Page 14 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 14
Wednesday, September 26, 200 I - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff The media has not overstepped its bounds Editors-In-Chief in the Chandra Levy-Gary Condit case Claire Adams '02 Edward K. Schultheis '03 Donna Hurd discusses the dia to come forward and speak to his con- coverage were shown. positive aspects of the media's stituents while helping the authorities in all Pictures of missing people from months Co-News Editors coverage of the Levy case. areas of the case. and even years ago were brought to the sur- Without the ongoing coverage LeRoy McDuffie '05 Presently, California Congressman, never have come out. He waited Condit may face, as millions of faces flashed across televisions. Sadly, many of these American's as long as Jessica Watson '05 Gary Condit, is perhaps the most relieved he possibly could, even with the press breath- were children and their stories were heart- man in America. With the terrorist attacks ing down the back of his neck. Not to men- breaking, along with acknowledgment that that took place on September 11, the tion, when he finally did grant interviews he the chance of ever finding them is slim to Features Editor Chandra Levy case has been completely Shauna Dominguez '02 wiped out of the headlines. showed no remorse and put forth a pathetic none. Since the Levy's were not totally appalled to clear his name. attempt perfor- Condit's . In the past months the media's coverage mance during his interview with Connie by the coverage on their daughter then the Conunentary Editor of this case has been heavily criticized by Chung was the first time I have ever wit- public should not be either. It was their wish. many. It is extremely important to note, nessed a man digging his own grave on tele- From the outreaching coverage the Levys Matthew Hurff '03 however, that the parents of the missing in- vision. found many support systems that were key tern didn't want their daughter to be forgot- Also, I believe that it was extremely im- in getting them through these tough times. Assistant Commentary Editor ten. The Levys asked for continuing cover- portent for Condit's district to know that their Some of this support came from other vic- age with the hope that it might result in leads congressman was taking part in questionable ~ tims and parents that had lost their children. Erin Romanski '03 that could eventually bring their daughter acts and affairs. Together they could pray and find new ways home. This reason and numerous others are These people need to be made' aware of to face the days. The cards and kind words Sports Editor factors to why the media was justified in the type of man that is representing them. given by many Americans were able to bring Greg Lederer '03 the abundance of time and space that was "Condit Country" (the name given to his dis- hope to their hearts. was outraged Thepresshasenduredalotofharshcom- by his ac:· disap- Levy's trict by the media) given to Chandra mysterious pearance. tions and he lost support as each day passed ments throughout this case but little has been Assistant Sports Editor Although I do not agree with the con- and he kept silent. said that is positive. I would like to be one Jason Edwards '05 tent of al1 the pieces shown on Condit and Another positive outcome that resulted of the first to congratulate them on ajob well Levy's affair, I do not believe that the me- from the coverage of Chandra Levy's disap- done. In the future I hope to see this perse- dia was ever in the wrong while deciding to pearance was that the center of crime stories verance from the media. Senior Writers extend the coverage on this case. became more focused on missing persons. Michael Jenkinson '02 Pressure was put on Condit by the me- Cases that would otherwise not have received -Donna Hurd is a junior English major Should Condit's private life really matter? Stacey Myers '02 Staff Writers Erin Romanski looks at the demand juicier de- Katrina Buckley '05 negative aspects of the coverage within the governing system is just one more ac- when readers everywhere envision the entou- for us to lose faith in authority, reason You can almost tails? Joan Faulkner '02 oj Condit and Levy. cording to news moguls everywhere. rage of citizens neglecting their obligations Rick Grams '02 Connie Chung is just one of many perpe- and gluing themselves to the couch, waiting Recently the political scandal regard- trators of the media's abuse of power. Judg- for the television to spew out sex. Before Elizabeth Hanway '05 ing Democrat Congressman Gary Condit ing by her interview with Condit himself on long, all that we know to be our sources of Donna Hurd '03 and his connection with the disappearance August 23, 2001, NBC went straight for the information will come strictly from a vari- Craig P. Johnson '03 • of intern Chandra Levy has left the Ameri- jugular. ety of sleazy tabloids. can public wondering when enough is Relentlessly asking the same accusatory Condit is just one of many victims whose Danielle Loiacono '02 enough. questions over and over again, she played bad achievements as a politician are overshad- Tammi Slater '03 Since the overly exploited sexual es- cop under the innocent claim of just seeking owed by his inadequacies as a husband. Michael Vyskocil '05 capades of former President Bill Clinton the truth. Unfortunately, there is no subtle What I fail to see is how his sexual misgiv- Lewinsky, Michael Wile< '03 and White House intern Monica than our fill way of asking someone if he or she is a mur- ings in any way affect his capabilities as a derer. we have certainly had more figure. governing of such trivial coverage by the media. So where do we draw the line? News cov- We are a cruel society, hungry for scan- Adviser Most perplexing perhaps is the sudden erage is increasingly turning feature domi- dal and sleaze. The media perpetrates the Terry Dalton shift in the six o'clock news from news- nant, covering up imponant headlines with drama, unfolds it and stretches it out beyond worthy stories to the latest development more entertaining ones. Public figures have limitation. Those who once had our respect in politicians' cheesy romance novels. taken the spotlight and their private lives have rapidly lost it once our image of perfection Is society to blame for feeding off of become a thing of the past. Reporters every- was shattered by a false claim or overly ma- this preoccupation with sex? where quickly realized that a simple mention nipulated statement. Certainly sex sells. Whether in the of extramarital affairs within the public do- Do we then actually have control over fonn of newspapers, magazines, or sim- main is aJl it takes to get mouths watering our own opinions, or is it being spoon-fed to ply a flick of the remote, America is eat- across the nation. In the media spectrum, us by the press? Maybe Prime. TIme win ing it up. truly no one is safe. . have the answer on tomorrow night's show. Every morsel that implies inadequacies What can be done to stop the madness -Erin Romanski is a junior English major Editor shares his view after tragic event Edward K. Schultheis explains would be easy just to go out and get a few where I was wasn't welcome - becoming how the bombings have changed quotes, not thinking that the tragedy would what people to seem to hate about journal- the way he looks at journalism. have affected so many people in so many ists, that we are people who doesn't seem to ways. care. Let me share a story with you about my when.I went out, I saw people huddled But I did what I had to do, I interviewed life as a journalist - and how it is now together crying, people weeping on the steps people' (aJthough not anyone that was cry- changed forever. of Hoover, and couldn't bring myself to ask ing or visibly too shaken up) and asked them During my short tenure as ajournalist, I them anything: II found myself asking my- for their reaction. I asked jf they had any have written a great many stories. From self what- was I doing. What right did I have friends or family that were missing ... and I stories about drinking on campus, to the to intrude on their privacy? I mean it wasn't felt like crap .. J felt like crap for doing my beatingof a gay man, which I wrote in high like I was writing for the Baltimore Sun or job as a journalist. Should anyone feel this Manto: school. Ihave written different stories about the Boston Globe, but should that matter? way about their job?' I ThePhoenix many different events and people. - But it I met up with Brad Widner, a photogra- Weill know now that it takes a stronger WMC, 2 College Hill wasn't until September 11, 2001 that I found pher forthe Phoenix, who was sent out to take stomach to be a journalist than what I had Westminster, MD 21157 out what it truly means to be a journalist. pictures of students dealing with the tragedy, anticipated. I know 'now, how strong a re- (410) 751·88lO I felt as a journalist that my job would but he too was having trouble taking inva- solve it takes to be a successful journalist FAX (410) 857-2729 be to go out, interview some students and sive photos of people in grief. day in and day out. E-Mail, phoenix@wmdc
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