Page 21 - Phoenix2001-02
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SPORTS Wednesday, September 26, 200 I - Page 13 Sports in America: The aftermath of 9/11/01, where will sports go from here? RICK GRAMS Sta!fWriter When I went to bed on Septem- Whether it's just a few thousand rest of the sports world last Tues- never make us forget. ber 10, the biggest issue in my life fans scattered in the stands at day. The events of 9/11 have awak- was who would be the Washington Tropicana Field on a weekday Sports stopped, as did the rest ened at.least one fan to the perspec- Redskins' starting quarterback in night for a Tampa Bay Devil Rays' of the country, not just as a sign of tive that sports should always re- their second game of the season, game, or over 100,000 in Colum- solidarity, but as a measure to pre- main in. Tony Banks or Jeff George. I bus for an Ohio State football vent another attack on innocent Heroes are not those that can Less than twelve hours later, game, sport is one of the few things Americans. belt out 71 home runs in a season, that was not even a thought in my many people have in common in This is not meant 10 scare lead my beloved 'Skins' to victory, mind. this country. people away from sporting events. or achieve some other feat on an The attacks on the United States For about three hours, fans of First of all, increased security athletic field. The votes are in. The WMC early on Tuesday morning, put the one team seem to forget all racial, at games hopefully will prevent a True heroes are those that put women's volleyball team is offl- sports world on hold, and rightfully gender, religious, social, economic, catastrophe from occurring at a theirlives in danger to save others, dally on a hot streak. or any other barrier separating them game. More importantly, by stay- as so many firemen did in New After battling through some All major professional and col- from the person sitting on the seat ing at home instead of going to the York last Tuesday. up and down play in the first lege sports put their games on hold next to them or gathered around the game, you are letting the terrorists Heroes are those that charge couple weeks. the Terror have while the nation mourned and col- same television screen. win. the cockpit of a plane, already won three consecutive matches, lected itself after the attacks All diversity seems to be forgot- Their goal is to interrupt the knowing they are most likely go- including an upset on the road claimed the lives of many innocent ten until the game is over. Sport is American way of life, a way of life ing to die, to save the lives of in- against York College. victims. a unifier in this country, and has an they detest. If they see a half- nocent people on the ground. The Terror's most recent vic- But sports also had another fac- ability to bring diverse people to- empty stadium outside of a few And heroes are those that are tor in mind in delaying games: gether, which makes it uniquely venues, in a way they have going to be putting their lives on safety. American. achieved part of their goal. their line in the future to ensure that That is because sports hold a Sure sports are big in other Slowly, sports are returning to a quarterback controversy is the unique place in American society. countries, but they occupy a major our lives. Tonight, Barry Bonds main issue on the minds of sports Something that is for all intents and place in the collective American moved closer to Mark McGwire, fans in the U.S. and around the purposes completely meaningless psyche. hitting his 64th homer of the sea- world. can be the main concern in Leading up to the attacks, one son. Jeff George has been an- someone's life, including my own. of the main stories, both inside and nounced as the Redskins' starter for And with those responsible for outside of sport, was the seemingly their next game. the attacks on the United States, ve- eminent (and unfortunate) decision Hopefully, one day soon, sports hemently anti-American, a sport- of Michael Jordan to the NBA with will return to the place it once held ing event would look like a prime the Washington Wizards. in many peoples' lives. Sports Schedule target for anyone wanting to send That was quickly pushed to the Sports serve as a temporary es- a message to this country. back of peoples' minds, as was the cape from the horror, but they can Football: Women' fights hard, but @Muhlenburg September 29 comes up short in recent games 1 PM GREG LEDERER Women's Soccer: Sports Editor It has been a rough start for the around the 78 minute mark. played- strong and held on for a Vs. Messiah Western Maryland College Never giving up, the Green Ter- critical 2-1 road win. Junior Mel- September 27 Women's soccer team as they have ror made a late surge and score a issa Merson dished out two assists 4:00 PM struggled offensively and are offto tieing goal at the hom, but the ball in the contest and Kuligowski made a2-5 start. was called out of play when it was three saves in goal for the Green Although the team has found kicked. Terror. Field Hockey: trouble putting points on the board It was a another heart breaking WMC looked to change their so far, the team has performed bet- loss for the squad, as they fell in a luck in their September eighth Vs. College of 'ter than their record has indicated. nail-biter 3-2. game against Mary Washington Notre Dame The squad has been playing Earlier in the week, the Green College. their opponents to a standstill, but Terror were looking to get on the The Green Terror defense September 2 can't seem to get over the hump winning track in their conference played strong as usual and sopho- 4:30 PM thus far. opener against Muhlenberg Col- more Niki Lepson picked up a goal, In a recent game, WMC played lege. but the team found themselves host 10 non-conference opponent, In the first half, the squad con- down at the break 2-1. Men's Soccer: Goucher College, on September tinued to struggle offensively and In the second half, both teams Vs. Gettysburg 19. were down I-0 at the intermission. played to a standstill and failed to September 26 In the first half, the Green Ter- The second half brought more of score the rest of the game as WMC ror played aggressively, keeping the same as WMC couldn't find the 2-1. 4:00 PM the baJi down in their opponent's net and lost at home 3-0. With their offense stuck in neu- zone, but were unable to come Senior goalie Candi Kuligowski tral, the squad has relied on a tough away with any points and found played well with seven strong defense and strong play from goal- Volleyball: themselves trailing at the break 2- saves, but WMC was shutout for keepers Kuliogowski and junior Juniata College o. the third time in the early season. Alice Litsinger. In the second half, the team Despite their early season The Green Terror entered the Tournamount fought back into the game when struggles, the Green Terror rose to 2001 season with high expectations September 28ยท29 sophomore Becky Ridgway took the challenge in their September 10 and have fallen short as of late, but . a pass from freshman Brooke contest against tough power house, the team is very optimistic that they Weimer and scored a goal to put Shepherd College. can tum things around. Cross Country: the team on the scoreboard. The From the start, the Green Ter- "Recently, we have fixed things Dickinson Invit. team kept the pressure on and tied ror offensive got on track with-two (offensive struggles) by trying new September 29 the game when freshman Katie goals from sophomore Lauren formations and girls in different Kirley blasted a shot past the Cramer and freshman Laura Cavey places," says freshman Dawn 11:00 AM Goucher goal-keeper, to take a 2-0 halftime lead. Fletcher. ""1 think we are in good With their spirits high after their In the second half, the opposl- shape." strong comeback, Goucher came tion would fight back with a early The squad is looking to turn right back and took a 3-2 lead at goal to trim lead to I, but WMC their many nail biting losses into victories as the season continues.
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