Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 56
MAY 6, 2004 - Page 10 COMMENTARY Free Press Staff Mac & Danielle ©2004 zzZ Co-Editors-in-Chief Circulation Katie Martin '06 "Michael Vyskocil '05 zZ Brian Patterson '05 Betel Ztgale Art Director Writers Liz Matthews '06 Joe Adelizzi '07 Ken Bertkau '05 News Editors Tori Butler '07 Pruzsina Nagy '04 Jeff Cabiness Heather Weisse '04 Taryn Callahan '07 Kiristina Cheek '07 Features Editor Katrina Culley '06 Bayley Fannin '05 Bayley Fannin '05 Lindsay Graham '07 Commentary Editor Tyler Graham Rob Goeke '07 Joe Horrocks '04 Kim Lowry '05 Sports Editor Maaret Klaber '07 Lawann Nelson '06 Pat O'Toole '07 Kelly Rarnpmeyer '0;: Hate lacks rationality Copy Desk Chief Bryan Renbaun '06 Ashley Hoover '05 Robbie Saville '04 Kerry's French connections irrelevant Michael Seff '07 Copy Editors Amalis Shaffer '07 Melissa Gallo '07 There are always prob- edly wooed Theresa Heinz has been given by many. The [enifer Evans Advertising Manager lems with hate. It lacks ratio- Deshawn McNeil '05 Jamey Ayers '04 _--- .... nality. It by impressing her with his absurdity that, all of the sud- fluent French." He was edu- den, it is a bad thing to be Lauren Wilson '04 leads to cated at a Swiss boarding Advertising Reps stereo- school for a short time. De- educated and seem intellec- Layout Design Rachel Bryant '06 types and tual. Katie Champion '04 Emily Funk '07 violence. testable critics have said that America needs to let Kerry "looks French." Kenny Ditto Courtney Norris '07 Tn gen- With the already deep bygones be bygones. Sure, Courtney Norris '07 Dirk Sarnpselle '06 eral, it distain for all things French, France stuck up a metaphori- cal middle finger at the Beth McLane '07 worsens one can understand why this Katharine Strong '04 Ad Design the is a negative. But, in reality, United States, but they were Erin Romanski '04 Erin Duffy '04 world. this is a positive. Hate has doing what they believed Jeff Goeller '06 Hate often lasts long. blinded people from seeing what was correct just like the Photography Liz Matthews '06 America is experiencing all this. Bush administration believed Sarah Black '07 the pitfalls of hate with its Alain de Chalvron, who what they were doing was Indira Gonzales '07 tempestuous relationship was quoted in the New right. It was merely a differ- with France. Yorker piece, said "For [the ence of opinion. Some Ameri- Next to Iraq, this coun- French], to speak any other cans were angered because try probably draws the most language and have an open after what America did for ire out of Americans. People view of the world, for a Presi- France in World War IT, the The MdJaniet Free Press ispublished biweekly. The opinions often walk around wearing dent, should be a plus." expressed do nOInecessarily represent those of The McDaniel Free Press anti-French shirts. Camera French owed the U.S. some srcff the faculty. or the administrators of McDaniel College. hungry politicians changed Yet it is not. The piece loyalty. This is an absurd no- The paper welcomes free-lance sent the mentions how, when in press tion because nations should The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and 10 publish the name of French fries in conferences, Kerry is reluc- follow what their citizens as space permits. Please include a name and phone number for verification the Congressional cafeteria to tant to field questions from wish instead of what their Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. freedom fries. Then, the Bush French reporters in fear that leaders want. France did this 171£McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age. administration denied France he will be chastised for his and offered a balance to race. religion, gender. sexual orientation, national origin, condition of and other peace supporting knowledge by the American America's unquestioned handicap, or marital status. countries the chance to bid on media. After the events pre- dominance. rebuilding contracts in Iraq. ceding the Iraq war, the me- . Kerry is a highly edu- ntis may seem like old dia, like most Americans, is cated man. He should be able news, but the hate has not critical of the French. Mail to subsided nor have the effects to use whatever skills he has 171eMcDanielFreePress Many alread y view learned over his lifetime to McDruliel College, 2 College Hili been mitigated. John Kerry Kerry as elitist. He fears that his advantage. Whether or Westminster. MD 21157 now must deal with the con- the largely ignorant elector- not that helps him to get (410)751-8600 sequences. Kerry knows the ate will see this, along with elected is a wholly different FAX: (410)857-2729 French language. A New their already deep dislike for issue. Yorker piece by Joshua all things Francophile, and ROB GOEKE Kurlantzick recently reck- begin to group Kerry with the STAFF WRITER oned that, "[Kerry] suppos- Northeastern liberal label he paradiso 'Rjstor1nte ~ARADISO Open: JP>~IA 20 Distillery Dnve r Fri llam-l1pm (Across from Wmchester Exchange) Sat 4plll-10pm Weshninster 410-876-1421 Sun CLOSED * BEST Restaurant * BEST Romantic Dining DINE IN * BEST Italian Restaurant tw ~ OR DINNEI<.. IPECIAL ONE LARGE CARRY OUT 1°P'E'lf: PURCHASE ONE DINNER ENTREE ANn RECEIVE NEW YORK STYLE 717 Locust Lane on Locust Street 2ND DINNER ENTREE 'Mon-'T1iurs 11-10; AT 112 PRICE I FOR $7.49 I(Across from Library) Westminster. MD (DlSCOunlTa"'nonDmn.r"fEqu"I"rl..e<~rV~lu.) 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