Page 22 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 22
SPORTS Green Terror Field Hockey remains perfect in 2001 T MIMI SLATER SlaffWriler An undefeated season and a shot at be- tunities. ing Conference Champions is what fuels this However, with eleven minutes left, jun- year's field hockey team to use the potential ior midfielder Susan Rohrer, scored off a hit and ability of the young team. to the left post assisted by sophomore The WMC field hockey team continued midfielder, Kristin Barrick. its winning streak on September 22, where On the defensive side, Cemak and sopho- they defeated Dickinson College 2-1 at more Kim Campanelli showed tremendous home. effort with great pressure on the ball, step- The team led by senior Captain Lauren ping up to stop fast breaks, and long hits out Cemak, believes that this years team is bound of the circle up 10 the wings .. togo far. With an impressive first half play, WMC "I think we can be Conference Champi- came out to the start of the second half ons." strong. Five minutes into play, junior attack "We're 7-0, with 2 of the most difficult player, Tracy Kessler scored off the goalie's teams behind us, and r think that we have pads in a comer play. the potential to go all the way," Cemak said. While Dickinson scored off of a comer Sophomore teammate, Jen Fagley, agrees play in the second half, their second goal that the team's unity and athleticism will with only three minutes remaining in the advance them. game was called back.' "We have the ability to go undefeated 'the The goal did not count because the ball whole season." was hit before it was in the circle, leaving "We don't give up, and when the coach WMC's consecutive winning streak un- tells us to do something, we do it, and we touched. are better because of it." With a perfect start in the early season, "We used her instruction with the the Green Terror look to be a championship Frostburg game, and won," Fagley said. contender and create a new reputation for WMC showed their strength, ability, and themselves within the conference. determination against Dickinson where they Rohrer says the only thing she feels the dominated possession of the ball, pulled nu- team needs to improve on to make thai hap- merous comer plays, and attacked each play pen is to, "be more consistent and we will on defense. be more competitive." With seven corner draws in the first half "We need to improve on scoring off of of the game, WMCdominated on offense but corners because we have so many of them," had not capitalized on their scoring oppor- said Rohrer. Ultimate-frisbee club is garnering interest tion on th.e~m this should. not prove to be talent, With the energy, and determina- an issue. Good luck on an already success- among WMC men and women ful and promising season, and keep up the streak! . _!.. Phoenix JASON EDWARDS Assistant Sports Editor Ask anyone not a college student to name Pie Company opening up in 1887 close to a petition as a traveling squad." against five other Sports Trivia his or her favorite sports, and most will re- college later to be named Yale. Students "Last year we competed spond with the usual: football, soccer, bas- from Yale would buy Frisbee pies and use schools, and this year, we have already ketball, baseball, and lacrosse, but ask a stu- the pie tins as flying discs to toss around agreed to games with Towson and UMBC," dent at Western Maryland, and you might campus. said Peters. get a completely different answer. After years of throwing metal, the flying Frisbee at WMC is continuing to expand 1. Who is the only "Ultimate Frisbee." pie tin evolved into a plastic disc and the and is becoming more and more popular. "We From Whiteford to Rouzer and McDaniel American craze had begun. have grown for the original 14 to 30 mem- player in college to the Garden apartments, Frisbee is every- Once the Frisbee spread nationwide, high bers now. It seems like we're gr?wing more where at Western Maryland. school students in New Jersey took the fly- every week," said Peters. football history to "I was walking out of Rouzer, and I heard The reason for this may have to do with like ten people talking about it," said fresh- "Frisbee is different from Frisbees relaxed form of commitment. win the Heisman man Ken Bertkau. "You make of it what you want," said "It's good to know that people are com- other college sports. We sophomore and Ultimate Frisbee Vice Presi- Trophy twice? ing out to play." dent Jason Lowy. Ultimate Frisbee, a fast and furious game go out and have fun "It can be competitive or just for fun. All based loosely on the objects of football and without the pressures that you have to do is come out and play." soccer, is sweeping the campus and quickly Freshman Lori Panos agrees, "Frisbee is becoming one of the most popular and most other sports have. " - different from other college sports. We go played sports at WMC. Freshman Lori Panos out and have fun without the pressures that 2. Who is Rickey Games are played with seven players on other sports have." a team. One team throws off and the other Ultimate Frisbee is also a good way to Henderson trying to receives. ing disc a step further, and Ultimate Frisbee meet friends and become involved in the The object is to score by catching the was created. college. Because the team here is relatively surpass as the all- risbee in the opponent's end zone by com- The first intercollegiate Ultimate Frisbee small. all games are coed. "It's fun mixed. pleting p~sses. If a pass is caught, the player game took place in 1972 between Princeton Everyone is really nice and it's easy to make time runs scored throws to a teammate to move the disc down and Rutgers, and expanded to campuses all friends through Frisbee," said Panos. the field. over the country. A plan for a traveling women's team is in leader? However, if a pass is dropped, the of- Todd Peters, a senior and president of the works, but for now, Western Maryland fensive team loses' possession and the de- WMC Ultimate Frisbee, teamed with 13 plays its games coed. fense becomes offense. The team with the other Ultimate players to officially form the The Ultimate Frisbee team is looking to most scores at the end of the game, played club during the spring semester of2001. expand, and anyone interested in joining may to two IS-minute halves, is the winner. "Ultimate Frisbee has been here before I call Todd Peters at extension 8059. Last edition's answer: Games are. played without referees and the was a freshman. By the time I was a junior, For Frisbee, the future looks promising. players call their own fouls. we decided to start the club." "This is our crowning moment, and by all . The Frisbee perhaps would never have "We play basically on two levels: one for indications. more is yet to come," said Pe- been invented if it weren't for the Frisbee campus enjoyment and the other for com- ters. Fleet Walker, Toledo
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