Page 30 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 30
OCTOBER28, 2004- Page 2 NEWS Excessive alcohol consumption a trend continued from page 1 r----~-~~---------...... "The people arthe hos- "Vomiting is the most them to sleep with a trashcan. pita! told me that Icould have obvious sign that someone is There is no universal died," said Tim Tower, a approaching 'unhealthy lim- blood alcohol content, or BAC, formerstudentwhowasaJso its," Wack continued. "The that defines alcohol poisoning. taken to the local hospital for best thing to do for a friend Height and weight, the time alcohol poisoning last Fall. who hits the vomiting stage spent drinking, the rate of con- Tower would like to is tohave them stop drinking sumption and the amount of share his nightmare as a alcohol and drink other food and water consumed all warning to other students to things, like water." contribute to the fact that each be more cautious, but he can't One frightening aspect person responds differently to remember much after slam- of alcohol poisoning, Wack alcohol consumption. ming 100 proof Southern said, is that when someone Yet,alcohol is a substance Comfort straight from the drinks strong alcohol quickly, that depresses nerves that con- bottle. Luckily, his friends they might bypass the vom- trol involuntary actions such as iting stage and just pass out, breathing, heart beat, and gag "We found him laying • which is one step closer to al- reflex. When ingested in dan- face down on the grass cohol poisoning. gerous quantities there are se- speaking gibberish. I knew "The third stage - the rious health risks. we needed to get him help one where you really need to Ask Cassandra Bender, a because he was not respond- keep an eye one someone is freshman who remembers little ing to anything we said or when they are unconscious," about one particular pre-party did," said Michael Holt, a Wack said. "Is it time to take experience. junior. them into the hospital? If "I was pre-gaming for a "Essentially alcohol their breathing is slowing talk,"' he said. on the dangers of alcohol dur- party and Idrank roughly eight poisoning kills by respiratory down, if they are breathing "The high level of re- ingorientation and Mike Green shots of liquor, three to four depression until breathing less than 12 times a minute, ported incidences is a good is the most effective part of our apple pie shooters, and, two to stops," explained Dr. Robert yes." thing because students are attempt." three. beers in the span of an ,Wack,director ofpediatrics at "Truthfully, if there is getting their friends help in- "Every member of our hour," said Bender. Carroll County Hospital Cen- any doubt or concern, people stead of letting them sleep it Campus Safety Staff is at the She never made it to that ter. "To keep someone who should not hesistate to call off, which is most danger- party. Instead, she ended up in has alcohol poisoning alive, 911 and preface the call by ous," said Mike Webster, Di- very least trained to be a first an ambulance with a Blood Al- you have to make sure that saying, 'I'm not sure if this is rector ofCampus Safety. "We responder in cases involving cohol Content (BAC) of2.I. they don't stop breathing." an emergency, but I need to mainly try to educate student alcohol overdose," said Webster. The lighter side of the campus blotter Arr~ Y@1!Jl&i I'm saying to go out and get have led campus authorities was found. I hope that the LEON MACH into more trouble; Campus to believe that the suspects culprits at least had stolen jpl&irr~llilll:, STAFF WRITER Safety Citations come and go, are males. The steering something from Muhlenberg, but a great story lives on for- wheel has been dusted for because I forgot a soccercJeat &in1!Jll1llilllilll@rr firigerprints and Campus there once and it only seems (Editor's note: At a glance, In that spirit, I'm sure Safety is currently waiting for fair. i1:@llllilllllil1!Jlllilllll:y the Campus Blotter doesn't reveal those responsible for stealing the results. T am baffled by an inci- some of the inane reports to which the two Gators from behind Well gentlemen, I hope dent of larceny that OCCurred llllil~llllil1b~rr IW!lu@ Campus Safety officers have to re- PELC on Homecoming have that you were wearing gloves in the Rouzer Hall Parking IW&illill1:l\l ll:@ spond. Leon Mach's commentary a great story to tell. The late - actually, I just made all of Lot. The rear license plate highlights some of the most unique night, carefree, joyriding this up to be amusing. was removed from the din- ikllil@IW IW!lu&ill:' ill calls. The column begs the ques- around campus, I can almost A disturbing the peace ning hall catering van. tion, "What was the student think- see the smiles on their faces violation on October 2 also Intrigued, I decided to ~@i1llil~ @llil&ill: ing?") as they recount the excite- caught my attention. The take off my rear license plate MIi!:lDJ&illilll~n l' ment to their friends. party at this off-campus loca- and visit ~helocalpawn Shop. "It was a fairly unevent- However, the motor ve- tion was busted up by Cam- I soon dIscovered that my ful Homecoming Weekend," hicles were recovered and for pus Safety and the plate has the resale value of a said Mike Webster. the first time in school history Westminster Police after used Vanilla Ice CD. IDJ@y@1!Jl IW&illilll: While a fairly uneventful Campus Safety is collaborat- neighbors complained about Hardly worth going to weekend makes his job a good ing with professor Dundes' the noise. jail for theft, but then again i &inn fr!lu~ llil~IWill bit easier, it makes my assign- Criminology Class to find the The Campus Safety re- don't know your taste of ment of-writing this column suspects. The sizes of the port indicates that stolen music. cdl~nnw~rr~cdl extremely difficult.. ..Not that footprints left on the vehicles property from other colleges rrniIlufrfr@Y@1!Jlll' CampusSafetublot ter !lu@1!Jl§~1' 1r!lu~llil ill1!Jl1b§i1:rrll1b~fr@ Occurred from Date Subcategory TYpe Outdoors Building Name Incident Status It!lu~ MIdJJ&llliln~n 10/8/04 12:31a.m. aleohol possession under 21 No Rouzer Hall closed 10/8/04 12:49a.m. alcohol possession under 21 No Rouzer Hall closed IFrr~~ IP'rr~§§! 10/9/04 11:57p.m. trespass 'res Engler Pool closed 10/9/04 1:08a.m. vandalism structure No Rouzer Hall open 10/9/04 2:55p.m. decency offense public urination No Stadium Drive closed Rates are $15 a 10/9/04 2;00p.m. vandalism property No McDaniel Hall open 10/9/04 9;00p.m. tampering with fire extinguishers No Rouzer Hall inactive semester. 10/10/04 12:00a.m. vandalism property 'res Whiteford Hall report complete 10/10/04 1:33a.m. 'burglary forcible entry No Decker Student Center report incomplete 10/10/04 4,45a.m. trespass Yes President's House closed by report 10/9/04 9:00p.m. larceny motor vehicle (golf cart) Yes Gill Center inactive Sign up now! 10/15/04 1000a.rn harassment computer No Whiteford Hall open 10/13/04 11:30a.m. larceny motor vehicle parts Yes North Village open 10/16/04 11,29AM vandalism property No McDaniel Hall inactive Call (410) 857-8600 10/16/04 1UO a.m tempering with fire extinguishers No McDaniel Hall inactive 10/17/04 8049a.m. vandalism structure Yes McDaniel Hall report incomplete for more 10/16/04 10,30p.m. vandalism vehicle Yes Whiteford Hall report incomplete infonnation. 10/20/04 assault hands/feet No ANWHall report incomplete
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