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MAY 6, 2004 - Page 8 FEATURES ~RIB~ Spring has sprung in jun- nized. " iors Kristin Pohl and Karen Pohl's side of the room Tull's third floor ANW roo~. has lots of Pi Mu Sure, the space is tight, but that parapernalia (lions, a banner, space is bright thanks to a Van and pictures), butshe admits Gogh sunflower poster on one that her decor is more eclec- closet, sunflowers on the win- tic. Big bubble letters spell dowsill, and a string of sun- out her name above her flower lights around the ceiling dresser, and picture collages The yellow curtains, remind her on a daily basis made by Karen's aunt, and a that she is loved. red oriental rug in the center of The roomies stay cool the room add to the room's thanks to an air conditioning glow. unit that rests on the floor "People always tell us Air conditioning, bright flow- that the room feels like a room ers, photos of loved ones all Space is tight, but space is bright in Kristin Pohl and Karen 'lull's 3rd Floor ANVVroom. from home, but that's due to leave these women knowing Karen, not me," admits Pohl. "there's no place like dorm "Her side of the room has a home." theme and it's neat and orga- Job market booms for Hoover Library celebrates some,noteve~one Job Market continued ate school or the most re- National LibraryWeek from page 24. quested career fields, "we al- ways get students interested in teaching, various business/fi- sume 0' Rarna, Career Ser- nance related careers, counsel- MICHAEL VYSKOCIL in 1958 to celebrate the con- departments to the shelves. vices held several programs ing/social work, communica- STAFF WRITER tributions of libraries and li- Library Director this semester to assist stu- tions, policy/government, law brarians and to promote li- Michele Reid said that dents with job searches, ac- enforcement, science, etc," said Hoover Library officially brary use and support. The Hoover's student employ- cording to Alison Kidwell, as- Kidwell. celebrated National Library ALA also created National Li- ees, who work in Circula- sistant director of Career Ser- . Even with all these job op- vices. Week (April 18-24,2004) by brary Worker's Day (April tion, Cataloging, Interli- In a Fall 2003 job out- t~ons available, making a deci- honoring the achievements of 20, 2004) to honor librarians brary Loan, and Audio-Vi- sron can be as mesmerizing as survey con- look employer one of its staff members. and support services staff sual Services, were also rec- ducted by the National Asso- watching flies buzzing inside a Lois Szymanski, Assis- that serve in libraries across ognized on National Library ciation of Colleges and Em- fruit jar. tantto the Director, had e short the nation. Worker's Day for the daily ployers (NACE), 67.6 percent According to the 2004 biography featured on a Hoover Library also contributions they make to of employers surveyed said Graduating Student & Alumni poster display board in celebrated National Library the library. they expected to hire 12.7 per- Survey conducted by the Hoover's Reference collection. Week by creating a multime- Hoover Library is also cent more recent college NACE, 57.9 percent of survey Szymanski is the author of dia "slide show" on its the recipient of a $3.5 million graduates in 2003-2004 than respondents from the Class of several popular books for website(http:// bequest on behalf of in 2002-2003. 2004 said they expected their young readers, including that Katherine Leidy Unger. The At McDaniel, the diver- search to be "somewhat diffi- Little Icicle and Sea Feather. introduces visitors to the funds from the gift will be sity of major and minor fields cult." And a majority of the stu- She also writes books for the various staff members and transferred to Hoover's en- of study fuels student inquiry dents surveyed said they ex- Gettysburg Ghost Gang series their roles at the library. Stu- dowment fund for use in ac- about jobs in various career pected to begin their search with co-author and high- dents, faculty and staff alike quiring materials for the fields. Each year, graduates about 6 months before gradua- school friend, Shelley Sykes. can view the presentation to library's book and periodi- of McDaniel begin careers in tion. The American Library learn more about the library, cal collections. areas ranging from graphic While Career Services of- Association (ALA) first spon- such as how books go from design and education to busi- fers several job searching op- sored National Library Week the Acquisitions/Cataloging ness and social work: portunities throughout the aca- While some students demic year, some seniors don't choose to start their career always take advantage of them. other students; like senio; .According to Karen Arnie, di- rector of Career Services, many Megan Norris, choose to con- ~[ifi~ - tinue their education in actually put off the job search - until late in the semester. graduate school. Norris has Fear of the unknown con- applied to both Des Moines tributes to the procrastination, University in Iowa and the 1""_"__ - she said. College of Os- Philadelphia "People get scared. The been eagerly awaiting their (outSide the college) response. .. -_-un teopathic Medicine and has reality is that the other world is scary .... There's a lot of un- "It was a big decision knowns, and you don't know forme," she said. "The whole application process was very all the rules," Arnie said. Fortunately for senior Joe CUSTOM TATTOOS new to me." While she's Meier, he doesn't have to worry watching for the replies in her mailbox, Norris said she will about polishing resumes or TATTOO COVER-UPS continue to work as a nurs- making phone calls. As a per- ing assistant at Plum Creek in son who enjoys being outdoors, to playing a round of golf, and BODY PIERCING _UWr2IiJmmrom Hanover, Pennsylvania. coach his brother Steve (who village retirement getting the opportunity Although Career Ser- McDaniel will attend in the vices does not officially track fall), Meier said he'll enjoy the information about the num- ber of seniors entering gradu- responsibilities associated with the job.
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