Page 16 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 16
Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Reflections of a return transfer student Will tragedy me just take away Tammi Slater reflects on the realize why it was so hard for me to leave I was finally happy and content with where process of finding the right WMC. While transferring seemed to be the I was. Living on campus showed college. answer, I later discovered that going to how much involvement I had once missed Towson was the best thing that could have out on. I am extremely grateful to be living of ignorance? During the college search that all stu- happened to me. on campus, and I realize the importance dents go through, one recurring question that During the experience I did not find a per- it more then ever before as it has shaped, people find themselves asking is "Is this feet fit, find a group of people that I enjoyed and directed my college experience even Elizabeth Hanway talks about an place for me, and is this a good fit for me?" greatly, or even find endless academic op- more. As a junior, I now can look back on my portunities. Instead, it was a discovery of . Some may call me crazy for the college incident of hatred that should not freshman year and remember myself pon- realizing what J had all along, but did not hopping, and Iwill be the first to admit that happen dering this each and everyday. realize until it was gone. it was stressful and a lot of work, but in the In the wake of the tragedy on September When I first came to Western Ma-ryland Leaving WMC made me open my. eyes end it has been worthwhile and a small price II, I thought that our mature college corn- College, the most Iknew about the college to the opportunities, benefits, and advantages to pay to be happy at the college of your munity would band together as equals and was what I could learn in a few hours. Hav- that lay before me at WMC-to such an ex- choice. embrace our differences. ing experienced an unfortunate incident in tent that I often found myself coming back I have found in WMC what could not be, But on Saturday night that dream Ihoped my first four days at a different college in to campus to visit old friends. While many a better fit for me academically, personally, for was shaken. I belong to the group on Maryland, caused me to rethink my college students may view WMC to be too small, or socially, and emotionally. campus that is known fondly by the college decision. perhaps even that our student body lacks To my fellow WMC students I ask you as "theatre people." Theatre is our life and As a result, I suddenly found myself on unification, I would be the first to tell you (0 reflect on your days on this campus at all the way that the campus uses this phrase at- The Hill. Iremember the first time Istepped that what WMC possesses in its students, the opportunities you have been given here tacks us and what we love. For me, theatre foot on this campus,-and how lost, uncer- faculty,andacademicsistrulyaoneofakind and appreciate and enjoy each and every one is what makes me tick and that goes for the tain, and unenthusiastic Ifelt about the col- experience. of them. rest of the department too. Do we call the lege experience. It was a feeling of helpless- What may seem like too small to some For me, and maybe some others here, it English majors the "book people?" No, we ness and one which many students just be- students is exactly what many take for took a bit more time to realize what WMC don't because that doesn't describe them as ginning their college journey would feel granted because it is all they know. I can at- offered, but it is a place that is truly unique, a whole. uneasy about. test to the fact that after being at WMC and and has served me well. I have learned On Saturday night, a group of eight "the- Due to my past experience I opted to transferring to a much larger school, that through this experience, that while Iam most atre people," including myself, walked from commute my freshman year. While this was smaller is better and has endless advantages. likely within only a few number of students Alumni Hall to our dorms. We passed the best thing for me at the time, I realize I hear people on campus often complain who leave WMC and then come back, that I Blanche and as we neared the donn a large now how many advantages students who that they wish WMC was bigger sometimes, feel it has only made me stronger asboth a crowd of people were gathered out front. Iive on campus have. and that they feel too limited or confined with student and a person, and proved to me once One face out of the about 20 to 30 people It was a time to adjust andjransition into such a small student population. again that one must always follow their heart stuck out to me and just as we got within college. It was also a time to learn what To these students Isay this is what makes and intuitions. earshot he spoke. college was really all about and Inever was WMC remarkable. This is what makes for WMC is a place unlike any other, where " Here comes the 'gay theatre people,' able to really get a feel for this being a com- the personal, one-on-one student faculty op- you will find people, teachers, experiences, where is my favorite fagot-?" He added muter. portunities. These are the things that make opportunities, friendships, and memories that a name here but Idon't think it is necessary At the end of my freshman yearatWMC, WMC the special and inviting place that it will stay with you for a lifetime. to share that. At that moment I wanted for I found myself questioning if this was truly is. Make the most of your time here at the first time in my life to hit someone. I the place for me. With a strong interest in After one semester at Towson I yearned WMC, and learn to appreciate your college was so angry. How dare is judge us? He Journalism and a hope to explore my op- to be back amongst myoid friends and choice, what it stands for, and how this col- doesn't even know anything about us. tions, I began to look into transferring. Af- missed all the perks of a small college so lege will serve you for years to come.. Thoughts like this ran through my mind. The ter researching, I decided to transfer to much that Itransferred back for the last time thoughts were what kept me moving if Ihad Towson University for the start of my sopho- to WMC this past spring and lived on cam- stopped, r can't guarantee whatl would have more year of college. pus this time. - Tammi Slater is a junior communication done. I look back on my decision now and I Being back was a huge relief for me, and major Iknow that the comments that were spo- Seeing the value of a summer internship ken were directed at the four men that were with me. So why you ask am I so enraged? They are my friends. What happened on Saturday was a direct Matt Hurl! shares his experience anyway). Along the way I met some great attack at eight individuals minding their own as a sports intern at the Camden writers and talked to many professional ath- great advice from some outstanding writers. business. Which is what the innocent people in particular Diane like to thank I would Courier-Post. letes. Fuhrer, Kevin Callahan, Kevin Roberts and of Tuesday's attacks were doing. On Friday About this time last year, Idecided that Iwas also able to have a chance to go out all-of the other writers and editors at the Cou- we united together to share our grief. Al- I was tired of working the normal job that with photographer Jose Moreno and learn a rier-Post. ready on Saturday night our campus was college students usually toil at summer in little bit about photography. From the op- Whether I decide to go into journalism back into the regular routine of ignorance. portunity I now have another interest to go and out, so I began the process of applying or not, the internship helped me learn a lot Or was it just one person? Maybe my dream for internships at places that interested me. along with some solid practical experience, about myself. That's because injoumalism, will come true; maybe it was just that one This urge caused me to send out appli- you must be self-motivated and know how person cations to the Philadelphia PhilIies, the Whether I decide to go to ask the right questions. Philadelphia Inquirer and the Camden Cau- into journalism or not, the Working as a reporter, your editors will Tragedy puts twist on tier-Post. I figured that all of these places not tell you what to ask because it is your being a journalist were close to home and fit into my interests internship helped me learn story and what you see and what you ask is in English and Journalism. what the general public will know as a After the application and interview pro- a lot about myself. truth-it is a very powerful and scary feel- Continuedfrom page 6 cess, I was hired at the Courier-Post as an ing. we do, or think that we don 't really care unpaid sports intern. During the internship I was also able to After this, I learned that I can handle that about the feelings of the people that we I was a little concerned about the lack of put to practice many things I have read about power in a responsible and accurate way and pay, but figured that I'd earn some cash do- in textbooks like media ethics. that I also am self-motivated enough to go are almost FORCED to talk 10, that is not true. We do care, we care more than we ing something else-one of those typical I was also able to see the huge difference out and try to find a story. could ever writett.cbut we also have ajob college student jobs that I wanted to move in the various sports and also how the press Now, most of you are probably wonder- to do. Ajob that is sometimes difficult and away from. is treated in those situations. ingwhat my point is. Well, I am just trying trying; a job that we have picked OUI be- Nevertheless, I would not have traded the At the high school baseball games, you to say that you should take all the opportu- internship experience for anything. must be able to keep a solid scorebook and nities that you earn because you never know cause we hope to make a difference. And this job that J was SO sure I could and On my first day 1 was very nervous go- also be able to run fast so you can catch all what you will learn from them unless you ing into the office. I really had no idea what of the players before they get on the bus for give it a try. wanted to do, now has me thinking about handle it. to expect. Would I be answering phones and home. I know a little more about journalism now whether or not I can actually And whether or not J decide to follow getting coffee or would I get a chance to At professional sporting events like the .and because of it, r can now make a better the career path that I have been on since write a few stories? LPGA tour and the X-games, you are handed decision about what I want to do with my high school doesn't matter right now, be- Well, I was pleasantly surprised and was every type of stat you could imagine by their life-hopefully. cause that tragic event on September 11, able to cover a number of events in the Phila- public relations department. You also are able So whatever your major is, go out and delphia region. to interview athletes in air-conditioned press find out what chances will be afforded to you. 2001 made me realize more about my path I was able to cover sporting events rang- conferences opposed to a dugout of a high You will definitely be the better for it. and more about my life, than I have ing from high school baseball, to preseason school baseball field. learned in all my years of college. Eagles football (the great astroturf fiasco Along the way I was able to hear some -Matt Hurff is a junior communication -Edward K. Schultheis is a junior major and English communication major
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