Page 116 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 4 NEWS With $ 2 Million Gift, Merritt Makes His Mark DJERDJ MATKOVIC really enjoy caring for his friend also bought and being drafted for the Korean Properties is "consistently rec- War made himquit ognized as one of the most his job. STAFF WRITER kids ... who are our furore," he resold chrysanthemums to added. students and often sold ice Ultimately, he was deferred generous corporate givers in Leroy M. Merritt, a 1952 During his years in college, cream too. from the army on the basis of the Baltimore area," according graduate of Western Merritt made his weekly "He [Leroy Merritt] always hearing problems, but" it was to his publicist, Tamra Maryland College, recently pocket money by selling hot- had a lot of ideas:' "he was too late to gel his teaching job Edwards. pledged a gift of 2 million dol- dogs to fellow college stu- destined to be an entrepre- back. So Merritt worked as a The four million dollar con- lars to he! p fund the construc- dents. He and a friend made neur," Jack added. "block layer" over summers, struction project of the new fit- tion of the new fitness center hotdogs on weekends that Molesworth, the football where he learned about con- ness center is part of at McDaniel, which wit! be were sold for 2S cents each coach at WMC from 81..a5, a struction. McDaniel's tu-year campus named after him. Merritt, the They would get their meat sport in which Leroy took He later decided to build master expansion plan that chairman of Merrill from a local market called keen interest in, was a WW Il houses. was adopted in 2003. Properties, founded his real "Myers Meats," and then pri- veteran, and like a number of Merritt was from Dundalk, Construction is due to break estate development company marily peddle them through other students, wasn't of tra- a predominantly working ground in April. in 1967 after having started in the men's dorms since the ditional college age. "We class settlement at the time. A huge thank you to Kim the construction business as a female students were subject always thought of Leroy as Neither of his parents went to Asch, managing editor of The bricklayer. to a 10 p.m. curfew. the kid," he added, since college. He said about his Hill, for her very helpful con- When asked why he made "Leroy always had the Leroy was younger than most time in college that he tribution to this article. the generous gift, Mr. Merritt brains for business," said Jack of his peers. "learned a nice way to live," said he would participate in Molesworth, a friend of Leroy Merritt was a teacher Merritt's passion for help- "anything with improving Merritt's who also graduated for a few years after graduat- ing others, especially women lives of young people." "I in '52 from WMC. Merritt and ing, but the possibility of and children, is why Merritt Relay For Life: Fight Cancer by Walking eral fun events, and raising about Relay for Life coming to They were both battling can- port Relay for Life in helping CLAYTON ROSA money to help support the campus last year; she attended cer at the same time. My aunt to find a cure, or make dona- STAFF WRIT"R cause. one of the interest meetings, had been in remission, but tions, you can go to McDaniel Walking: the action of one This will be the second became team captain for then had a recurrence and College's Relay for Life web- that walks; to go or travel on year McDaniel College hosts Whiteford Women Wishing passed away after 3 months," site at foot; to move over a surface by the event on the hill-last year, for the Cure, and that nudged Turner explains. taking steps with the feel at a when it began, McDaniel open a door that still remains "{Cancer} has affected me daniel. If you wish to find out pace slower than a run. College and the community of open. in both good and bad ways," more about cancer, you can go Walking Westminster helped raise over SethAnn Turner's Turner adds. "lt was hard to to the American Cancer onApril28~ .... $17,000. "This involvement in Relay for Life lose someone so young. she Society's website www.can- in Bair ~ year we is inspired by her emotional was only 43, and it is hard to For more information, Stadium at .. hope . to ties to two individuals who understand why the person please contact SethAnn McDaniel ..... r a 1 s e experienced cancer, a survivor has cancer. The good that has Turner at College: the T much and one relative who passed come out of it is, Iam working, x8358, action of a more, away. with the American Cancer or Suzanne Gilbert, at caring college ~bu' "My godmother is a sur- Society and raising money for srgOO1(!l!,x8259. community r we vivor of breast cancer and my the cure!" that wants to ... need aunt p" awny of cancer. If you WI h to h lp sup- help raise ~your money to ... hel p fund cancer at 0 Unique TrainingEvent: research in hopes accorn- of finding a cure. 4. plish this Disaster Childcare Relay for Life is an ~ goa I," overnight event that com- ...... writes Rebecca Are Y0tl looking for a meaningful way to help children and families after dis- memorates cancer survivors Young, Public Relations asters? Do you have a warm heart, patience, team spirit, a sense of adventure and and emphasizes community Committee Member. time to give? Then ... we are looking for you! involvement and community BetltAnn Turner, who So, you are invited to attend a Church of the Brethren 27-hour Level LDisaster spirit. On April 28, 2006, vol- became involved in Relay for Child Care Training Workshop scheduled at the Deer Park United Methodist unteers will begin walking at Life by working at the Church, 2205 Sykesville Road, Westminster, Maryland 21157 on April 28 & 29, 7 p.m. until early the next American Cancer Society at 2006. morning, participating in sev- her house, was excited to hear Disaster Child Care (DCC) is a national organization that trains volunteers Graduates Join throughout the United States to set up special child care centers in disaster loca- who have experienced disaster (while their par- tions to care for young children IAmazing Race' ents are applying for assistance and putting their lives back together). It works in conjunction with the Red Cross and FEMA. The child care training begins at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28 (from "Amazing Race," page quite well in the race," says and ends at approximately 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. The registration fee, 1) Cary Cooper, Barry and Fran's which includes curriculum, meals and lodging, is $45.00, if registration is received each show. The pa ir of longtime friend. 3 weeks prior to the date of the training. If received less than three weeks prior, contestants who arrive at the The McDaniel College the cost is $55.00. The deadline for receiving the registration form and fee in the chosen destination last are community will be rooting for Disaster Child Care office is two weeks prior to the date of the event. eliminated, while those learns the couple as well. If you have an interest in supporting the needs of children after a disaster; are that complete the challenge After five challenging over the age of18; in good physical and mental health; and work well under stress are given the instructions for episodes, Fran and Barry are and adverse conditions ... then come join this unique training event! their next destination. still going strong on "The Potential child care volunteers are trained to recognize and understand fears Among the many destina- Amazing Race." tions that the contestants have Tune in to the next and other emotions young children experience during and following a traumatic visited thus far are: Sao Paolo, episode which airs on April 4 evc~t. Since children don't always have the necessary verbal skills to express their Brazil, Brotas, Brazil, Moscow, at 10 p.m. to support feelings, volunteers are taught to provide play activities which gives them an out- Russia, Munich, Germany, McDaniel's own. let to express these feelings which might otherwise remain bottled up inside of and Segeste. Italy. Sources for this article them for many years. "Fran and Barry arc very include: CSS "The Amazing Past responses include wildfires in Southern California; airline crash in fit, very athletic, and very Race" website & Cha~lotte .N.C.; t~rrorist attack in New York City after 9/11; and Hurricanes travel wise. r think they'll do News(i1!McDanieIOnline Katrina, RIta & Wilma in the fall of 2005. For further in~ormation or to reserve your place in the training, call Kim Wanted Upton, Local On-site Coordinator, at410~87]-0814 _ kim lelw'wcrldnet.att.nett or Hungry College Students the DCC Coordinator, Helen Stonesifer at 800-451~4407 ext 5 or Quiznos Subs is offering College Studenl$ a 10% di~count hstone5ifer_glJ( To learn more about the Disaster Child Care pro- off any order when you show your Student lD. gram, visit w,", 405 N. Center SI 410-871-9922 The trammg date is quickly appro
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