Page 36 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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OCTOBER 28, 2004 - Page 8 FEATURES SHELLY HORN changed the spelling to Preshman Camara my friends back in my home- Mom nicknamed me magpie STAFF WR!TER 'Ialia," Palijczuk said. Kadete goes by screen name town, Cambridge, Massachu- after the magpie bird, known Some students choose C-dizzle. -c-dizzle is a nick- setts. Weused to freestyle to- From "Anglshyrungbrtte" for its loud cackling call. Istill to "Codlsdead" and everything name given to me by gether." use the name because Istill talk in between, McDaniel students _,~-.,...,.~.",_ Many McDaniel stu- a lot and nev~r shut up." display their nicknames, likes, dents identify themselves Senior Kathryn Lessels dislikes, hobbies, and majors in online by their major uses ChattyKatty as she too en- their choice of e-mail address Biopoet7 is an English major, joys the gif.t of gab. Other and screen name. Biology minor. PoliPsyche is McDaniel chatterboxes use Many McDaniel students, l , a Political Science/Psychol- .t1ktlktl.k,and gabbymouth. for practical reasons, simply ogy dual major and .Three McDaniel students, choose to use their first name or I a i n - , \ EPEstudnt is an Exercise who asked to remain nameless, c lot hed some variation. One student jungle boy. Science major. identify themselves online by encountered unusual problems "He's Magpie625, or Se- the perils. of their weekend 'par- using her name. my favor- nior Psychology major tying. Yakattacl:c5,shtfacedagn Senior Natalka Palijczuk Karisma Schwartzbeck, and puknyawn use these e-mail set up an e-mail address using ite charac- I explains the back- addresses for personal contacts her nickname, Talya, but had to ground of her unique but also have generic screen change the spelling after-receiv- "i'Italked names for other purposes. ing SPAM from Eastern Euro- a Many students reported pean porn websites as well as very having three or four screen e-mail offers for marriage. lillll names that reflect their diverse "People e-mailed me and interests and hobbies but fresh- asked if I was a mail-order use the names of their fa- man Bridget Kerr adds bride. The unwanted SPAM vorite comic book, movie, or "Checking all of .the e-mail and mail has stopped since I anime characters. boxes can sometimes be a pain!" Biology professor's passion for all things rural' leads to unique purchase of sheep MICHAEL VYsKOCIL to run into this flock of STAFF WRITER sheep," Mltschler said. On Pa. 94, just west of Now that she has a fine Hanover, is a fenced-in pasture flock, she hopes to expand it not unlike many throughout to "create a hand-spinners Adams County, except for one flock," she said, so that she thing. It's not full of horses Of can experience the shearing cattle-it's full of sheep. to spinning process. The flock of docile, fluffy, Grazing in the pasture, cotton-ball beauties belongs to the sheep, a breed called Dr. Ralene Mitschler, assistant Jacob sheep, are unlike more professor of biology at familiar breeds of sheep. The McDaniel College, and her hus- Lefevers are members of the band Or. Randall Morrison, also Jacob Sheep Conservancy an assistant professor of biology and the Jacob Sheep at McDaniel. Breeder's Association, two Mitschler said she's al- institutions dedicated to the ways 'had a love of farms. This preservation of this rare passion for all things rural in- breed. tensified when she took inter- Jacobs sheep are a' est in the crafts of knitting, primitive breed. Their name weaving and spinning wool. derives from the biblical story After seeing a weaving of the black-spotted sheep of demonstration at the Maryland Jacob, according to informa- Wool Festival, Mitschler took tion provided by Lefever on advantage of a spinning and her website, weaving class held on campus this summer during Common These black-spotted Ground on the Hill to learn this sheep are one of the few time-tested art. breeds that grow horns; some Just when she was really can grow two to three sets of getting tied up in her work, she horns. encountered a humble 10.3-acre Their wool is lower in turn-of-the-century dairy farm lanolin than other breeds, for sale just outside Hanover, making them a natural Pe., called Chicory Lane Farm. source for hand-spun wool, The place charmed according to Mitschler. Mitschler and Morrison so Their wool also has an much that they spoke to the added benefit - it doesn't owners, Dave and Katrina shrink as much as other types Oberholtzer Lefever, about the when wet. property .. And unlike other live- In July, the property stock, sheep tend to be more (which was selling for $279,000) self-sufficient, 'Mitsch!er said. said. hopes to build a greenhouse went under contract, and in "These sheep are en- Sheep are usually fairly for his Madagascar chame- here is different in composition August, both Mttschler and tirely grass-fed," she said. even-tempered animals. "1 leons and Mitschler hopes to because of {the proximity to] Morrison became the proud Mitschler prefers this diet to think they have lots of per- experiment with growing the nearby Limestone quarry, so new owners: of Chicory Lane other grain-based diets. sonality," she said. "They're flowers and vegetables in the a range of biology and geology Farm. But the two got more "By grass-feeding, it just very alert, like wondering gardens. topics could be studied." than just a farmhouse, barn and avoids the issue of whether or 'hmm, how tightly is this "We actually would like In the. meantime, how- land; they also inherited the n~t the [feed] product con- fence constructed'." to make the place sort of a ever, Mitschler will still have owner's flock of sheep. tains any animal meal. It's The couple has some working combo biology/ ge- sheep to tend and wool to "It was just a coincidence biologically healthier," she plans for the farm. Morrison ology lab," she said. "The soil weave.
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