Page 108 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 108
MARCH9,2006-Page8 COMMENTARY Silence by President Bush Says Everything devastation on a biblical level, to save as many lives as possi- we need him most. His silence Orleans was, when the coasts ROB GOEKE a city all but destroyed and ble?" sends a clear message that he of Alabama and Mississippi STAFF WRITER Sometimes silence can was not. American society's dirty laun- could possibly be destroyed, Sometimes, silence dry fully on display. say more than enough. He could have gone this is unacceptable. can say so much. But what happened The silence of Mr. on TV and warned everyone Sometimes silence When the leader of right before Hurricane Katrina Bush was more symbolic than to get out. He could have kept says more than enough. our nation is warned about hit is what truly matters and anything. From the video • residents from returning to Is the president the one of history'S greatest storm the day before catastrophe briefing that was released, we their homes until it was clear only one to blame? No. Guilt the day before it hits, one struck, our President sat see the image of a president the levees were not (or were) for the Katrina recovery is would expect some response. silent. disengaged, idly watching as breeched. He could have sent ubiquitous. But if he was not Nothing Herculean or super- What could have been a fractious situation grows out a fleet of planes down to Louis asking questions, not con- human, just some sort of satisfactory? What could he of control. We see a man Armstrong airport and loaded cerned, not worried as hell for inquiry into what can be have done differently to unable to rise up at the it with hundreds and maybe the people and the city, then immediately done to lessen appease me? If Mr. Bush had moment he needs to most. thousands of people from the what would he do if some- the blow of the nation's great- asked then FEMA director When someone is Superdorne and flew them to thing was happening to you, est hurricane. Mike Brown "What should I elected to the highest office in safety. in your backyard? Would you Instead, a hush and do right now to lessen the the land, we do not expect him Were any of these want your president to ask merely a pointless and ulti- blow?" then I would be satis- to be human, we expect him to things possible, or even realis- questions about what was mately ironic statement: "We fied because then I would real- be president. He could not be tic? Probably not. But by not about to happen or would you are fully prepared." ly know that he cared. like Moses and part Lake asking Mr. Brown anything, rather him sit idly by like he's Sometimes, silence Maybe "how long Pontchartrain with his bare the president displayed an watching CNN? says too much. should we wait before we hands, but we expect him to attitude of "whatever happens Tn all, that is what We know now what know the levees will be be doing all he can to make happens." When an American silence can unfortunately say. happened to the gulf coast: okay?" Or even "what can Ido sure he is there for us when city is under threat like New From Eur~£~ea!j~OW ~~edreS~~!!:ISO~~!~Sd~OU~u~~d A~s~~o~~ecial SARAH WOLFE most of us ran into a plant come, because it will be fabu- moment T want to say hello STAFF WRITER wanting to pin the tail to the lous and delicious. This and send smooclues, hugsies, plant. Let's recap. The game is should be reason enough. and squeezies to my future I hope you've all read called, "Pin the Tail to the Don't you think? Imean, come sisters (They said they would Diego's commentary in the Donkey." For next time. on, Vietnamese, German, and smother us, the new pledges, We, also, played my little last issue, and maybe you feel sister's game, other countries' foods. Treats, with love. All 1 say to that: treats, treats. You don't want like joining the International Right back at ya!), and espe- Club. I can only encourage Babbajaggabatje .... (Sorry sis, I to miss this yummy event. cially my lovely roomie, you to do so. Remember, you have no idea how to spell it. Plus, you don't want to make Lauren, who has supported This is my best guess. As a me cry nor the other interna- and encouraged me t~ join. come from a country- AMERI- CA. You do have a nationality, good journalist I should have Honal students. 1 noticed that 1 didn't say Now, which makes you tntemetioo- asked you, but then it would- sorneth;ng I want to throw which sorority I will soon pledge for. l}'Vishlhad a drum have '!;._b ran- <;eW_ru~!!;h: aU Un-'-"","'" .J.I9l~b yQI,O _ ins ~~y. ~QO~P-'" :y~.)Wu from nowhere, which wouJd cuddle every night and he is something to bug me with.). dam out there; but we are all roll right now or something. make you non-national, but I still mad at me for having Anyway, Babbajagga is Polish used to that considering it's It's kind of depressing that I don't accept that excuse. So, beheaded him. However, I've and means witch. Ms. Brian, me! don't. Oops, getting carried JOIN! YAY! Aren't you all never hit a Pinata, and let me way to go. You did great at You all remember that I'm away again. So, ready? Okay, glad we figured that out? tell you, I felt like I was six this game (and thank you for German, some say Canadian, here we go. It is...... Gamma Also, I wanted to let you years old again and some- coming). . whichever you prefer--I'm Sigma Sigma. YIInHHH~ all know that you, you out where in South America. The International Week open-minded. However, HAAAA! there, who didn't come to People were chasing each was fun. Thanks to all of you tonight I moved a little bit Now, I want to wish you events of the International other for the candy. A load of who came to support it. more toward the American all an amazing "DAYTONA~ Week, missed a lot. It was women and my little Diego in Shame on all of you who did- side (mentally and physical- BEACHY~ISH" spring break! great, especially the the middle of it, loving it, of n't. However, you can make it ly). Yes! Yes, I'm joining a YAY!Smooches to you all. International Game Day. I beat course. Thank you for this up to us by coming to the sorority. This may be a small the crap out of the Unicorn great experience. Pinning the International Dinner, which step for mankind, but a ginor- Piii.ata,which I named Rupert tail to the donkey, which was will take place on March 29th, mous step for Sarah E. Wolf. If You Feel Down, Pick This Up Be careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. - Ephesians 5:15-16 It's i~portan~ that yo~ make the ~ost of e,:,e~ opportunity ~ou are given; whether it's giving a first ImpresslOn, helpmg out a fnend who s m need or handmg 11). a simple homework assign- ment. Life is too short to take the small things for granted! Torreka Jordan Classified Ads Are New to the Free Press! Only $.10 per Word. E-mail or call x8352 to place an ad.
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