Page 34 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 34
OCTOBER 28, 2004 - Page 6 FEATURES HOW are we ~eefina fieyfllere, fittl6Timl!lyt So Timmy? Abo~t the Gfar? noW' Why 60 happy today? Free Press Staff Online registration nears Co-Editors-in-Chief Writers/Reporters students have three things: Katie Martin '06 Meredith Adams STAFF REPOR.T their user name, a password, lines," Morris explained. "Stu- Brian Patterson '05 Patrick Bonaduce '08 The college's first shot and a ticket signed, by their dents can register in their dorm rooms, from a lab, from home, Emily Compton at online" registration for all advisors confirming that they anywhere - as long' as they log Art Director Lea Fiddick '07 students is days away, and have met in at their appointed time or Liz Matthews '06 Eric Fuller '08 administrators say they are Once students meet anytime after the appointed Lindsay Graham '07 doing everything they can to with their advisors, they take time." ensure that the process runs to the tickets the signed News Editor Mike Habegger '08 smoothly. Registrar's Office where they Appointed times are as- Rob Goeke '07 Shelly Horn There's a hotline num- will be "cleared for online signed based on each student's cumulative number of earned Suzane Lester ber for help (ext. 2264) from registration," Morris said. credits. Features Editor Leon Mach '05 8 a.m. untilS p.m.throughout If students miss any of Special registrations like Bayley Fannin '05 Lizzie Musar '05 registration, which begins these steps - user name, pass- audits, Courses that need in- will word, signed ticket from 'ad- Nov. 1. Administrators Geoff Peckham also man a Help Desk in visor and Clearance from the structor permission, credit/ fail Commentary Edi tor Jacqueline Pundt '05 Ensor Lounge during the reg- registrar's office - any at- options, independent studies and internships will not be ac- Melissa Gallo '07 Kelly Rampmeyer istration process. tempts to register online will cepted via web registration. RoriRockman Online registration had fail. "A few students will still Popular classes will still Sports Editor Mike Seff'07 a smooth trial run with Jan fill on the first day, and folks be filling out paperwork at the registration, but Nov. 1marks Pat O'Toole ~07 Stacey Shaffer the first time online registra- will have to .go to the Registrar's Office," Morris said. "Right now, we're just focusing Jon Teter '08 tion is available-for all stu- Registrars Office ro be placed on getting the word out about Copy Editors Michael Vyskocil '05 dents. on a waiting list. However, what students need to have in Jesse Feldman '07 Melissa Wisner Navigating online reg- online registration should be hand before they try to register Teri Hamer '07 istration should be as simple a welcome relief, Morris said. online: usemame, password, as point and click, said Diane "The best part of new ElizabeIh Manns '06 Advertising Manager Morris, associate registrar, if process is that it eliminate and ticket signed by advisors Marissa King '05 Emily Funk '07 submitted to our office." Page Design Advertising Kenny Ditto '06 Representatives Lindsay Fairchild '08 Beth Appleton '06 Beth McLane '07 Christine Beers Pat O'Toole '07 Suzane Lester Photography Sarah Black '07 Suzane Lester Indira Gonzales '07 Taylor Hebden 171£McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The McDaniel Free Press staff, the faculty, or the administrators of McDaniel College. The paper welcomes free-lance sent the freepressrs' The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length,and libel and to publish as space permits. Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chef The McDaniel Free Press does not' discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Mail to: The McDaniel Free Press McDaniel College, 2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 (410) 751-8600 FAX: (410) 857-2729 from a~ early 1900's" A!0ha" yearbook, this ~hoto shows Yingling Science Hall. E-Mail: This building has smc~ been demo~shed and replaced with Lewis Recitation Hall/Lewis Hall of Science. By Staff Wnter Kenny Ditto
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