Page 104 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 104
MARCH 9, 2006 - Page 4 FEATURES Meloche Adds Personal Touch to Bookstore his method of handling visi- himself. Even when Roth was . EMILY BIONDO tors to the Bookstore, be they sick for an entire week this STAFF WRITER civil or surly. past semester and could not Number one rule on . "I just try to be posi- come in to work, Meloche did spotting super-heroes: watch tive and smile," said Meloche. not complain. the mild-mannered ones with lilt I can't end up pleasing "He was completely the glasses. It is always the someone, Ijust try to put it out understanding about it," Roth quiet, unassuming clerks, of my head." While this is a said. "Kyle is awesome," she photographers, journalists reality of retail, Meloche does- added. "He seems to embody and scientists of the world n't seem to have many prob- the close-knit, personal aspect who might just save your lems with displeased visitors, of the store." life-if not your academic often churning out happy cus- Sophomore interna- tomers like junior Adam tional studies major Donnie Peter Parker and Trexler. Bell agrees. He, too, stood on Clark Kent, then, can step Trexler, a btochern- the receiving end of Meloche's aside, because there's a better tstry major, is most impressed kindness. When Bell was alter ego on campus, and this by Meloche's positive outlook, about to buy a $45 used text- one sells books at reduced especially when faced with book in "really bad shape," pnces. the worst of situations: the Meloche simply sent him and Enter the Bookstore inevitable book-buying and the book on their way gratis. Guy. buy-back seasons. "He just grinned and Granted, Bookstore "He's very friendly on gave it to me," said Bell. This Manager Kyle Meloche lacks book-buying days when generosity jurnpstarted Bell's laser vision and the ability to everyone is being hit with desire to begin a fan club for fly, not to mention a head- these huge costs-it's just Meloche on the college-link- quarters. But what he lacks in nice," said Trexler, adding mg website, Facebook. While display, Meloche makes up in that, without him, "the pain of still a small group of eight Kyle a positive and giving attitude, spending so much money on people, 'Kyle in the Bookstore averaging 10 hours per day at books would be increased sig- Deserves a Fan Club' shows develop such a connection," the meantime, he volunteers work, and 14 hours during the nificantly." the difference that the Evergates said. "He under- at the local Elks Lodge once a first weeks of the semester, Beyond this attitude, Bookstore manager makes at stands the college from the week cooking meals, as well and all done in true hero-fash- Trexler has also experienced McDaniel for students. inside." as often preparing dinner for ion: without complaint. Meloche's generosity. Meloche's popularity, Despite his influence Campus Safety officers during "I'm here to give serv- Needing a poster tube in however, does not stop at stu- at school, Meloche's job does Thanksgiving and Christmas. ice," said Meloche simply. As which to send a rose to his dents; faculty members rank not fill his entire life. He and From the Bookstore to a veteran of the Bookstore girlfriend through the mail, he among fans as well. Associate his wife, Amy, had their first volunteering to his own fami- since 1992, and a McDaniel searched in the Bookstore and history professor Donna child this past November, and ly,Meloche focuses on serving student three years before found nothing. Instead of Evergates, a one-time teacher new daughter Emma Grace others. He continues to be a hero, if not through saving the that, Meloche has had ample turning Trexler away, Meloche of Meloche, said that he is has become his daily inspira- experience working for the walked to the back and gave "always kind" when she is tion. world super-hero-style, then campus that he loves. In his Trexler a poster tube from the late in turning in her class "If I ever have a bad perhaps merely through sav- long run on the Bookstore storeroom that was not for book orders. Beyond such day, 1try to think of the smiles ing a handful of students and staff, Meloche has progressed sale. services, Evergates also recog- she's had," said Meloche, staff members from a stressful f.rom book seller to assistant "He's continuously ntzes how Meloche fits the laughing. "It just cheers me day or an overpriced b~k. . Roth said, "He 10 this manager to his current posi- inconveniencing himself in campus so well. up." Other joys in his life tion of manager. But other order to help others," said "I think that because include reading, fishing and very quiet way is keeping the than his posi tion, time has Chava Roth, a coworker of he's an alumnus, he really especially cooking, as whole educational system of changed little. He is still Meloche and '05 alumna who relates to students and faculty Meloche has always harbored our college going because he unable to recall a single cus- consistently sees her boss in a very special way and I a desire to become a chef and keeps the books on the shelves." tomer whom he truly disliked. helping students, staff, and can't imagine any other to eventually own a bed and Mild-mannered, breakfast. This sentiment is evident in coworkers with little regard to Bookstore manager could Keeping in practice in glasses. You know the drilL Germs Win the Warin·McDaniel Hall Bathroom "People need to just Germs it appears that the don't need a lake in the bath- LINDSAY.GRAHAM dean up after them- Germs are winning with a room," one sign read, it does STAFF WRITER selves and we strength of guerilla warfare. not matter the Germs are win- Every other week the wouldn't have this No matter how hard you ning this war. It's Gang of McDaniel Free Press gives you germ problem." attack it with the nuclear Germs 1 - residents of a look at a student's dorm Sometimes a line weapons (bleaching once McDaniel Hall 2nd Floor O. room. And every time one can of toilet paper can be every two weeks) or trying to Can the znd Floor make a find a television, at least two ,,==r-="""'-.r""'c-"'.,..,,""- eee'-"-seen running under put signs outside the door comeback like the Red Sox did computers and iPods in their the three bathroom stalls on "urging" others to. "please in the 2004 ALCS? rooms. They are living in the the left side, giving the Gang keep the bathroom clean, we 21st Century. of Germs a "red carpet" type But this week McCribs of feeling. (Except instead of a is taking a different approach. red carpet it's a white carpet.) Dance Company We are not going to show you "[The cleaning staff] a student's dorm room full of 'shocks' the bathrooms [with Support Needed! technology, we are going to bleach] once every two bring you into a dorm bath- weeks," says a resident on the You don't have to travel far to see a great room and what inhabits it. floor but that still does not kill What we found is surprising. the Gang of Germs. dance performance including tap, jazz, ballet, McDaniel students In this condition one swing and much more. Come to Alumni Hall might be in the 21st Century would think that the inhabi- on Saturday, April 1st at 8:00pm to support regarding technology, but one tants of the floor are barbar- look into the Znd floor bath- The sink area, in the ians living in the stone age the McDaniel Dance Co. room in McDaniel Hall and back of the bathroom, is with Germs. It is no wonder Tickets are only $2 in advance and $3 at the you think you have gone back another good breeding that college students get sick a door. We will be selling tickets outside of to the pre-historic ages, says ground for the Gang. The girls lot. They are re-infecting one anonymous student. on the floor do not clean out themselves with the same Glar on March 29 and 30. We have worked After the morning rush the sink after they have rinsed germs that have previously hard all year to put on an outstanding show hour, the bathroom is flooded out their dishes. gotten them sick. These germs for the public and the McDaniel community! with water from residents "I walked into the bath- are not new. It is tough for For more information call me at extension who leave the shower curtain room and looked down in the some of the girls who try to outside the shower. The water sink and saw the brittle short keep the bathroom in a decent 8031. See you there! drains out of the shower, onto dark black hairs in the sink condition, to live in this -Rachel Johnston the floor and gets into the that came from a guy," one atmosphere. cracks between the floor and female resident recalls. In the 2005-2006War on
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