Page 111 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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SPORTS MARCH 9, 2006 - Page 11 Track's "Team Chemistry" Equals Great Season to begin training for the out- is among the elite athletes in have done better." the past. It was great for the LAURA HUITON door season. Some focus, his/hereventforallNCAAill Freshman Sarah Costa freshmen on the team to get STAFF WRITER however, remained on the competitors." acknowledges the improve- their first college track season The Centenniall indoor season. Maybank's qualifying rnents by many girls on the under their belts to get used to Conference Championships, Two meets follow mark is even more amazing team including Duling and the tougher competition." on February 25th and 26th at Conferences, these meets considering that he achieved herself, "I am noticing a large Rouse expects the outdoor Ursinus College, marked the include, The ECAC this feat at his first meet of the improvement overall with the season to be "far more sue- end of the indoor track season Championships (held March season after returning from an girls. I can see them running cessful since we have devel- and the beginning of the out- 3rd - 4th at Ursinus College) injury. better at practice and better oped chemistry within the door season for most runners. and NCAA III Nationals (held Coach Renner notes that, times at the meets." team and everyone has set At this meet, the men March 10th -11th at St. Olaf in "it is the second time in his At the Susquehanna Open personal and team goals to came in fifth place of nine Northfield, MN). Thesemeets career that he has missed stg- on February I Ith, Costa accomplish." teams and the women fin- are reserved to those runners nificant training time because placed third in the 800 meter The meets for the outdoor ished eight of ten teams. Gold who hit qualifying marks. of an injury and has returned dash. She was also third back season begin on March 24th, medals were earned by On February 3rd, at the to qualify for Nationals in his on January 20th at the Vince with the Raleigh Relays and Broderick Maybank in the Shell Games in Morgantown, first meet of the season." Brown Invitational, behind The Bridgewater Invitational triple jump and Scott Koleszar West Virginia, senior Freshman, Kristin Duling two NCAA I runners. Costa on the 25th. By the end of the in the 4OO-meterdash. They Broderick Maybank qualified has had a excellent season as explains, "1 run fast during month, the team will be able both also earned silver for a provisional NCAA III well. She earned an ECAC practice because I know that if to show if successes from the medals, Maybank in the long national qualifying mark. standard at the Shell Games in Ipush myself hard, then Iwill indoor season can propel then jump and Koleszar in the 200- This jump earned him a the 500 meter dash, where she be able to get better." into a stronger outdoor sea- meter dash. ninth place ranking among all finished first and lowered the Junior Matt Rouse, mile son. The relay team of Adam NCAA Ill long jumpers with school record, yet again. Now winner at the Susquehanna During the first weekend Safely, Stuart Johnson, Scott his distance of 23'3". To com- the record stands at 1:21.11. Open with a time of 4:31.91,is in May, McDaniel will be host- Koleszar, and Nick pete at nationals, Maybank She also received a personal motivated by "seeing hard ing the Conference Wilbur earned bronze in needs to remain in the top 12 best in the 200 meter dash work payoff, that's what Championships and both the 4x200 and 4x400. or hit 23'9", the automatic with 27.83. makes me want to train hard- Coach Renner is convinced Kristin Duling earned a qualifying distance. Her motivation comes er and get faster." He adds, that "people will be amazed bronze in the 400-meter dash. "Qualifying for nationals from, "trying to reach my full "This past indoor season was by the collective talent on ourr Before these medals had is a huge deal." explains potential, I'm only upset good fat me because I got team." time to gather a speck of dust, Coach Doug Renner, about a race if I walk off the back to training hard and run- the team was back on the field "It means that the athlete track knowing that I could rung faster than Iever have in Back in Action: Terror Hockey Hits the Ice bring it back to McDaniel. from Reading, M.A. said ice "We are hoping to join the Assembly provides some TOM MICHAELS Over the summer he talked to hockey is the most popular league next year, but we'll financial support to help pay STAFF WRITER Director of College Activities sport where he is from. The need more bodies if we want for ice time and the cost of jer- Possible Headline: Office, Mitchell Alexander, first time he saw one of to compete with other seys. "Freshman Starts New lee who has helped him from the Zimmerman's flyers posted he schools," said Fisher, lilt has taken a lot of work Hockey Club Team" beginning. knew he had to join. "Unfortunately we cannot just from all the club members to In the 19805 there was a After a month of electing "Hockey is a sport that accept anyone who wants to get this started. The school has Western Maryland College officers, holding meetings and gets in your blood from a very give a try mainly because we been very helpful and encour- club ice hockey team=-NGw. posting flyers the team was early age; you live, breathe, are looking to obtain a team aging about the whole with the inspiration and lead- created. "The school and smell, and taste it in all aspects that can compete." process. Special thanks to ership coming from a fresh- members of the club came of life. Since my last season Zimmerman agrees; he is Mitchell Alexander for a11of man, ice hockey is trying to together we!! and worked ended last spring 1 had been looking for people with expe- his help and guidance," said make a comeback at hard to make this club possi- missing the game, and getting rience who want to play in a Zimmerman. McDaniel. ble," said Zimmerman. out there and playing again is competitive high intensity According to Zimmerman In October 2005, Jon The team plays at Skate just amazing," said Fisher. level sport. "Each player is and Fisher, in order to take the Zimmerman started the Fredrick, about thirty minutes The team's goal for next responsible for most of the club to the next level they McDaniel College ice hockey from campus in Fredrick, season is to join the American payments, with a little help need more players who have club team. Zimmerman, dub M.D. They play 2 hour pick- Collegiate Hockey Association from the school. Hockey has played competitive hockey president and player from up sessions every Sunday and play in the Mason Dixon always been an expensive and want to continue playing. Lemoyne, P.A. was deter- night, and also have sched- League. They will play other sport, so it's nothing usual." For more information, mined to play ice hockey at uled practices during the area schools such as Currently, the team has 11 visit the team website: McDaniel. week. Gettysburg, Johns Hopkins, players and is coached by for- Zimmerman researched Freshman player, Adam Dickinson, Salisbury, Mount mer Western Maryland and nielgreenterror. the old Western Maryland ice Fisher has played competitive Saint Mary's, and George Towson player, Coach Maisel. hockey team and wanted to hockey for 13 years. Fisher, Washington. The Student Government The McDaniel College Women's basketball team defeated Gettysburg 79-63 in the opening round of the Centennial Conference Playoffs, but then lost to eventual champion Muhlenberg, 55-56 in over- time. In the ECAC playoffs, McDaniel defeated Catholic 70-60, and then was defeated 67-60 by Pitt-Greensburg. ... The Green Terror finished the season with 20 wins and 9 losses. Here, Terror fans cheer on their team.
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