Page 114 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 114
APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Panelists Discuss Same Sex Marriage (from "Same-Sex," page 1) questions from the audience. Baltimore that welcomes peo- tution and the two are inextri- Dan Furmansky, Executive -dren in the state of It was obvious at the onset ple of any race, faith and/ or cably tied." Director of Equality Maryland. from audience reaction to sexual orientation. Unity Though the panelists and Maryland. "This fight is for Deane, 42, a learning spe- questions and responses that Fellowship is a church move- audience members were families." cialist at Goucher College and the panel and the audience ment that began in Los respectful with their questions Furmansky and ACLU Polyak, 43, an environmental heavily leaned supportive. Angeles in the 1980's, founded and responses, many of Pastor staff attorney David Rocah engineer for the U.S. Army There were a few opposing by actor and recording artist Sheen's questions were met fielded most of the questions Medical Department, were the views in the crowd, and they Carl Bean, a gay ordained mis- with audience Sighs and eye- about legal and political mat- lead plaintiffs in a lawsuit were heard early. Some of the ter since 1985. rolling. ters. Rocah is an attorney filed by the ACLU in July, first questions posed came McCarthy stated during McDaniel junior Sean working with the 19 Maryland 2004, on behalf of 19 Maryland from Pastor Larry Steen of his introduction that he is a Maslin, a Political Science complainants in Deane and plaintiffs. The suit charges Westminster Baptist Church. gay man and a Christian and major who exited the event Polyak vs. Conaway. This that it is a violation of state Steen premised his ques- sees no conflict between the early expressed some disap- case is listed as a victory for constitution to deny same-sex tions and comments by stating two. pointment with the event. He gay rights and the ability to couples the ability to marry that he believed that the dis- "My God is a God of love had also anticipated a spirited marry in Maryland, though and the many family protec- cussion was to be a debate and love is for everyone," stat- debate, expressing more the winners expect more tions that come with marriage. with more of an equally repre- ed McCarthy. equally opposing views of this opposition. "We each have one biolog- sented pro / can panel and not Sheen challenged hot political topic. Arguments were heard in ical daughter, but to us we an agenda panel. Some McCarthy on Biblical princi- "It felt like one giant pep a Baltimore City court i.n each have two daughters and Carrol! County publications ples as well historical princi- rally," Maslin remarked. August, 2005 and on January we are their parents," stated had listed the event as a ples. Much of the evening was 20, 2006, Maryland Circuit Deane during the panel dis- debate on their calendar. Many of the panelists had dominated by personal story Court Judge Brooke Murdock . cussion. "U there was an acci- Steen was there to listen to the argued that the church should sharing, a request for aware- ruled in favor of Deane and dent of some sort, I would panelists as well as express his not impose its views on the ness and compassion, a call to Polyak, stating that denying have no ER access to Lisa or views and those of his congre- state, which met audience support legislative action that same-sex couples the ability to our daughter. This situation gation. applause. avails these marriage rights marry violates the state consti- leaves us very vulnerable." Steen directed the majori- "With that being said, at for gay couples and an urging tution's Equal Rights The panelists were given a ty of his questions to panelist which point does the state to oppose those that don't. Amendment, which protects few minutes to introduce Rev. Anthony McCarthy, have the right to rewrite reli- "These people just want against discrimination based themsel yes and then Radio Personality and gion or 3500 years of history?" the same rights, opportunities answered a few questions Associate Pastor of Unity Sheen countered. "Marriage and protection from the state from Krahling-Heddad, the Fellowship Church in the was a religious institution afforded any other loving, moderator, before taking Mount Vernon section of long before it was a civil insti- committed couple," stated Lighter Side: Students Pelted with BBs Thankfully, on March 25, a rifles at our peers. If our gun McDaniel's scholarly prestige. These drunk and dis- ANDYWU couple of unknowing students laws are amended, fun and Dear President Coley, orderly individuals failed to STAFF WRITER were capped in the neck and learning on campus will do what's right for our school break the bottles as a result of (Editor's Note; At a glance, chest while walking past undoubtedly grow exponen- and legalize bb gunnery. their girlish and flaccid excus- Ih" blott ..r doe .....'e reveal so,"" of Rouzer. tially. Chances are alInost good that es for aerrrs.They were appre- the inane reports to which officers r don't think we see No more humdrum only a small majority of stu- hended by appalled Campus respond. WII'S commentary high- enough of these incidents on strolls to class ... at any given dents will suffer serious Safety officers while attempt- lights some of the unique calls.) campus. The McDaniel moment, you may be shot in injury. ing to strip each other down I don't know what it College weaponry rules are the head. Consequently, self- On an end note, on and make out. These students is, but I think bb guns are absurd and old-fashioned. awareness and mental stimu- the early morning of March were Todd Knepper, Judd hilarious. This is America, isn't it? lation among students and 10, three students were docu- Walter, and Paul Hugus. For the most part, I As guaranteed by the faculty will increase, resulting mented for trying to break think it's funny when people Bill of Rights, we have the fun- in heightened academic per- beer bottles by throwing them are shot with bb guns. damentalliberty to fire air-soft formances and a jump in at the water tower. RcnnrtcdDatc Occurred From Dale Subcatceorv TVDC Outdoors Buijdinc Name Incident Status 313/061:32a.m. 3/3/06 I :32 a.m. alcohol loossession under 21 Albert Norman Ward Hall closed byPOC 3/4106 l2:47 a.m. 3/4/06 J2:47 a.m. vandalism =ertV Whiteford Hall loeen 314/061:43 a.m. 3/4/061;43 a.m. vandalism vehicle Penn. Ave. House inactive 3/4/062:46 a.m. 3/4/062:468.m. vandalism vehicle Lower Tower Lot inactive 3/4/06 II :O~m. 3/4/06 11:O~m. alcohol looen container in oublic Garden A t closed by POC simnlc eosscslon 3/4/0611:2~m. 3/4/06 11:2~m. dru • violation =ertV Rouzer Hall Ioendina court outcome 3/4/0611:34 .m. 3/4/06 11:34 o.m. vandalism Blanche Ward Hall inactive 3/51062;00 a.m. 3/5/062;00 a.m. assault hands/feet McDaniel Hall closed bv report 3/51062:25 a.m. 3/5/062;25 a.m. assault hands/feet Rouzer I-Iall closed b POC 3/5/063:15a.m. 3/5/063:00 a.m. disorderlv drunken Blanche Ward Hall closed by POC 3/5/064:253.m. 3/5/064:258.m. vandalism structure McDaniel Hall inactive 3/10/061:13 a.m. 3/10/061:13 a.m. disotderlv"" drunken North vllleee closed bv POC 3/10/06 1:41 a.m. 3/JO/061:41 a.m. alcohol ssession under 21 Whiteford Hall closed bv POC 3/IO/062:038.m. 3/10/062;03 a.rn. alcohol oncn container in public Historic Drive closed by poe 3/10/067:568.m. 3/9/06 unknown vandalism vehicle Smith House Lot inactive 3/10J062:0~m. 3/9/069:00 o.m. theft from buildine GardenAot inactive 3117/06 3:0~m. 3/171063:03 o.m. vandalism vehicle Central Receivinz open 3/1910611,15 .m. 3/19/20061[: 15 D.ID. decenc offense ublic urination Blanche Ward Hall closed byPOC 3121/069:488.m. 3f14106 4:30·~.m. theft frombuildin· Eaton Hall closed by reoon 3/23/06 9;0~ID. 3123/069:0S;:;:-m. tamoerine with fire ccuio. fire extin misher Gill Center inactive 3125/0612:14 a.m. 3/25/0612:14a.m. assault with fire u.;:;:- other denaerous weaeon Rouzer Hall recort incom lete 3125/ 3/25/064:008.m. tamoerin fire extin-mJisher McDaniel Hall re rt incorn lete 3/25/06 1U5-;;:-m. 3/25/06 1I :55-;:;:-m. tresoass MeDaniclHall endinlZ court outcome 3/261061:11 a.rn. 3/26/06 l: II a.rn. alcohol onen container in nublic Rouzer Hall Lot reoort com lore 3/26106 HI o.m. 3/26/06 unknown vandalism vehicle Historic Drive inactive 3128/066,I7-;;:-m. 3/25/0610:00-n.m. rresoass McDaniel Hall ending court outcome 3130106 II ,03 o.m. 3/301062],03 alcohol ssession under21 Daniel MeLen Hall open 3131/062:07 a.m. 3/31/06 2:07 a.m. alcohol OQS..'1essionunder 21 Rouzer Hall Doen 3/31/063:17 a.m. 3?31/06 3:17 a.m. bur !lIIV forcible entrY Daniel McLen Hall rcoort incom lete
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