Page 12 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 12
Wednesday, September 26, 200 I - Page 4 NEWS New teachers navigate the campus for the first time Continued [rom front page COURTNEY FEDEROFF COURTNEYFEDF-ROFF .COUIITNEYFEDEROFF Gretchen Kreanling McKay, art Dr. John Miller, computer science Dr. Stephanie Madsen, psychology. Steve McCole, exercise science. history "Classes at Penn. State were for the most McCole also points out his happiness with Madsen holds a B.A. in psychology from emphatically. What pleases her the most part very large, and I felt out of touch with working on a campus where the primary Carleton College and a M.A. and Ph.D. from about her students, she says, is that "they are many of my students," she explained. "I emphasis remains fixed on teaching and help- the Institute of Child Development at the very willing to offer their interpretations. nit wanted an opportunity to know all of my ing the students in their academic pursuits. University of Minnesota. is ajoy t,ohave students who are so engaged." at WMC, McKay Working students and be closely involved in their Dr. John Miller, a math and computer sci- A graduate of a small, liberal arts college ticularly delighted by the "feeling has been par- of belong- progress and their activities. A small college ence professor, arrives on campus with an herself, Madsen feels right at home on the was the ideal answer to my wish." expanse of knowledge derived from a wide WMCcampus. ing to a community." Though she has been That opportunity turned out to be a posi- breadth of experiences. Holding a B.A. from Currently teaching contemporary psy- here for just over a month. McKay already tionat WMC. "I jumped at it," Scott says of Notre Dame, a M.A. from Southern Meth- chology and child development, Madsen feels at home at WMC, which she describes the chance to teach at the college. Her en- odist University, and a Ph.D. from Cornell joins the faculty having taught during her as a "friendly, warm, and welcoming envi- ronment." thusiasm for WMC seems to have waned University, Miller worked on a number of graduate studies at the University ofMinne- Ch?stin~el!. little since her arrival. projects before joining the ranks of the WMC seta, as well as having guest lectured at Pr?fessor. who holds a Carleton and St. Olaf College. B.A. In English literature from the Univer- "I was positively impressed from the faculty. "Getting students to think about things sity of Massachusetts at Amherst and a M.A. very first day ... the faculty is so wonderful," Miller's career background includes she comments. As far as the students at working for TRW Incorporated, an aerospace in new ways-that's what appeals to me the in communication and rhetoric from WMC, Scott notes their eagerness to learn company, as well as conducting research with most about teaching," Madsen says of her Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, is currently and responsiveness in the classroom. the National Cancer Institute and working -job. Thus far, Madsen has found her students studying toward her Ph.D. in addition to The latest addition to the exercise sci- with the Department of Defense. Among to be highly interested in the material, and leaching courses here at WMC. ence department and the new director of the other things, Miller has been involved with most importantly, willing to work hard. Prell arrives at WMC having honed her human performance laboratory, Dr. Stephen the Apollo Space Program, nuclear waste dis- Dr. Gretchen Kreahling MCKay joins the skills at RPI, where she instructed and lec- McCole holds' a B.A. from Loch Haven posal projects, and Ballistic Missile Defense. art history-department after teaching-tor four tured
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