Page 32 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 32
OCTOBER 28, 2004 - Page 4 JESSE FELDMAN A big issue for me is the sex couple that they don't de- any lobbyist bribes .. American soldiers who had ful- STAFFWRlTER appointment of the next Su- serve the same legal protec- CoughHalliburtoncough. preme Court justice. Chances tions that any heterosexual filled their contractual obliga- I'm voting Kerry- are the next life-long appoint- As for war, there is a tions, completed their enlist- Edwards. This is not simply be- ment will take place during couple receives. reason no other nation wants ments and made plans to return Also, John Kerry would the next four years. Ifeel that let the Patriot Act expire. I'm to support us in our Iraq ef- to civilian life or retirement Kerry will appoint a judge not really in favor of living in forts. Frankly, our" coalition were frozen - by an arbitrary of the willing" is downright who will best interpret the a totalitarian state, and some- pathetic. Of course no presi- "stop-loss" order - on active constitution and laws with- how the threat of the president dent is ever going to put duty." out a religiously' conservative being able to spy on me in a other countries opinions r don't support a back bias. Basically, he will not public library and arrest me above the safety of his/her door draft.' I think we were mis- appoint a pro-life judge. For with no warrant doesn't make own people (it's a bad reelec- led into war with no exit strat- the record, pro-choice does me feel safer. tion strategy), but this does egy and with corporate inter- not mean an endorsement of And until I'm really rich, not mean that we should bla- ests in mind. And Idon't sup- abortion, it simply means I can't support giving the tantly disregard the United port our president. I do how- e m c - that a woman's right to wealthiest members of society ever support our troops, and crats. Some of my best friends choose remai.ns her own. a tax break. Kerry plans to re- Nations. Not such a good ex- feel that John Kerry would be a ample for the children. are voting Bush, and although Next, Isupport Kerry's peal the tax cuts for the upper Oh by the way, a mili- better commander-in-chief. I love them, I think they are idi- posi tions on homosexual classes and increase the child tary survey found the suicide This is the first presiden- ots. But this isn't going to be marriage. While still uphold- tax credit for working parents. tial election in which Iam able about how Bush screwed up ing the sanctity of marriage He also plans to support rate among GI's,35 percent to vote, and I believe I am best our country; if you want that as a religious institution be- the economy by backing small higher i.nIraq than in troops serving my country by voting worldwide. read the New York Times' en- tween a man and a woman, businesses, rather than by pro- for John Kerry. dorsement of Kerry. This is he favors ·equal rights for tecting big business. In any Perhaps this is because, Educate yourself,. and about why I'm voting John partners. I would have a case, the man's wife is a bil- as journalist Mark Shields vote. wrote jn April, "as of last Kerry for President. hard time telling any same- lionaire, he won't be needing month, no fewerthan 44,500 Hail to the Redskins and to the chief JACQUELINE PUNDT isn't always easy, but then while the life of an unborn fe- in the realization that we STAFF WRITER again being a fan of a candi- tus is valued as well. were no longer safe in our date that resembles Many educators in the own backyards. In search of According to a recent Seabiscuit can be difficult as public school systems will ar- justice, we proudly followed Newsweek for kids (yes, I read well. Bush has been criticized gue that the "No Child Left the bold leadership of Our ~ about everything from the Behind" program set up by new President into Afghani- for kids), economy, to the war in Iraq, the Bush Administration is stan. and Dr. to education policies. No neither feasible nor beneficial Following our invasion McIntyre, President goes through a to our children. This act re- of Afghanistan, 'President history term without having a few quires our teachers to invest Bush made the most contro- show s "bumps" along the way. more time and effort in those versial decision of his presi- that if the r am not here to dispel students deemed delinquent. dency and invaded I~aq in Washing- nor discuss those mishaps, In the end, Itforces our edu- March of 2003. In search of ton but rather explain my sup- cational system to step up to weapons of mass destruction, Redskins port for the current President. a higher level of learning and our troops courageously It must be noted that holds them accountable. for marched into Baghdad and while Bush is Pro-Life, he the students who drift to the took hold of the country. Iraq. does not seek to completely wayside. I ask just one ques- Many argue that this move overturn the Roe v. Wade de- tion of you, if and when you was egotistical and self-ful- I am confident that our cision. He respects the Su- have children, would you filling for George Bush. I ar- current president will bring sta- preme Court's ruling and want them to be ignored? gue that it was an offensive bility to Iraq while protecting women's rights, but does not September 11, 2001 was move that his predecessors our nation's security. I also be- support partial birth abor- a day that changed the face of may have been too scared to lieve that our current president will SUpport the nation's chil- tions or any abortion taking our nation as a whole. After make. Sedam Hussein posed place after the first trimester. that fateful day, a group of ter- a threat to his country, our dren, economy and faith in hu- As a woman, this stance is rorists that had previously country and the human race manity the best he can. So in return I pledge my support to important to my personal life, been ignored by the general in general. That threat has George Bush, and the Redskms' simply because my right to public forced the United States since been disabled and we Senior Kacey Barnes con- choose is still respected, to swallow its enormous pride are now working to rebuild tributed to this commentaru. ROB GOEKE made him to speak to all and for them. The corporations in- honest soul, you will say no. NEWS EDITOR The haters of the man are for all. fluence policies too much. Because they care about the Those with money silence people with the most green. liberal. They say that he 'He stands humbled, They say that money those without. How can one care for those brought the pestilence of Bush beaten. They say that he talks, and for the two front- -. with the least problems while and may do so again. They say should runners it does. Want to But Ralph stands alone. ignoring those with the he helped defeat Al Gore in not be know how loudly? Approxi- Columnists like David Brooks worst? 2000 and he could do the same mately $338 million is in think America exists in the in 2004.That belief is preposter- George Bush's coffers; $310 suburbs, the housing develop- Seatbelts, airbags, the ous. Listen to the man: "In 2000, million for Kerry (taken from ments with a front yard, picket Environmental Protection exit polls showed that 21% or So this fence and a gas grill bought at Agency, the Freedom of In- 25% of my vote would have presidential. race isn't about Home Depot. That's a lie. formation Act and a myriad gone to Bush, 38% or 41% to electing the current presi- America is the Dominican im- of other consumer-advocacy Gore, and the rest would not dent, it's about dead presi- migrant living in the Andrew organizations are either di- have voted," said the savior on vote for him is a vote in the dents. A lot of them. And the Jackson Projects in South rectly or indirectly in exist- his Own web site. The haters say trash. He is Ralph Nader. He people providing the bulk of Bronx, the West Virginian liv- he takes votes away from only is the man who should be the more than $650 million ing on a hill unable to get to ence because of Nader. But Democrats. Funny, they forgot that is not why he should be president. A man who's aren't your next-door neigh- Wal-Mart to get some food, president. Forget the spin, the about those that would have fought for the people all his bor or the person that checks the farmer in Nebraska hem- lies, the hatred thatisspewed voted for the Republican. Then life and is running because he your groceries at Safeway, orrhaging his life savings try- on the pages you read and the there are the new voices that loves the nation. He is not of but the rich, the well off, the ing to harvest his crop, the kid box that you see and hear. came. New perspective. NeW this age. He doesn't have the corporations. Now, there is in Compton who can't wear Fight through it and realize o~inions. More views. America stature of the liberal or the ap- nothing wrong with them blue without getting beat up. he sings for you, America. now has no gray, only black and peal of the conservative. God giving a lot of money. The Ask yourself: does J.K. or The torch was passed Ralph White. Ralph is the gray. didn't make him to be in front problem is the political par- about any of these is the beacon. We must follow He is the savior of of a television camera. God ties let these donations talk people? If you answer with an the way. America. Remember that No- vembe~ 2. .
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