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NEWS MAY 6, 2004 - Page 5 3rd Annual Alpha Sig Battle of the Bands a success FRUZSINA NAGY consisted of two members of ing together for 3 years now. STAFF WRTTER the Music Honor Society and The band according to DeBusk the four other members had "had put on a great show like The Third Annual Al- well based knowledge in the always." Senior Neal Page, pha Sigma Phi Battle of the field of music. lead singer of the Mishaps, Bands took place in' Alumni The judges were asked brought the audience to their' Hall Main Stage on Thursday to evaluate performances on feet which earned his band the highest rating in audience ap- five criteria: musicianship, April, 29. A total of ten bands from all over the area com- stage presence, creativity of peal. peted for the three hundred songs, diversity of set list, The other great perfor- dollar prize. and audience appeal. mance came from Of Broken. "The Westcott Brother After five and a half Su_rprisingly, the band started hour of performances, six Band was just a great band eight months ago, and has had their instruments playing judges came to the decision, well, and it was a tough about 20 performances so far. and The Westcott Brothers Even though lead singer Jason Band deserved the first place. choice between The Mishaps Peltzer experienced amp prob- Second place was given to and Of Broken," said junior lems while on stage, the band The Mishaps, and the third to Kerry DeBusk, one of the six received third place in the com- Of Broken. judges. petition. The Westcott Brothers Out of all the bands The The two most unusual Band play blues style music, Westcott Brothers Band has performances of the night were The Mishaps jangle rock, and been together the longest, from As Promised and Charly from Horse. "approximately As Promised, since 2000," Of Broken EMO rock. This year the judges said, Phil Westcott, I 6, bass Westminster High, made the Neal Page and "The Mishaps" placed second in the 3rd Annual Alpha Sigma player and Andrew Westcott, whole crowd laugh with their Phi Battle of the Bands 19, guitar and lead vocal. song" Ass and Tittles," and Reasons for transferring lievable," and their "sense of Charly Horse shocked the au- The band was "unbe- dience with their self pro- calm on stage was appealing claimed" deaf metal ska" style. to many of us and the Lack of diversity dominates workshop discussion judges," according to senior new type of performance made Demos explained that this Matthew Demos. The only the night interesting, Demos as ROB GOEKE have a more difficult environ- criterion where the band lost member of Alpha Sigma Phi STAFF WRTTER on campus work study job be- cause they have a full tuition ment to deal with in many points was on stage presence, fraternity has been involved in Walking into Gold Room scholarship. cases. I do not know that we explained Debusk. because the Battle of the Bands since the Sf the scent of pizza and Others complained of are always sensitive to that. their clothing was not coor- beginning. Demos said the chicken fingers cast a casual the social scene. The school talks about em- dinated. event was huge the first year, feel over the setting. But the at- "If you are from out of bracing diversity yet there is The Mishaps placed but this year was even bigger mosphere changed as the state and not on a sports team still struggle with that on second and have been play- and was "the best so far." marker board became visible or in a fraternity or sorority, campus," said Reiff. with a simple, yet stark ques- you are kind of left out," said Reiff, Kreider and -./.~i,_~ "..........i l":\(\~"""·"-.:.-~....•_... ' tion: "Why do students leave one student. 'Bryant all wanted to under- t '" McDaniel College?" Sophomore Autumn stand problems students deal ., Twenty-seven students Hancock, who attended the with so they can ~egin work- .; " "Retention [of students] , who are transferring from meeting and agreed to speak ing to change them. " McDaniel or are considering it on the record said, 'There is ,t:. gathered on April 12 to partici- nothing to do [at McDaniel] is an indication of an educa- • pate in this unique discussion, when everyone leaves." tional program that is meet- f ing the needs of students. sponsored by theStudent-Fac- Hancock is from Florida there is a lack of retention, at .. If \ ulty Relations Committee. and often does not have the Hiring for all positions "1think it is the first time option to go home on week- some level, we are not meet- r we have specifically had a stu- ends like many other stu- ing the needs of students," and shifts! said Reiff. "But I think there ~ dent led meeting where in an dents. informal, open way, students The registration process are things that we can do to could talk about reasons they was also admonished by the improve the situation," ~ Redeem this ad for a free are leaving or are considering students. They mentioned the The committee plans to " Chick-fil-A sandwich! leaving," said Henry Reiff, disorganized nature of regis- follow-up on the problems at the meet- communicated dean of academic affairs. tering for classes, lack of vari- ing by forming an action plan '. Expires May 31St, 2004 With committee member ety of classes offered and mis- Rachel Bryant, a sophomore, treatment experienced when and holding a second meet- 410-876-3525 leading the discussion, stu- dealing with the Registrar's ing before the end of the se- Located in Town Mall dents spoke candidly about Office. mester to distinguish real ,~.:. ~;' .• I.""!"'l~'-::tl,,,"~'~\_'IJ/,. many topics with varying de- One student said they problems from minor com- grees ofrationality. had to drop their accounting plaints. "We did not want it to minor because of the lack for "If an issue keeps com- become a gripe session. We classes offered, ing up, it is a sign that it is wanted to talk to students who Many noted the deterio- something the t needs to be were seriously considering ration of campus buildings, looked at," said Kreider. "Cer- In the market for a new transferring and find out their citing the dripping ceilings in tainly financial concerns, un- or certified used vehicle? reasons for dissatisfaction," Bnglar Dining Hall and the re- availability of scholarship Aflowme to Xerye YOIAl said David Kreider, professor cent bug problems in funds, issues of curriculum, Call Mark Principe @ of music and committee mem- Whiteford. registration, advising are all Heritage Honda of ber. "The school is building areas of concerns." Westminster regarding Kreider observed the stu- another academic building, The effort of the Stu- Mark Principe inquires and sales of NEW dent discussion along with I but why can they not put that dent Faculty Relations Com- Sales Consultant or USED vehicles. Reiff. money into improving the mittee is only beginning, but r look forward to your calli During the discussion, residence halls?" asked one progress is already evident. Main: 41 0-876-1540 Ask for Mark! the students were made aware student. "It was easy to com- Cell: 443-838-2855 by Bryant that this event A disproportionate plain and that was what they Fax: !l-l 0-876-8779 would be covered by the number of minority students did for two hours. But the Email: mark3025@ McDaniel Free Press. The stu- attended the discussion and important part is working dents spoke anonymously. voiced their discomfort with towards a solution," said A few students; com- McDaniel. One student asked Bryant. "I was pleased with 580 Baltimore Boulevard plained that their scholarships why there are no black Greek the tum out. With 27 people Westminster, MO 2' 157 were not increased to keep . organizations on campus, coming, it shows that people pace with tuition increases. Dean Reiff agreed with do care about changing One mentioned that they were these concerns. things. They just have to have unable to be employed in an "Minority students do the opportunity to do so."
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