Page 78 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 78
FEBRUARY24, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Students talk "real"about race issues Want to take continued from page 1 "Why do all the white Phi Sigma Sigma holds photos, students sit together?" asked club rooms that are open to people who were there was The forum revolved Hadley. "We're the norm and the entire campus, the His- that a large portion of the around anonymous questions, they're the other people who panic LatinoAlliance plans a campus missed out on what write, or sell could have been an enlight- which were submitted before are not conforming." salsa party each semester, ening event. For the most hand. These questions were And according to and the Christian Fellowship part, the crowd consisted of ads? Then read aloud, and then directly Hadley, this is a perception is actively trying to discern students from the social sci- answered by a panel of six. The that is in need of a change. racial reconciliation and also ence departments, and join the floor was then opened up for What about the percep- hosts an open mic coffee people who had attended the general discussion. tion that all African American house. The Student Govern- event before. newspaper The panel consisted of males are here just to playa ment and Allies are also open "It would have been students Dannette Villarreal, sport? to all. nice to have students from staff? Neal Stokes, and Rachel Bryant, "People do think that is When the topic of Afri- other [academt-] disciplins-, along with associate professor true," said Stokes, who is a can American music came of sociology Lauren Dundee, member of the football team, up, there were several pas- show up," said Wooten. Come out to "OveraU, I was happy with assistant professor of religious and cited personal experi- sionate responses from the studies Dr. Mark Hadley, and ences on how African Ameri- panel and the crowd. how the forum went because Our meetings, people to re- it encouraged music professor and gospel cans can be stereotyped just "Artists are creating a think stereotypes." every choir director Eric Byrd. by how they look. window that does not reflect This was the fifth year So, why do black people Do student organiza- the best parts of African TUESDAY always sit together in Glar? tions promote campus unity, American culture," said the BSU has hosted the fo- rum. They will also be host- HadJey was the first panel or are we divided racially? Byrd. "It is being watered night at 7 p.m, member to chime in on this One organizational rep down and bastardized ... so ing a Gospel Jubilee on Feb- ruary 26 and the Soul Food question, which was met with after another spoke up about now people think that is Dinner on February 27. They inHill Hall a mixture of laughter and seri- what their club does to pro- black culture." meet every Tuesday at 7 p.m. ousness by the crowd. mote unity. The main concern for in the BSU clubroom. Room 104. The lighter side of the Campus Safety blotter The acts "have resulted hind it. Venting frustration? JAMES GIBBS in several students being There are certainly Even if you're not a poet and STAFF WRITER you never learned how to Who live in glass houses ... "), shocked," stated a Campus more fruitful- and less de- but who enjoys reading "Stu- (Editor's Note: At a glance, Safety memo sent on structive-waysofdoingso. sing well, I'm Sure that love the Campus Safety Blotter does not Valentine's Day, "but thank- For example, it's a well can find a way. dents under age 21 in posses- sion of alcOhol," and "Student reveal some of the inane reports to fully, nobody has been in- known fact that beating on Really. Just not with observed carrying an open which officers have to respond. jured." The oranges, how- feather pillows can calm high-speed fruit. Container of alcohol," over Gibbs' commentary higlllights ever, have been sorely one down. Or maybe it was alcohol and 'over? some of the most unique calls). bruised and rendered 'com- And it hardly seems related. What with the eleven I can only imagine the pletely inedible. like a protest or dernonstra- other documented incidents McDaniel College has ex- "Several witnesses tion - "sticking it to the Man" involving alcohol, it's at least fun times had by Campus Safety. perienced some pretty fruity have come forward to help us with fruit is absurd. a possibility. All this brings to mind a acts of vandalism within the to identify the person who I have to wonder "Alcohol is What We qu?te from the old, late play' last few weeks. has been doing this," states though, since all these-events mainly deal with here," said wnght Robert Benchley (1889- Campus safety records the memo. have taken place at Mike Webster, Director of indicate multiple incidences of Hopefully the culprit - Whiteford, if it's just a des- Campus Safety. "Sometimes 1945): "Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are oranges (yes, oranges) being who seems a few apples perate attempt to meet it's possession of alcOhol,and such fools to begin with, rhar thrown through windows at short of a bushel- will soon women? Now I'm no expert the.n sometimes it's com- Whiteford Hall. It's a repeat be found. on the romantic arts, but at plaints about vandalism in- it's compounding a felony." occurrence - five times since These incidents really least I know that the way to a volving alcohol." If you can't help your November, with three of them strike me as odd. r can't even woman's heart isn't through I like to keep away from drinking habits, at least be in February. imagine the motivation be- her shattered win~ow panes. social commentaries about arOUnd someone with a my peers (after alJ,"thos e little more sobriety and common sense. CampusSafetublotte'r Pub plates are part of new project Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status 2/04/05 12:05 a.m. alcohol public area (over 21) Blanche Ward Hal! Closed by PoC con tinued from page 1 2/04/05 11:59 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Lot 2/05/05 12:37 a.m. alcohol open container in public North Village pending Court outcome atmospheric carbon dioxide closed by report 2/05/05 6:00p.m. arson personal prop. <$500 McDaniel Hall inactive and .water through photosyr" 2/05/05 10:18p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall closed by report thesis, and they are quickly re- 2/06/05 2:28a.m. alcohol drinking games over 21 Penn. Ave. Houses Closed by PoC turned to carbon dioxide and 2/04/05 9:00 p.m. larceny motor vehicle parts Harrison Parking Lot inactive water through composting or 2/07/05 5:39p.m. vandalism property Whiteford Hall open 3.q ueo us degradation," the 2/09/05 4:35p.m. harrassment in person Decker College Center closed by report SHeexplains. 2/I0/05 6:00 p.m vandalism structure Whiteford Hall open McDaniel's pilot plate 2/II/05 7:45 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall dosed by report program Isa result of students' 2/I2/05 12:31 a.m. giving false information Harlow Pool closed by report groWing concern about the 2/12/05 1:00 a.m. vandalism structure Blanche Ward Hall report incomplete college's Styrofoam use, 2/12/05 11:44p.m. false alarm ANWHall report complete Smith's personal concern 2/13/05 12:18a.m. vandalism structure Penn. Ave. Houses inactive about the environment and a 2/13/05 12:26 a.m. alcohol open container in public North Village dosed by report partnership with the c~llege'S 2/13/05 12:59 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Historic Drive pending Court outcome environmental action club. 2/13/05 1:05 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Historic Drive "ConSidering how many 2/13/05 1:20a.m. vandalism structure Whiteford Hall dosed by report cups and plates the pub blows open 2/13/05 2:52 a.m. vandalism vehicle Blanche Ward Hall Lot open through every night, it would 2/12/05 10:00 p.m. crash vehicle with vehicle North Village Lot inactive be great if we could find a 2/12/05 10:00 p.m. vandalism .vehicle Penn. Ave. Houses prO?Uct that is gentler to the 2/14/05 7:42 p.m. false alarm accidental North Village report inc~mplete envIronment," said freshman 2/16/05 9:30 p.m. malicious mischief Historic Drive report complete and club member Ben Barkow 2/18/05 12:07 a.m. alcohol public area (over 21) Rouzer Hall report complete "It seems like this new prod- report complete uct Would be a better solution if not the best."
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