfessors in Centennial Conference that we are trying to attract are has grown at less than half also been a recent extra push on the job market throughout that of housing. to increase the school's Johns Ilopldlt~ 144,8ilO the country," said Tom "It's just not possible for endowment. Swarthmore 141,000 Deveny, professor of Spanish salaries at McDaniel to have "We're in the early stages of and comparative literature. kept up," said Seidel. "Tuition, a campaign to raise money for llaverford 132,100 The college administration room and board is close to 80 a lot of buildings and the Franklin "od \lar>hall 131.700 understands the problem of percent of our income. It sirn- endowment," Seidel said. "To 121,700 salaries in terms of housing ply is not practical to raise the the extent that we can grow llnnMawf prices, but cautions compar- cost of attending this institu- our endowment, we increase Gettysbllrg 114,900 ing salaries at McDaniel to tion at 11.4 percent a year. If the income that provides Dickinson 111,900 those in the Centennial the cost of housing doesn't resources for faculty salaries 100,300 ~ Conference as a whole, said stabilize so we can have some and other needs." \Iublellbel'lt 99.500 l Ethan Seidel, vice president of catching up, there will be a As reported in the Feb. 24 Washington Callege administration and finance. major problem." issue of The McDaniel Free Ursinus 99,2001 "The Centennial Conference Herb Smith has been a pro- Press, the school's endowment 95,900 ; is not a cross section of liberal fessor of political science at grew 11.2 percent over the last \Id}aniei COUt1W arts colleges similar to McDaniel for more than three fiscal year, increasing the Juniata*' %,0011 ~ McDaniel, [although] there decades. As he purchased his endowment by $7 million and \luravia,n ** 92:.'100 > are some [similar schools]," house prior to the real _tate SIU'~ tlw average Seidel said. "The conference boom and because his chil- national growth. happens to include some very dren have already graduated "On a comparative basis, our prosperous institutions, so it's from college, he has not expe- endowment is not as large as to our resources, and if you fessors on The HiIJ continue to very difficult for us to com- rienced the same kind of many of the institutions that compare our salaries to simi- put in the long hours while pete on a salary basis with financial constraints that he we compare ourselves to," lar institutions, we do a pretty waiting for the situation to them. There are some institu- sees his younger colleagues Seidel said. "So, we continue good job," Seidel said. "If you improve. tions with similar resource endure. the effort." look at the average salary of "I understand that the bases to us, and we probably "For many of our younger Yet Seidel points out that our faculty to a1.lthe four-year administration is doing what compare a little more favor- professors who are faced with despite the rankings of colleges in the country, we're it can," she said. "Those pro- ably to that group." incredible escalation in home McDaniel College faculty at the 80th percentile. When fessors who are part of a dou- When listed with the prices - particularly in Carroll salaries compared to you look at it on a rank-by- ble-income family are doing Centennial Conference County - and are just starting Centennial Conference rank basis, our full professors fine. But I feel sorry for those schools with similar resources, a family, they are feeling a schools that have more are in the top quartile, and our who are unmarried or are try- McDaniel ranks in the middle. very profound financial resources, the school does well associate and assistant profes- ing to make it on a single "The average salary of crunch," Smith said. "There in terms of the member insti- sors are in the top third." income, as they are strug- McDaniel College faculty is are people who are teaching tutions of Colleges That Yet members of McDaniel's gling." higher than that at overloads every semester, Change-Lives. chapter of the American Administration Seeks Dry Greek Housing "For changes that are Omega and Phi Kap floors Phi Kappa Sigma. "[The fra- semester's end, Rose and (from "Dry, II Page 1) this drastic, we should have won't become dry until the ternity floor] is more than just College activities are in limbo been enforced until now. been given more time to a place to drink and party, and because they do not know In order to have a fall of 2007 differ according jo chapter at McDaniel, sorori- implement them," said Mary Rose. Given that the we hope someone looking to what Sayre's replacement will wish to do. go Greek is looking for some- Abrams, the president of Phi ties are required to follow the Sigma Sigma. Omegas are a local sorority thing more than that." "The college recog- bylaws of the National According Abrams that has no national chapter to Abrams recognized nizes how big of an adjust- Panhellenic Conference and junior Mandy Eason, the reference, Rose wanted to give that the sorority was not fol- ment this is," said Rose, "and (NPC). These bylaws state that sorority's Archon (president) the organization an extra year lowing their national poliey we are going to try to create all sorority facilities must b~ in training, Abrams was not to deal with the affects of the but she said that she still something else that has that substance-free. Nationally, PhI informed that their floor change. would have preferred some social opportunity in the Sigma Sigma and Phi Mu are would have to become dry for For the phi Kaps, Rose more time to adopt the new future." members of the NPc. Also, the fall 2006 semester until felt that trying to have their policy. This new policy will the Omegas are required ~o Wednesday February 22. organization adopt the policy Since clubroom par- affect many at McDaniel for adhere to the NPC's codes In Abrams informed the for next semester would be ties wilt cease to exist in their the foreseeable future. order to remain in good stand- whole sorority of the changes too soon because they had current form, College "I accept it won't be lng. at their weekly meeting on already been awarded hous- Activities will meet with rep- an easy change," said Rose, "We don't want the February 26. Their application Ing for next year. resentatives from each Greek "but the college is willing and Greeks to be totally dry," said for Greek housing was due to Thus far, the Phi Kaps organization in order to find a planning to look at those areas Assistant Director of College Residence Life on February 27. have accepted the changes way to provide different social in which this policy affects in Activities Amanda Rose, "we "There was a big and understand why they will gathering like clubrooms in order to do our best to keep just want them to have dry uproar when 1 told them, the future. the Greek social opportunities facilities." especially from the younger "We hope it won't But since Philip Sayre, available." Easier said than done, sisterS," said Abrams. affect us negatively," said [un- the VicePresident and Dean of some Greek group members The reasons that the ior Mike Pascucci, president of Student Affairs, is retiring at contend.
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