Page 38 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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OCTOBER 28, 2004 - Page 10 SPORTS Volleyball becoming cohesive Mean and Green MEREDITH ADAMS the excellent teamwork is to play this season. Freshman STAFF WRITER partially due to their many D.O. Lehr has also contrib- Athletes giving Terror strong players and leaders in- uted a lot to the team and is a With some recent wins cluding Carrie Sniffen, Krista solid athlete. Coach Molloy a whole new meaning added to the season, the Eisec lanue Bodden and D.D feels that setter Ianue.Bodden Women's Volleyball team cur- Lehr. Captain and Co-Cap- is strong in her posi tion as rently stands with an overall tain Sniffen and Biser have well. record of 7-14, 3-5 in the con- been excellent starters and Right now, Coach JAMIE BODDEN ference. Many of the girls feel leaders since their freshman Malloy thinks that her team VOLLEYBALL that they are doing a lot better year. Although Biser suffered isright where they need to be. As a setter for the volleyball team, playing as a team this year, and an injury last season, she has "J had hoped to stay in, sophomore Jamie Bodden doesn't Coach Carole Molloy feels that been anxious and motivated the top five in the conference receive much attention when she has throughout the season and an olltstanding game. She puts her teammates to score in a position right now we stand at num- points in much the same way a point ber five," she said. "I am very guard dooa. But Bodden received the happy about that." recognition she deserved when she was named to the All-Tournament The girls showed tre- team after the 23"' Annual Green mendous strength and skill Terrorlnvitationalwhichwasheldon during their wins against the Hill October 15-16. She leads her conference teams like team with 539 assists this season, Swarthmore and Washington ~veraging 7.~ per gnme. College. Coach Molloy feels that those were the games where the girls really showed unity, confidence and ability to play. Many of the girls would .. agree that their team unity is ANDREWWU MEN'S SOCCER improving as the season con- ",,:-,~ ~-. tinues, but they would still ~ , Junior goalkeeper Andrew Wu is ,. like to see more communica- one of the most apparent reasons tion on the court and stron- p -\4. why the men's SOCcerteam is 8-5-3 ger play throughout the en- overall and 4-1-2 in the Centennial 4 Wu has recorded Conference. tire game. sh:-,touts this season, induding a 0.0 "We need to learn each nilll-biter against Swarthmore this other's habits and needs on past Saturday. He has a total of 59 the court in order to play well saves so far and has only allowed 16 together. We still continue to goals in as many games. wu-s endu.rance is also SOmething to be improve in that area." admIred. He has played for an Coach Molloy agrees. astounding 1,036 minutes and 34 "They are taking baby seconds this season. That's over 17 hou~ of maintaining vigilance while steps towards being a better waihng for opposing players tomake team," she said. "Hopefully an attempt on his goal they-will start taking giant steps and finish the season off strong." ~;N;';C-;-T~~;~~y;j CENTENNIAL t I CONFERENCE UNDER 12 HAIRCUTS STANDINGS 1':u!~~;e~~' (as of October 25) VOLLEYBALL L With coupon. Expires 11116/04 .. ' 1.Gettysburg 9-0 22-4 Specializing in: -- - - - - - -_ ...<:.1 2. F&M 7-1 18-9 • Men's, Women's. and r---~~;.s- - - -""] 3. Johns Hopkins 7-7. 8. McDaniel 3-5 7-14 Childr. en's Hairstyling , HAIRCUTS I, • Flat-Tops I $11 00 REG. . FOOTBALL 1. McDaniel 3-0 5-1 2. Muhlenberg 3-I 6-1 ,. :' L=~~w!.c!!p:;,E.:::'!!.1~6/!!"d .-------- 3. Johns Hopkins 2-2 5-2 ~~1~II'i!'I-I'll'. IncludeSCUI&fin;S~Couponscan::=.. 1 Sat.8am-6pm I MEN'SSOCCER i LADIES HAIRCUT 1.Johns Hopkins 7-0 14-0 For your convenience we're open: & BLOWDRY 2. McDaniel 4-1-2 8-5-3 Mon.lhruFri.9am·7pm' $1 ' 3. F&M 4-2-1 9-3-2 • Sun.IOam-5pm WOMEN'S SOCCER s~~~~~gSd~~~:ri.:CUI'! :~~/be 1. Gettysburg 8-1 11-3-2 2. Haverford 6-0-2 13-1-2 444 WMC Drive L ~.!!'r;_w!.~.!. ~r:!1~'Si 3. Muhlenberg 6-2-1 10-4-1 Westminster i--;;;;~~~;-l 7. McDaniel 3-5-1 8-7-1 410·857·0520 I I HELD HOCKEY 1. Ursin us 9-0 15-1 410·857·0898 , $50.00:~j,' 2. Gettysburg 7-2 10-4 (Next to Safeway) 3. F&M 6-2 13-3 . _mrM - ~OngHafrS'ightIYhlgher.lncfUdeScut&ffnish. - __ ~=~~4__~_t!.I 6. McDaniel 4-4 9-5 Coupons cannot ~ combined. With coupon.'
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