Page 105 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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FEATURES MARCH 9, 2006-Page5 New Deaf Education Professor "Wonderful" thought it would be wonder- Maryland where they do not important life, Professor can sign," she explains. l~A~~~T~~T fuI to work at my alma mat~r." ~ave" equal ac~ess to educe- ~udans-Smith likes ,~o re~ax Professor Pudans- Professor Pudans-Srnith non, she explains. like the rest of us. I enjoy Smith has one message that The newest member of the received her bachelors degree When asked what her pro- staying home with my hus- she hopes to get across to her Deaf Education Department at from GaUudet University and fession of choice would be had band and two cats while my students. She wishes for stu- McDaniel College is much then attended a graduate pro- she not decided to become a son is in the University. I also dents to "be appreciative with more than what her job here gram at then Western teacher, Professor Pudans- enjoy reading when 'have what they are learning and depicts. Teaching American Maryland College. Smith stated that she would time, and doing some creative develop understanding and Sign Language levels two and In addition to teach- have been a lawyer. decorations around the sensitivity to others." four is what her McDaniel stu- ing at McDaniel part time, Although she keeps very house." With such a valuable dents know her for. However, Professor Pudans-Smith is a busy with her teaching and Overall, the newest mission and such great expert- there is so much more to the full time member of the facul- advocacy work, this professor addition to McDaniel's Deaf ence it is apparent that wonderful and very accom- ty at Towson University. In knows how to take pleasure in Education Department is an Professor Pudans-Smith is an plished, Professor Kim addition to her time spent life. "I really enjoy traveling. extremely interesting and asset to the McDaniel College Pudans-Smith. teaching, she is also an activist My husband and I do a lot of wonderful lady. She speaks of community. "I graduated from in the community. international traveling. We her experience here as a posi- here with a Deaf Education "1 am an advocate for . hope to travel at least once a live one. "The people here are degree 111 2000 and I loved the Deaf and Hard of Hearing year," she happily explains. very friendly. It is nice to be in environment," she explams "I children in the state of While she leads an a place where several people Journey to Poland and Israel Changes Lives and why travelers who visit The magnitude of Majdanek han," he states. "It is easy to first one in. It was outstend- SHELLY HORN are impacted, regardless of will stay with me forever, that focus on our differences but ing. It doesn't make any STAFF WRITER their faith. someone had to think this up. have so much in common sense. You really don't have "The woman slammed "You can't be a visitor or a The concentration camps did- with people from other to swim, you just float." her window shut. Sometimes. tourist to these areas," states n't build themselves, someone nations. We all fall in love, we "The Dead Sea was actu- the world does not wish to Goldman. "You experience it had to do it." dream, we quarrel, and the list ally fun," Freeman concurs. hear of yesterday's pain, and and it impacts you emotional- Leo Bretholz, Holocaust continues on." "It was so salty that salt crys- sometimes it feels it has Iy. It was not our intention for survivor and author of Leap In stark contrast to the tals coated an the rocks in a already heard too much." - this trip to be a Jewish expert- Into Darkness; Seven Years on landscape of Poland, Dr. thick sheet, even underwater." Holocaust . Leo ence. We hoped that it would tile Run in Wartime Europe, Goldman's group visited Many of the students con- Bretholz writes in his memoir, turn out to be an ecumenical clarifies Habegger's thought. Galilee, Nazareth and the fess that, though they believe Leap ill to Darbless: Seven experience. And that's what it "People use the term Nazis or Mount of the Beatitudes, that the term "life changing Years 011 the Run ill Wartime was." Nazi Germany as if this activi- among other sites in Israel. experience" is a bit cliche, they Europe. McDan.iel students con- ty was conducted by a SOlan These visits yielded beautiful are, in fact, different from the During Jan Term 2006, curred, especially with regard faction of people or only by views but also proved to be experience. sixteen McDaniel students to the visits to Majdanek and the government," states profound to many individuals "Life changing is a hack- and one parent participant Auschwitz-Birkenau, the lat- Bretholz, who was visiting Dr. on a personal level. neyed term," states Freeman, chose not to shut the window ter being the most well-known Goldman's Contemporary "Israel was pretty much who is slated to receive his on yesterday's pain, but of the concentration camps in Jewish Thought class at the just as I had expected, at least military commission in the instead to embark on a trip Poland. Some students time of the interview. in terms of the Sights and spring. He continues, that would cover numerous attempt and poetically find "The correct term is landscapes," states Habegger. "Despite this, 1 feel that I am ~.AJJ9th Poland an~9.a.. to $XP~ ~ - G~~is;t!.a Germanx.....;;It '4(AS tight ..Qu!;.,Qf a Bible different fr.Qlly&Q~ tsreei. Each country possesses trorts, whlie otherI'! grapple a country of poets and story. Yorum, our tour gUiae happened. Tne d'ianges are breathtaking beauty, however, with words and settle on thinkers. This was not solely in Israel, brought the Bible to subtle, not overt. 1 aD1 more Poland still bears blood and "indescribable." German government or the life as we journeyed around aware of what happens heartache from its soil. Senior Sociology major, ideas of one man; it was the state, and I really enjoyed around me and feel compelled This was the first Jan Term Eric Freeman, admits to being German industry. German that. to apply what r learned to my of this kind in McDaniel's his- caught off guard by the labor engineers had to design the "It was interesting to see military caceer." tory. and death camp visits in incinerators, workers to build how the Bible verified archae- Jan Term co-leader, Dr. Led by Dr. Emanuel Poland. them, drivers to transport ologtcal digs and archaeologi- Goldman, continues to focus "Manny" Goldman and his "Walking through those people and materials. See, it cal digs verified the Bible," he on the many lessons he friend and experienced world- places was a surreal yet terri- was not only government; it continues. "It was definitely a learned from McDaniel stu- traveler I coordinator, Mrs. ble experience," he remem- was history, chemistry, trans- two-way street." dents. "T can't tell you enough Lucia Goodhart, the origin for bers. "While there, I was portation, geography, etc." The group also visited the how impressed I was with the the idea of the journey traces struck by the immensity of Even in the bitter cold and Dead Sea, located in Israel students. Even complete back to Elie Weisel's April evil and the effects of certain snow of Poland, with visits to about an hour south of strangers approached me and 2005 visit to McDaniel that ideologies on the human psy- sites whose history bites deep- Jerusalem. Known as the commented on their respectful launched Goldman's nonprof- che." er than the frigid tempera- world's largest "natural spa" demeanor." it organization, The Sop hom 0 r e tures, students found warmth. in the world and the lowest "Their attention and Interpreters' Forum, Inc. PoliSci/German major "I expected to see Poland point on earth (417 meters or absorption of the experiences This was the first visit to Michael Habegger had visited as a cold, bleak place," says 1371 feet below sea level), the was unbelievable," he contin- Israel and Poland for each of a concentration camp before Habegger. "Indeed it is, but I Dead Sea is the most mineral- ues. I was most impressed the McDaniel students, only but found that he was still was pleasantly surprised to laden body of water in the with these young people and ~~~d:!n, :!'hoorniS;:wls~~~~~ unp~p~;: f::e~i~:;~t~u in ~~~:nat: :hned~~eS~~~:/;~ wor1he water is warm and its ~:~~r:;~pe~~h:e~:~vi~ a:~ been to Poland rwtce before Munich a few years back, but us." unparalleled buoyancy causes times." ;;'o':.!~:th:u;:;~e'::d:i~~:;;:;:;ane:'Iw::e;'k:~aba~~?'Hab=;:;::'"timentse~!';:;;~~~o~:~~n~~a:~~~~~~d;'~hO~::hesestudentsgive It I VISitsdo not dull the Habegger recalls. "The travel the ~orld more, ~come entered. , mu lPfe the lessons 111 Poland weight of 300,000 souls were to appreC1ate the ul1lvers~1 "Mad props to,:ne,' corn- pam 0 d h w thrust upon my shoulders. nature of the human condl- ments Habegger. I was the Am'iu~i"AboutLove: Spring Break or Break Up? Suggestion, take your that you'll miss the other per- whelming spending so much er then enjoy the independ- ALysE HOLLOMON significant other home with son and you can't wait to see time together when you're ence and still try new things. FEATIJRES EDITOR you for a night or two such as them. However, if you don't used to being separated from No matterĀ·'.now you the first weekend of break or feel thiS way thenĀ·this is a clue each other. It can be fun to spend your spring .break Spring break is right the last weekend. This way as to how well your relation- hang out in a group for a remember it's a break and a around the corner; this is a you can spend some time ship is going and that you while and then leave together time of relaxation. When you great time to relax, kick back, together, away fr~m the crazy may need more than just some for some alone time. come back to school you want and to take a break from col- college life and you can let time apart. If you are together to be calm and collected for lege and possibly your rela- your family get to know your For those who are with your other half on break the remainder of the semester. tionship. better half. . returning home to a loved one then try and do new things; Make your spring break count For some on campus Another suggestIOn for spring break, live it up! try new restaurants, go to and have a blast! couples, this break may be just would be to take 10days apart Catch up on lost time and another city or area for a that _ a break from each other. from each other. Some cou- make each day memorable. movie, go to the beach for the It will be 10 days in which ples find that time apart ~an Maybe try and do some group day, just keep things interest- each partner will separate. ~nd bring them doser. You'll find activities so it's not too over- ing. Even if you're not togeth- return home to their farrulies.
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